Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 340 Falling into memories, Xia Shang in the hospital bed

"Do you want me to ask Starlight and the others to help you?"

“It’s not necessary.

The eyes of the motherland suddenly glowed red, and something seemed to be burning in the depths of the pupils, which seemed to be pain or anger.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand his mood at this moment. He has obviously found the soldier boy, and he may also be able to taste the luxurious relationship between father and son, but all of this is about to be destroyed by his own hands.

The motherland who was caught in struggle and hesitation suddenly heard in his mind what the mirror image once said to him, "You have to treat human nature like a cancer cell and remove it. Only in this way can you become perfect, pure, like crystal clear crystal." General, without flaws, impeccable.”

The next second.

Amid the horrified screams of the demonstrators, the motherland held the soldier boy's waist and rushed out of the Watt Building like a cannonball, while the shattered glass scattered downwards like scattered fireworks.

"What's going on? Who is the motherland holding?"

The reporters present kept pressing the shutter on the fast-flying motherland.

However, due to the flying speed of the motherland, he quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" A hot red light emitted from the soldier boy's chest, and an extremely dangerous breath burst out. At this time, the motherland felt that they were not holding a soldier boy, but a volcano that was about to erupt.

He glanced down and saw that there was a beach park below him. It might be because of the weekend, so there were many people, and many people noticed them.

"Oh my god, I see people from my motherland."

"How did he fly to us?"

Some ardent fans of the motherland excitedly raised their hands, trying to attract the attention of the motherland, while others looked worried because they had seen the news and were worried that the people of the motherland were coming to kill them.

"You actually want to kill me!"

Sensing the danger, the people of the motherland let go of their hands with palpitations and said in disbelief.

Fortunately, he was already above the sea level. The flightless soldier boy fell straight down like a meteorite.

Then, at the moment it touched the sea, it exploded with a dazzling red light, like an exploding nuclear bomb, releasing high temperatures that could burn everything. Along with the rise of a mushroom cloud of steam, the surging waves enveloped it. The heat wave swept towards the shore.

"Gift crab!" After being temporarily blinded, the people on the beach looked at the mushroom cloud on the sea level in shock.

"He saved us." A man holding a mobile phone said absently.

But then he started shouting.

"God, it was the people of the motherland who saved us!"

"People of the motherland!"

"People of the motherland!!"

"People of the motherland!!!"

Thousands of tourists shouted excitedly, and some even took off their beach shorts and waved vigorously at the motherland in the sky.

The motherland man who was about to fly away was stunned for a moment after seeing this, and then the corners of his mouth raised. He landed in front of a child, leaned down and said with concern: "I didn't scare you, it was really dangerous just now. I’m really sorry for frightening you.”

In an instant, there was a burst of fierce applause like thunder, which did not subside for a long time.

"Well done! I knew you were the patron saint of America. I don't believe those bullshit news!"

As the saying goes, people only believe what they see. The actions of the motherland seemed to attract the favor of everyone present.

"Yes, those damn news only fabricate facts. They are simply a cancer in the United States."

Seeing the group of people cheering and applauding him in front of him, the original gloomy mood of the motherland was instantly swept away. He seemed to have found the meaning of life, smiled brighter and brighter, and took friendly photos with everyone.


"Boss, I have found out that Psionic Storm suffered from severe bipolar disorder or delusional disorder and needed to take a prescription lithium tablet.

This kind of medicine is not common, and I also found that Psychic Storm has bought many cabins all over the country. I excluded some areas that are far away from pharmacies that sell prescription medicine. Because his disease requires continuous medication, he It's impossible to be too far from a pharmacy.

After elimination, there are still six places where he is most likely to appear. I will send you the locations now. "

After leaving Walter, Xia Shang received a call from Metzmer, the mind-reading superhuman who was kicked out of the house by Walter before. This guy has become the deputy director of the human resources department. His authority is not low, and he has paid back Except for the soldier boy, the confidentiality level of several other members of the Alliance is not high.


Afterwards, Xia Shang checked the addresses one by one according to the addresses displayed on his mobile phone.

There was nothing gained at first, and no superhuman presence was detected within the range of the radio wave induction.

"The fourth one." Xia Shang came to the sky above a forest in the suburbs and relied on supersonic flight to float in the air. He looked down, but unexpectedly discovered many traps and a white light that lit up on his radio radar. point.

Most of the traps are trip mines, connected to a silk thread that is almost invisible to the naked eye. It can be easily triggered if you are not careful.

"finally found you."

In order to prevent the opponent's superpower from being triggered, Xia Shang appeared silently behind the psychic storm, just the moment he used analysis.

Soul Storm suddenly turned his head and looked into Xia Shang's eyes!


Before Xia Shang could react, the environment around his body changed drastically.

In a small bright ward, lying on the hospital bed, Xia Shang suddenly opened his eyes, "How on earth did this guy find me?"

He pulled off the blue and white sheets covering his body, then looked at the ticking metal instruments next to the bedside table and frowned. It was obvious that he had fallen into his own memories. To be precise, it should be a nightmare. Could it be that in addition to the superpower of pulling people into dreams, Psychic Storm has other superpowers?

"Why? Why did I have to get into that damn car accident?"

The sudden sound of resentment caught Xia Shang's attention. He followed the sound and saw himself lying on another hospital bed.

At this time, the Marvel movie Apocalypse was playing on the TV, and the plot had already progressed to the second half. Jean Grey, Quicksilver and others joined forces to fight against Apocalypse. At first, they were completely crushed by Apocalypse, even the fastest Kuaishou. Silver, both had their calves broken.

"It's time to change the medicine." The nurse opened the door and, under Xia Shang's gaze, changed the medicine bottle for her former self.

"How long can I live? I can no longer feel the presence of my hands."

Xia Shang, who looked pale, said extremely calmly at this moment. (End of chapter)

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