Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 339 Reversing the truth of the matter

"They... how dare they!" The motherland man looked at the newspaper in his hand, his whole face distorted with anger, like a majestic lion being provoked, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Because you killed the reporter they sent over, you idiot!"

Edgar was so angry that the muscles in his face were trembling. You know, even anti-government organizations in some war-torn countries and regions do not dare to attack reporters easily. After all, the media has the majority of the voice in the world. They can Making a person famous for eternity can also make a person infamous for eternity.

The actions of the people of the motherland can be said to have touched their true antagonism. If things continue to develop like this, it will not only be destroyed by the people of the motherland, but even the entire Vought Group will be buried with the people of the motherland.

"Look what stupid things you have done! Are you planning to let me wipe your ass all your life? Fake Squid!" Edgar rarely loses control of his emotions, but today he had anger written on his face superior! He didn't expect that the people of the motherland would be so stupid that they would even dare to kill reporters.

Edgar walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the dense mess downstairs of the Walter Building. His mood was extremely bad.

"You don't really think you can cover the sky with just one hand, do you?" With a livid face, he turned his head to look at the people of his motherland.

"Then... what should we do now?" Only now did the motherland understand the seriousness of the problem. To put it bluntly, he did not realize that his accidental indulgence would lead to such serious consequences.

The thought that he might lose his past glory and go from a respected superhero to a despised murderer is like going from a billionaire to living on the street with no money. Wen's beggar, a native of the country, was as nervous as a fully-stretched bowstring. If he hadn't been physically strong enough, his forehead might have been covered with beads of sweat at this time.

"Mr. Edgar, Jervis is here." A tired-looking Ashley walked into the conference room with Xia Shang, then turned and left with Edgar's nod.

"Soldier boy, this is our internal meeting at Walter, and I don't want outsiders to be present."

Edgar sat on the first chair at the front of the conference table. After the soldier boy left, he gave Xia Shang a meaningful look, pointed to the seats next to him, and said, "Everyone, sit down."

After seeing both of them seated, Edgar put on his gold-rimmed glasses and placed his hands on the table with his fingers crossed.

"How to solve it? Tell us your own ideas."

The people from the motherland were the first to say: "Just say that Billy and the others did it. Anyway, the media have no substantive evidence."

He did not believe that those reporters would risk their lives and record videos or take photos when they were running for their lives. As long as the scene was not photographed, it would not be possible to prove that the person was killed.

After hearing this, Xia Shang raised the corner of his mouth subtly. I have to say that this logic is indeed very Chinese.

"Do you think the police and the people in the parahuman agency are all blind? Will they not be able to recognize the traces caused by laser eyes? This alone is enough reason to send you to the federal court." To be honest, if not The situation is serious and may affect the survival of the Walter Group. Edgar really doesn't want to come forward to help the people of the motherland wipe their butts.

"Billy got the temporary No. 5 compound from somewhere. After the injection, he had the same laser eyes as me. I think..."

Before the motherland man could finish his words, Edgar interrupted him with his eyes.

"Where's the proof? Where's the proof that Billy has Cyclops? Don't you think it's ridiculous that you want to convince people all over the United States with just your mouth? Besides, Provisional Compound No. 5 has never been made public. Are you planning to reveal it? Vought’s top secret?”

Regarding the naivety of the people of his motherland, Edgar's mood at this moment was no longer enough to hate iron, but to be completely numb.

He turned his gaze and looked at Xia Shang.

"Tell me what you think."

In the empty conference room, Xia Shang, sitting next to Edgar's right hand, smiled and said calmly: "Everything happens for a reason. If you want to resolve this public opinion, you must first make up a reasonable and justifiable reason. If If I remember correctly, it happened in Vermont, where the annual Superhuman

The first point... gathering people for lewdness, there may be minors they illegally imprisoned inside. "

Xia Shang took the word "possible" very seriously.

"The motherland rescued those girls, and we can 'find' them and ask them to stand up and testify for the motherland."

"Girl? Where did the girl come from?" the native asked in confusion.

"From now on, please shut up, can you do that?"

Edgar rapped his knuckles on the table and motioned for Xia Shang to continue.

"The second point is to gather people to poison. Although I have never been there, there should be residual D-grades there.

The third point is that Soldier Boy, as the founder of the event, also participated in the event and took Ryan with him. The purpose of the Motherland people going to Vermont was to hunt down Soldier Boy, so of course, the two happened. There was a fierce battle, which affected many people. The people of the motherland tried to control themselves not to hurt innocent people, but they were beaten back steadily.

Even his own son shot at him with laser eyes. In desperation, the people of the motherland were forced to fight back. Then the situation reversed. Soldier Boy and Ryan killed the reporters on their way to escape and tried to pass the dirty water to them. Pour it on the people of the motherland.

It is conceivable that the soldier boy who betrayed the United States and threw himself into the arms of Russia must have committed such a heinous crime. He is the most powerful super criminal in history and Walt's lifelong enemy. "

Xia Shang's voice was like a devil's whisper, easily turning the truth of the matter upside down.

"Very good, very good." Edgar showed a satisfied smile. He was indeed right. Jervis was the same type of person as him. Unfortunately, people like him had great ambitions and could not be used by him. Unless some special means are used... He thought of a female student at Godokin University. Her superpowers were rare and very useful.

"Just do what Jervis said. I'll ask Ashley to arrange a press conference for you right away. Remember, this is your only chance. If you screw up again, no one can save you. Sometimes , you should really learn from Jervis and abandon the pitiful and pathetic illusions in your heart. To the soldier boy, you are just a copy of him. To Ryan, you are just his mother-killing enemy. I hope you understand what to choose."

Edgar stood up and looked into the eyes of his motherland, "You must know how to cherish the hard-won things." (End of Chapter)

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