Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 342 The experiment is over and the memory is overwritten

Xia Shang continued to look down.

[Fusion condition: Completely kill the mind storm]

[After fusion, when using this ability, the player needs to look into the target's eyes to pull the person into the past memory, making them unable to extricate themselves and die of dehydration. At the same time, the player can also tamper with the target's memory to achieve the purpose of brainwashing, but When tampering with other people's memories, it will destroy the balance of memories. The smaller the degree of tampering, the harder it is to break the balance.

At the same time, the duration of this ability is related to the target's mental strength and physical strength. If the target's mental and physical strength are too strong, the player will not be able to affect the opponent, or the time of influence will be extremely limited.

In addition, if the real body of the target being pulled into the memory is strongly stimulated by the outside world, it may also affect the balance of the memory.

The strength of this ability will depend on the player's mental power or psychic ability, and there is no upper limit]

"There is no upper limit!" After reading the ability introduction on the panel, Xia Shang was delighted. The lack of upper limit meant that the potential of this ability was beyond his imagination.

Originally, Xia Shang thought that Memory Storm must have an upper limit, and that it could only be used in a world of two to three stars at most. It might soon be eliminated by stronger abilities, but the introduction to the panel in front of him revealed to him A huge surprise. Although this ability has many limitations, compared to psychic spying, it is completely the same as heaven and earth. There is no comparison at all.

Moreover, this ability can be improved as he becomes stronger. Of course, the premise is that he must integrate innate skills related to mental or psychic abilities. But now he has a very suitable target, and that is the golden boy's girlfriend. Kate.

As long as the opponent's super power is fused, it can definitely enhance his mental power. If nothing else, as long as he can double the control time, Xia Shang will be satisfied. After all, in a battle, victory or defeat can be decided in one second.

"Fusion." Xia Shang stretched out his right hand and shook his five fingers at the soul storm.

The next second, the invisible flesh and blood tentacles suddenly tightened like a python, and the huge winding force instantly broke countless bones of the mind storm. In the end, the blood stained the tentacles red, and the mind storm also suffocated due to chest collapse, throat rupture, and so on. And died.

"I've finally put an end to your pain." Xia Shang put the body of Soul Storm into the large pit he dug himself, and then covered it with a thick layer of soil.

[Memory Storm is merging, the current progress is 2%]

Xia Shang looked at the panel again, and the super power fusion progress was indeed displayed on it. Seeing that the power fusion was successful, he planned to find someone to experiment.


Back to Manhattan, New York.

Xia Shang, who had changed his appearance, was walking on the roadside street when he saw a couple with ambiguous movements walking towards him. Both of them were black and both were men.

"Look at me." Xia Shang blocked their way and said to one of them.

"What? Do you want to make yourself miserable?" The stronger black man froze in place as soon as he opened his mouth. His eyes seemed to have lost their luster and slowly closed.


The much smaller black man next to the strong man poked Siegel in his mouth with his elbow, but Siegel not only did not respond, but even fell down. Fortunately, he was held up by the black man on the side in time. That's why he didn't fall to the ground.

"What did you do to him?"

Faced with the black man's question, Xia Shang did not respond, but frowned slightly thoughtfully.

He found that he could not peek into the other person's memory, nor could he appear in the other person's memories.

"Forget the companions beside you, forget your own skin color." Xia Shang gave an instruction in his heart.

"Damn it! Call an ambulance! He hurt my friend." The thinner black man pointed at Xia Shang and shouted, quickly attracting a crowd of spectators.

"I just saw clearly that your friend fainted without this gentleman even moving his hands. Are you slandering others? Hehe, you dare to blackmail people on the street. You must be crazy because of your poverty." A fat, middle-aged white man wearing a men's vest sneered unceremoniously.

His words reminded Xia Shang of a classic hell joke. Please choose a guy eating chocolate from the following pictures. A: A white man with tattered clothes and a depressed expression. B: Wearing a white T-shirt and in a very good state of mind. Okay black people, C: White kids with chocolate in their hands and chocolate in their mouths.

"He..." The black man originally wanted to say that Xia Shang glanced at his companion and his companion fell unconscious, but he really couldn't say this because even he felt that it was extremely nonsense.

"Okay, let's all disperse. I think this guy fainted on his own. You can get him some washing powder. Maybe he can wake up on his own."

The middle-aged white man is still exporting. It can be seen that he must be an extreme racist.

"Damn it!" The thin, monkey-like black man, under the contempt of the people around him, took out a plastic bag containing white powder, then skillfully poured some on his fingertips, and then wiped it on the strong black man's nose.

Not to mention, the effect was surprisingly good. The strong black man slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw the black man next to him, he pushed him away with a look of disgust.

"Who the hell are you? Don't touch me." The strong black man cursed and squeezed out of the crowd without looking back.

His friend was left alone in the crowd, looking confused.

"Are you kidding?!" The little black man pushed away the crowd angrily, came behind Siegel, and put his hand on his shoulder, "Why didn't you speak so forcefully when you begged me last night? Are you planning to turn your back on me now?"


There was too much information in just two sentences, and the surrounding melon-eating crowd suddenly let out an ooh, and those who originally wanted to leave also stopped. Looking at the posture, they wanted to hold a bucket of popcorn and watch the show while eating.

"I..." The black man named Siegel blinked in a daze, as if the other person's words had awakened his memory again.

"What? You want to pretend to have amnesia with me? Tell me honestly if there is someone else outside."


The sound of wowing echoed around me again, like the croaking of frogs in a pond.

"My head hurts a little, it seems like I had a nightmare." The strong man covered his head, struggle flashed in his eyes, "I remember you, damn, how could I have such a disgusting dream."

Seeing this, Xia Shang, who was observing from the side, shook his head slightly. It seems that the 2% fusion progress cannot brainwash an ordinary person.

Moreover, the memory coverage is not complete enough, and there is a possibility of being awakened.

After the experiment was over, Xia Shang returned to his villa and once again took out the black suitcase placed under the coffee table. There were only two of the No. 5 compounds left in it, and it seemed that they needed to be replenished as soon as possible. (End of chapter)

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