Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 341 [Talent Skill: Memory Storm]

"According to regulations, I cannot disclose any information about the patient. After all, I don't want to be fired from the hospital unless..."

The nurse looked at Xia Shang on the bed, hesitated for a few seconds and said: "You are willing to keep a secret for me. I am doing this to help you and your family, but I can't lose my job just to help you. I hope you understand. .

The moment he heard these words, Xia Shang realized that the mental storm was tampering with his memories, because he remembered clearly that the nurse had never said the following words to him.

If it were an ordinary person with vague memories of the past, it might be difficult to distinguish between true and false in a short period of time.

But Xia Shang is not an ordinary person. After experiencing the integration and strengthening of multiple worlds, his memory has long been far beyond ordinary people.

It can even be said that he can read through his own memory like a book. Unless the other party's mental power or psychic ability is ridiculously strong, it is almost impossible to tamper with his memory without him noticing.

"I swear to keep it secret for you. No matter what you say next, I will not reveal a word to the outside world."

Xia Shang in his memory promised with all his heart.

"Are you sure?" The nurse frowned in confusion.

"Shut the hell up!" Xia Shang, who was standing aside, stretched out his hand to pinch the nurse's neck without hesitation. However, his right hand passed directly through the other person's body, as if he had touched a mirage. phantom, and the person in the memory seems to be unable to see his existence.

"Can't I interfere with my own memories? Even I am no exception."

Xia Shang was a little surprised by this. It seemed that the super power of Mind Storm was stronger than he thought.

"I am sure."

Xia Shang, who was on the hospital bed, nodded with firm eyes. Instead of facing the endless torture of waiting for death, it would be better to give him an accurate answer or death date.

"Well, because your brain, spinal cord and surrounding important nerves are damaged, you will gradually lose feeling in your limbs until this feeling spreads throughout your body. Medically, we call this unresponsive arousal syndrome, commonly known as vegetative state.

Your consciousness may remain awake, but your body will become stiff, atrophied, and out of control like a plant.

By that time, your annual treatment costs will be astronomical, and ordinary families cannot afford it, and even wealthy families will be dragged down. "

The nurse shook her head and walked out of the ward.

After learning the bad news, Xia Shang's eyes were numb and he stared straight at the ceiling. Perhaps for him, staying awake and waiting for death was far more terrifying than dying directly.

"Psychic Storm wants to use this method to lure me in my memories to commit suicide. In this case, once I wake up, the two memories will overlap each other, and the modified memory will replace the original memory." Shang probably understood the method of psychic storm.

Assuming that this memory is repeated repeatedly, even if it is false, as long as it happens enough times, it may actually overwrite his original memory.

By then, even if he shatters his memories and returns to reality, he will probably become a madman or commit suicide due to cognitive disorder.

"It's a really good super power, but it's a pity that the time is too short." Xia Shang walked to the hospital bed and patted his own shoulder. The real touch made the corners of his mouth rise slightly.

Thinking about it, Psychic Storm's super power can only affect Soldier Boy for one to two minutes at most, not to mention that his strength has surpassed Soldier Boy.

However, for ordinary people, especially ordinary people with severe psychological trauma, and some weak superhumans, this superpower is really a bit unexplainable.

Xia Shang closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them. In an instant, two terrifying purple lasers shot out from his eyes, boom! The laser pierced the wall and blew off the head of the nurse in the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly rose into the air and used lasers to destroy everything around him. He cut the entire hospital into a pile of ruins with a false wailing sound.

In reality, Xia Shang, who was lying on the soil, suddenly opened his eyes, raised his right arm, and summoned two tentacles to pierce the eyes of the spiritual storm.

He was digging a hole, preparing to bury Xia Shang's mind in a storm. Without any precaution, his eyes were directly stabbed by Xia Shang.

"Ah!" The intense pain caused Soul Storm to cover his bleeding eyes and keep letting out heart-rending screams.

"Shut up."

Xia Shang felt very unhappy after being tricked. If the analysis hadn't been completed yet, otherwise, what the tentacles had pierced was not the eyes of the mind storm, but his heart.

Invisible tentacles tied the spiritual storm into a rice dumpling, making him unable to make a sound anymore.

After waiting for less than five minutes, the panel finally popped up a pop-up window indicating that the analysis was completed.

[Analysis successful]

[Talent skill: Mind peeping]

[Fusion conditions: Let the emotions of the mind storm produce huge fluctuations]

[After fusion, the player can spy on what others are thinking within a range of twenty meters. However, it should be noted that the player cannot specify to spy on someone's thoughts, and once the ability is fused, the ability will remain in use. Unable to close]

Now Xia Shang finally understood why he had been tricked. It is estimated that as soon as he appeared behind the mind storm, the mind storm sensed his existence through mind prying, so the mind storm suddenly turned to look at him.

"A super power that is not even considered useless." Xia Shang looked at the panel floating in front of him. The introduction about psychic spying on it made him couldn't help but shake his head.

Although there are some merits, the side effects are too great, and it even reminds him of Professor X in the mutants. In the early days, Professor be relieved.

And the psychic storm at this moment is also a good example. No wonder he would hide in the deep mountains and forests, probably just to avoid the crowd.

In addition, Xia Shang also suspected that mental storm paranoia and bipolar disorder were also related to this super power.

To put it bluntly, the superpower of psychic spying is more of a curse than a superpower.

"Forget it, the next super power is the highlight." Xia Shang didn't have any nostalgia for psychic prying and looked directly at the next talent skill.

[Talent Skill: Memory Storm]

Just looking at the name made Xia Shang's eyes light up.

After all, he has just experienced the power of this ability personally. Although it is not obvious to people with strong strength and willpower, you must know that as long as you are human, you have weaknesses, especially for those who have painful memories, the role of this ability will be more significant.

For example, Magneto, who witnessed his daughter being killed, would probably not be willing to break free for a while if he was pulled into his memories. (End of chapter)

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