Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 343 Amazing reversal, Huey was slapped in the face

The time came to ten o'clock in the evening, and under the bombardment of various media, the stock price of Walter International, as Edgar expected, plummeted, and it was dazzlingly red.

"Walter is going to be finished." Remarks like this frequently appear in everyone's sight.

Although it is already ten o'clock at night, Manhattan, New York, is still a scene of lights and feasting, and the neon lights on various streets are constantly flashing and dazzling.

"Power needs to be restrained and limited, and the same goes for superheroes." On the monitors hung on the surrounding skyscrapers, economists, news tycoons, popular celebrities, or newscasters appeared one after another, and they expressed their views on The case of the massacre of the motherland was discussed loudly, and everyone expressed their own opinions.

"As we all know, the super industry is the main business of Watt Group. They have almost monopolized the industry in a dominant manner. Others cannot touch it at all, and there are no corresponding competitors. Therefore, in recent years, Watt Group The group's behavior has become increasingly arrogant, but due to the particularity of its industry, Walter International's stock price has continued to skyrocket with the support of many investors. I have always maintained a pessimistic attitude towards it.

Because superheroes are also human beings and are uncontrollable. Once a superhero's reputation has problems, it will affect the entire group, especially for some core superheroes in the Walt Group. It can be said that they are the ones who have achieved success. Walt, but the truth often has two sides. Since they can succeed Walt, they will naturally destroy Walt.

The Motherland Incident confirmed my suspicion. In just one day, Walter International’s stock price nearly halved. While the stock price was about to collapse, Wall Street was also wailing. If it continues to plummet according to this trend, I am afraid it will usher in a new era. There is a wave of bankruptcies, so I would like to advise everyone here again to be cautious when investing. Please keep your eyes open and choose some excellent companies with good assets and sufficient stability.

Here, I can recommend American business to everyone..."

"Another advertiser." Starlight, who was wearing casual clothes in Times Square, curled her lips in disdain.

"I didn't expect you to agree to go shopping with me."

Huey was happy to hear the comments that spoke ill of the Vought Group. He wished that the Vought Group would collapse soon so that he could be relieved as soon as possible.

"Is Walter still planning to stand still?" Huey asked Starlight.

Starlight looked at a huge screen not far away and shook his head: "I don't know, there is nothing happening at the moment anyway, but this morning, Edgar and Jervis came to the company, and they should be discussing how to solve this crisis. "

The evening news was playing on the screen, and the host was Thomson, a household name.

"Urgent interruption of a text message. The case of the Motherland may be about to turn around. Currently, many girls have come forward to accuse the Dynamite Twins. According to them, the superhumans who died deserved it. Those superhumans kidnapped them, Forcing them to participate in rioting, led by the Dynamite Twins and founder Soldier Boy."

"Warda?" Huey opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief.

Only Starlight understands that Walter's counterattack has begun!

"What's going on? Is there something hidden in it?"

"I just said that the people of the motherland will definitely not kill them for no reason."

"Don't worry, keep reading."

Times Square suddenly became noisy and filled with all kinds of discussions.

"After police investigation and reports from unnamed insiders, the girls' accusations are basically true. The place where the crime occurred in Vermont is indeed holding an annual superhuman carnival. It is inappropriate to call it a carnival. To be precise, it was a disgusting and chaotic party full of pornography, pornography, violence, and those girls were the victims of the party. According to the victim's description, it was the people of the motherland who came forward to save them.

And loudly scolded the superhumans participating in the event, but at this moment, the Dynamite Twins and Soldier Boy actually attacked the people of the motherland in order to continue the event.

Of course, this is only the side story of the girls, but just now, several survivors who participated in the event came forward to confirm the girls' statement. They have been arrested by the Bureau of Superhuman Affairs in accordance with the law, and what awaits them will be jail time. . "

"Is this even allowed?!" Huey was dumbfounded. He was also present at that time. Where did the girl in the villa come from?

If those girls with hot bodies can be considered girls, then he is simply an innocent C-boy who doesn't care about worldly matters.

"Perjury, this is definitely perjury made up by Walter!" Huey jumped angrily. The appearance of those girls was definitely related to Walter. If it didn't matter, he would be willing to crash to the ground.

"Did you see it? This is Walter. He can easily turn things upside down."

Starlight has long been accustomed to this, and it is undoubtedly a fantasy to try to crush the Watt Group through public opinion.

"Even if those girls can prove that the motherland saved them, so what, there are so many corpses at the scene, and there are traces of laser eyes on them. These are irrefutable evidence that the motherland killed people. I don't believe that Walt can still defend himself. .”

Unexpectedly, the host's words hit Huey hard in the face.

"While protecting the girl, the motherland people were almost injured, and finally had to fight back. Since the soldier boy was defeated by the motherland people, he instigated and threatened Lane to attack the motherland people. The traces left at the scene were probably caused by Lane, and During this period, Billy, who had been wanted by Walt for a long time, suddenly appeared and took Lane away. In the end, the soldier boy was captured by the motherland and imprisoned in a steel cell in the Walt Building.

But just this morning, Soldier Boy suddenly escaped from prison. After being discovered by the Motherland, in order not to hurt the thousands of employees working in the building, the Motherland took Soldier Boy and rushed out of the Watt Building regardless of their own safety, and headed toward Flying across the Atlantic Ocean, there were many witnesses to the process, and it was true..."

Huey simply couldn't bear to listen, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Damn it, that guy Billy guessed it right. Walter will really put all the blame on Soldier Boy and Ryan."

On the other side, Edgar stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the Watt Building, overlooking Manhattan below, his face expressionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the same time, three videos suddenly went viral on the Internet. One showed the scene when the Motherland rushed out of the Water Building with the soldier boy, and the other showed Ryan facing the camera and admitting that he used the laser under the coercion of the soldier boy. Eyes, killing those people, and a scene of Soldier Boy exploding, with the force reaching the beach. (End of chapter)

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