Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 337 The pickets feel desperate and powerless

However, it is not easy to find him. Xia Shang vaguely remembers that in the original work, Billy and others relied on the key information revealed by the soldier boy to find the soul storm.

If he remembered correctly, Psychic Storm himself seemed to be suffering from a very serious mental illness and needed some kind of special medicine to stabilize his condition. Only the soldier boy had seen that special medicine and knew its name.

If you want to sell special medicines in the United States, you need very strict qualifications. It can even be said that it is easier to buy big M and B powder than special medicines.

And buyers also need to provide a real and valid address, as well as identity information.

So as long as you know what kind of disease Psionic Storm has or the name of the medicine he uses, you can easily find him.

As for Kate, although her superpowers are also very good, she has a clone of Xia Shang beside her, so there is no need to worry about her suddenly disappearing or dying suddenly.

But Psychic Storm is different. If the soldier boy finds him in advance, he might kill Psychic Storm on the spot. By then, he will have lost a psychic superpower, which Xia Shang cannot accept.

Which one is more important? After some thought, Xia Shang quickly made a decision.

Beep beep... At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the coffee table suddenly vibrated.

Without looking, Xia Shang knew it must be the call from the media.

"What's going on? Why did Jack and the others lose contact? And when my people arrived at the scene, the place was in ruins. I thought there were aliens attacking the United States.

The newspaper owner on the other end of the phone sounded very excited because his people found many broken arms at the scene with burn marks on them. Although the body of his own reporter was not found, reporters from other media were found in the woods. 's remains.

"Who knows? I'm only responsible for providing information, and I'm not responsible for the aftermath." Xia Shang hung up the phone.

"F*ck!" The newspaper owner on the other end of the phone was so angry that he cursed when he saw the phone was hung up. Countless filthy words spewed out of his mouth.

Of course, these Xia Shang could not hear it.

However, after this incident, it has become almost impossible to easily mobilize journalists.

Xia Shang picked up the phone and pressed the power off button.

Then he took out the spare phone from under the coffee table and called his contacts in the Watt Building. Although he was no longer the vice president of Watt Group, he could still mobilize some people to help him do some things.

"Help me find out about the psychic storm, the psychic storm in the Repayer Alliance forty years ago, and see if you can help me find out what kind of mental illness he suffers from.

Well, let me know immediately if you find it. "


"Ugh! Ugh!!"

In the basement not far from the Watt Building, there were sounds of vomiting. Starlight, who came after learning that the operation failed, stood at the door of the bathroom with a worried look on his face.

"Are they okay?" Xingguang looked at Breastmilk, who had a gloomy expression.

Mother's face was dark and her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was in debt for millions of dollars, and she looked very lethargic.

"I...I'm fine." Huey, whose face was completely pale from vomiting, held on to the wall and reluctantly walked out of the bathroom. But the next second, his legs gave out and he fell forward. Fortunately, Xingguang reacted in time and reached out to help him. Live Huey.

"Is this all right? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Xingguang asked with concern.

Huey shook his head slightly and pushed Starlight away to support his arm, "This is a side effect of the temporary No. 5 compound. It will be fine after a while. I just need to rest."

"Are you sure?" Starlight looked at Huey's right ear and said with some surprise: "There seems to be some kind of viscous liquid flowing out of your ear. Could it be your brain?"

Unexpectedly, Huey looked indifferent, picked his ears casually, walked to the living room, and sat down on the sofa.

Looking at Huey who was extremely depressed, Starlight asked in surprise: "Warda? What have you experienced? Even if the operation fails, it won't be like this, right?"

"Soldier boy attacked Billy, Jervis chose to cooperate with the motherland, it's over, everything is over." Huey closed his eyes in pain, he could not suppress the pain in his heart, and the huge despair and frustration suddenly overwhelmed him Completely crushed to death, he could only close his eyes now and try to escape reality.

"how come……"

After Xingguang heard this, he stood there blankly, wondering how the situation, which was obviously good, could suddenly take such an astonishing turn.

"You don't want to admit defeat, do you?" Her eyes swept over the breast milk and Huey's face.

Breast milk was silent and did not speak.

To be honest, when things have developed like this, even he feels deep despair and powerlessness. The three most powerful superhumans are walking together, as if the ending of the story has been settled.

"Who said we gave up?" Billy endured the discomfort and strode out of the bathroom, then came to the refrigerator and took a swig of beer. The liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth to his neck.

"Ouch!" However, before Billy could finish the drink, he suddenly bent over and spit out all the wine he had just drank on the ground.

Huey opened his eyes suddenly and came to Billy like a crazy mental patient.

He shook Billy's shoulders violently, looked at Billy with bloodshot eyes and asked: "Do you think we still have a chance to win? Do you think we can make a comeback now? We're done. It’s completely over…”

Huey's eyes were filled with tears, and he dropped his hands feebly as he spoke.

"We can't win. If we can't win, we have already lost. We have lost completely."

"I don't know what you have been through, but I can see that you are in a very bad state now." Frankie's voice suddenly came from the basement stairs.

Billy looked in the direction of the sound, and he saw Frankie holding Kimiko's hand and walking into the basement.

"Congratulations on having a reliable superhuman helper."

"Did you inject her with compound No. 5?"

Billy asked.

"Although I have been hesitant, after all, I hope to live a quiet and ordinary life with Kimiko, but when I heard the news that your mission failed, I found that I still couldn't let go of the past, so Kimiko came with me."

The appearance of Frankie and Kimiko improved the mood of everyone present.

"Welcome back." Huey hugged Frankie, but was pushed away by Frankie who looked disgusted.

"Is it necessary to make things so sentimental? Besides, you smell so bad, and what's that in your ears? Brains?"

"Fuck you, uncle." (End of chapter)

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