Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 336 Choose Psychic Storm or Kate?

"Go to hell! I'll send you to hell!" The people of the motherland, who were completely swallowed up by the anger, had completely lost their minds at this moment. No matter the law or morality, they could no longer restrain him.

Against the background of the wails and flames, the people of the motherland were like the supreme gods trampling on the world, slaughtering all living creatures in sight.

"Why didn't you help me just now? Where's your chest cannon that can seal super powers?" Billy rushed to the soldier boy and roared hysterically.

The doomsday scene in front of him deeply stimulated his heart.

What a terrifying thing it would be when an extremely powerful superhuman loses his restraints and ignores law and morality. This originally only existed in Billy's imagination, but now it has become a reality!

"Are you teaching me how to do things? I don't seem to have promised you to deal with the people of the motherland."

The soldier boy pushed Billy away and walked straight towards the villa.

"Damn beast! You are just as disgusting garbage as the people of the motherland!" On impulse, Billy cursed at the soldier boy.

"Say it again if you dare!" Anger surged on the soldier boy's face. He allowed himself to insult others, but he did not allow others to insult him.

I saw him turn around, and then pounce on Billy like a cheetah. He raised the shield in his hand high and slammed it into Billy's face. The huge explosive force instantly knocked Billy away, bang! Billy was smashed into a tree, and the hard bark was shattered like foam. As the entire trunk shook violently, countless leaves rustled down.

The people of the motherland who saw this scene from the air raised their lips and smiled brightly.

"Run away! Run away! The people of the motherland are fucking crazy!" Some reporters who survived by chance could no longer care about the shooting tasks assigned to them by their supervisors, and rushed out of the woods, in the shadow of death. Under the shadow of their parents, they hated their parents for giving them two legs.

"Hmph! I want to escape!"

How could the people of the motherland, who knew that they had caused a big disaster, let the reporters leave safely? Since it had already happened, it was better to put an end to it!

Under the eyesight of the motherland that far surpassed that of an eagle, the reporters who fled in a panic were killed one by one by lasers.

At this time, the villa had already become chaotic. Huey, who had regained his mobility, hurriedly rushed to the dynamite twins and said in a hurry: "Get out of here quickly, the people of the motherland want to kill us all!"

As he spoke, he took out the temporary No. 5 compound that had been prepared and plunged it directly into his left arm.

"Isn't it too late to leave now?" Unexpectedly, at this moment, the motherland man who had finished dealing with the miscellaneous fish suddenly fell from the sky. He stretched out his right hand, grabbed the neck of one of the dynamite twins, and then turned his head towards The other person looked and saw the terrifying red laser swiping past that person's neck.

In an instant, a head with a panicked expression and eyes filled with fear slid to the floor.

Click! The man from the motherland grinned and twisted the necks of the dynamite twins, then pulled them up with force, and he completely pulled out the steaming cervical vertebrae with muscle fibers hanging on them.

"Mysterious man, what do you think of the gift I prepared for my father?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Shang gradually appeared behind the people of his motherland.

"Not bad, he should be satisfied."

"Jervis! You actually defected to the motherland!"

When Huey saw Xia Shang's face, he was immediately trembling with anger. He originally thought that Jervis might be a neutral party, but he never expected that Jervis would choose to join his motherland.

"Don't say it so harshly, I just changed my partner." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"We won't let you go."

Just as the laser was about to penetrate Huey's head, Huey grabbed Breast's shoulders and disappeared instantly, leaving only a pile of scattered clothes on the floor.

"Why is Ryan here too?" After taking the breast milk to a safe place, Huey returned again, this time bringing back Ryan.

In the woods.

Two ferocious beasts are engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand fight!

But compared to the disgraced soldier boy, Billy, who was covered in bloodstains and gasping for air, looked much more embarrassed.

"It's been a long time since I've met an opponent as resistant as you." The soldier boy took advantage of his shield and kept teasing Billy. He tensed up all the muscles in his arms and then tried his best to swing the shield away. After the shield hit Billy and returned, he stretched out his hand to catch the shield.

"The situation is not good, retreat quickly." The naked Huey suddenly appeared next to Billy.

"That thing of yours is so small."

Soldier Boy looked at Huey's lower body and smiled sarcastically.

"Expose that thing of yours to show me how to show it." Huey said a harsh word that was not very lethal, and then took Billy out of the woods in an instant.

"It seems it's still a step too late."

At this moment, the motherland came out with two heads.

"It's you." The soldier boy did not look at the motherland, but at Xia Shang beside him.

"What follows is the touching scene of your father and son recognizing each other. As an outsider, I choose to avoid it." Xia Shang just wanted to see how much fantasy value this incident could add to him. As for resolving the conflict between him and the soldier boy, Sorry, he has no interest in that.

"See you tomorrow morning at the Water Tower."

Xia Shang smiled and disappeared into the surrounding environment, but the soldier boy could not see him at all.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, in a villa located in the suburbs of New York, Xia Shang was placing compound No. 5 on the coffee table. There were six tubes in total, divided into two rows, and arranged neatly.

"These should be enough."

Xia Shang stretched out his right hand towards the coffee table, and saw a small crack in his palm. Then, several slender tentacles of flesh and blood protruded from it, and then got into the mouth of the glass bottle containing No. 5 compound, and put Liquid was continuously transported into Xia Shang's body.

[The super chest cannon is being fused, and the current progress is 92%...94%...96%...]

As the blue liquid in several glass bottles slowly bottomed out, the fusion progress on the panel finally stopped at 99%.

It's a pity that it's still a little short, but this is also a normal situation. Seeing this, Xia Shang retracted his tentacles and closed the panel.

Even without the help of Compound No. 5, he was absolutely sure that he could push the fusion progress from 99% to 100% within half a day.

"It seems that we have already decided who to choose as the next fusion target." Xia Shang, who was sitting on the sofa, was a little hesitant. There are currently two candidates in front of him, one is the soul that can pull people into memories. Storm, and Kate who can modify cognition or manipulate the mind.

In terms of the upper limit of ability, the former is obviously better, because even the soldier boy is afraid of this super power. This is enough to show that the super power of psychic storm can affect almost all superhumans in the black robe world, including People of the motherland. (End of chapter)

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