In any case, the return of Frankie and Kimiko finally made the dull and depressing atmosphere in the basement a little more relaxed.

"Billy, what are your plans next? Or are you going to follow the original plan and look for Psychic Storm?" Huey came to the coffee table and wiped his ears with the tissue on it.

"Psychic Storm is no longer useful."

Billy threw away the empty can of beer in his hand, and then took out a brand new, unopened pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He pulled off the outer plastic film, then tore a small opening on it, and then took out the cigarettes. He smashed the box into his palm, took out a cigarette, and held it in his mouth:

"I originally wanted to use the soldier boy's eagerness for revenge to help him find the Scarlet Baroness and the Dynamite Twins, and use this to win his trust and favor, so that he could cooperate with us to deal with the motherland and Jer. Weiss.

But now that he has a better choice, he will definitely not choose to continue to cooperate with us. In this case, even if we find the psychic storm, it will be meaningless. "

He clicked the lighter, looked at the swaying flames above, and continued in a deep voice: "It seems that we have been forced into a corner, but it is not impossible to make a comeback."

"A comeback? What comeback? Even if Kimiko, Starlight, and even other superhumans are added, they probably won't be able to deal with the Motherland and the others."

Huey asked, frowning in confusion.

Billy did not answer, but remained silent for a few seconds. He lit the cigarette with a lighter and took a deep breath, as if only nicotine could keep his brain absolutely awake at this moment.

Huh... He blew out a puff of rich smoke. In just a few breaths, the cigarette between his fingers was completely burned, leaving only a burnt cigarette butt sandwiched between his fingers.

"We haven't lost yet, everything has just begun..."

"Brother, are you mistaken? It's already this time. Can't you finish what you have to say in one breath?" Billy hesitated, making Huey beside him extremely anxious.

"The people of the motherland need to bear the consequences of his loss of control." Billy flicked the cigarette butt out and watched it roll to the ground, scattering several sparks.

"I want him to be completely discredited."

"Are you planning to manipulate public opinion? To maximize the impact of this matter?" Huey seemed to understand what Billy meant, but he still felt that it was not feasible, because it was not like they had never tried this method before, so they could not say that it had any effect. No, it can only be said that it has little effect. After all, Walter can easily resolve every public opinion turmoil. Although this time it is more serious, the result must be no exception.

"The Watt Group has an interest relationship with those media. Just our voice on the Internet may not have much effect. It is estimated that it will be like before, with loud thunder and light rain."

"But this time is different. I don't believe that the motherland can kill all the superhumans present. As long as we can find the surviving superhumans and join forces with the families of the deceased, we will definitely bring a heavy blow to the motherland and Vought Company. Strike." Before Huey could reveal the loopholes in the plan, Billy spoke again:

"Of course, according to the past style of Watt Company, they will definitely shirk responsibility, and there is a high probability that the responsibility will be put on us, but you must know that the corpses at the scene must have traces of thermal vision sweeps. That is impossible Obliterate the fact, unless the people of the motherland are willing to expose the existence of Provisional No. 5 Compound and say that I shot those people with lasers.

But will ordinary people believe it? It is undoubtedly a joke that something extremely important and dangerous would fall into the hands of a criminal. "

Billy was smoking cigarettes one by one, and the unpleasant smell of smoke soon spread to the entire basement, but Huey and the others didn't care.

"So you want to use this method to bring down the Walt Group and the people of the motherland?" Huey sat down on the sofa. Although it seemed that Billy's plan was perfect, he always felt that something was not right, until he I caught a glimpse of Ryan beside me with my peripheral vision, and figured out the key to the problem.

"Even if the plan succeeds, the people of the motherland will at best become mice that everyone shouts to beat. We still can't kill him, let alone there is a soldier boy beside him."

Billy smiled after hearing this, of course his plan couldn't be just this.

"Suppose I ask Ryan to come forward and shoot the video, and say that he was threatened by the soldier boy and had to kill those people with laser eyes. Guess what the people of the motherland will do in order to maintain their popularity and the so-called heroic aura. ?”

"At the strong request of people across the United States, we took action against Soldier Boy and even killed Soldier Boy." Huey said slowly with a shocked expression.

"In this case, there will no longer be any possibility for the two of them to cooperate, and the former father and son will become real enemies." A grin appeared on the corner of Billy's mouth. Since he can't get the soldier boy, then the people of the motherland can't get it either. .


Early the next morning, in the Watt Building, the proud natives were leading the soldier boys to visit their territory and constantly showing off their achievements.

"Don't worry, I only need to work a little bit to clean you up. Then you can rejoin Walter." The motherland man stopped in front of the conference room because he saw Ed standing at the door. add.

Edgar glanced at the soldier boy next to the motherland, then turned around and walked into the conference room with a cold face.

Why did he come here?

The smile on the motherland's face froze, and then he followed in.

"Taking Watt away from me is the worst decision you have ever made in your life, because the Watt Group will be destroyed by you!" Edgar waved his hand and threw the newspaper in his hand at the face of the motherland.

"Although there are some minor problems with Walter's financial situation, it is not to the extent that it will destroy Walter."

The motherland man grabbed one of the newspapers and read it, but the bold red font on it stung his eyes like a sharp knife.

【Ridiculous superhero! A shameless scum hiding under the shiny skin! 】

【Murderous monster! People of the motherland! 】

[The horrific tragedy happened in Vermont! 】

Every word made the motherland's pupils shrink suddenly, and there was no trace of smile on his face anymore, replaced by nervousness and fear.

He bent down and picked up every newspaper on the floor, each with a different headline.

【Crazy! Is he the only one who deserves to be an American hero? ! 】

[A tragedy in which at least thirty people died, inhumane people of the motherland! 】

...Without exception, all newspapers almost overwhelmingly blamed the people of the motherland! At the same time, a group of demonstrators gathered under the Watt Building, and the number was getting larger and larger. The crowd was overwhelming and the momentum was extremely powerful. (End of chapter)

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