Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 344 Press Conference, the upright people of the motherland

The three videos spread like viruses on the Internet. In less than a week, the previous negative comments about Walter disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed.

In a villa on the outskirts of New York.

Xia Shang sat on the sofa with a glass of milk, and the TV screen that lit up was playing an interview news from the financial channel.

"Mr. Bill, what do you think of the decline in Walter International's shares some time ago? I heard that you have not been very optimistic about this stock." asked the well-dressed host.

"First of all, I have always been very optimistic about the stock of Walter International. This is the leading stock in the super industry. No stock on the market can replace it. Secondly, stock price fluctuations are very common in the stock market. If it is just It is extremely one-sided to judge the value of a stock based on some trivial fluctuations. Of course, some people with insufficient psychological endurance can easily sell their stocks out of panic.

This is like a snowball that will get bigger and bigger. The previous decline in Walter International's stock price has a lot to do with this, but good assets are always good and usually have strong risk resistance. The fact is that In this way, after a slight decline, Walter International's stock price quickly rose strongly, even reaching its highest point in history, and is still rising.

Based on my many years of experience in the industry, this rise may be just the beginning. If you want to double your assets, I recommend you to buy Watt International, a stock with unlimited potential. "

[Congratulations to the player for significantly changing the original plot and gaining 3100 fantasy points]

The goods finally arrived. Xia Shang opened the panel and checked the fantasy value he currently had.

[During memory storm fusion, the fusion progress is 32%]

[The current fantasy value is: 16030]

This number made Xia Shang very satisfied. Sure enough, his hard work paid off. He was only four thousand points away from the target of twenty thousand points. In other words, he could collect twenty thousand fantasy points in one or two major events at most.

The reason why Xia Shang does not leave the black robe world now is precisely because the fantasy points are not enough. Although the jump from a two-star world to a three-star world only requires 10,000 fantasy points, Xia Shang cannot guarantee that he can still be like the next three-star main world. Now, he can obtain fantasy points without any risk, so before making the jump, he should prepare at least 10,000 fantasy points, just in case, if he encounters some big event as soon as he jumps over.

You can also use the ability to walk in the heavens to temporarily avoid it.

"There are still four thousand left..." Xia Shang picked up the remote control and pressed the power off button.

He was going to go to the press conference of the Motherland to see if Billy and the others might cause trouble again. You know, making trouble is equivalent to fantasy value.


"Fellows of the motherland, what do you want to say to the American people regarding the accusations made some time ago?"

I don’t know how much money Edgar spent to get the major news media to settle the matter. It is probably an astronomical figure.

The motherland man took the microphone handed by the reporter and walked among the cheering crowd. He raised his left hand to respond to the enthusiasm of the people around him and said with a smile: "I am never afraid of those unfounded charges, because I know Those are simply vulnerable.”

"Cool!" The fans of the motherland enthusiastically waved the flags in their hands, which had the portraits of the motherland and a sentence of true superheroes printed on them.

"Of course." The motherland pursed her lips pretending to be sad and shook her head at the same time, saying: "During that period, I suffered unprecedented online violence. It was simply a nightmare. I tossed and turned for many nights. I kept asking myself whether I should still stand up for justice, because I was attacked by these things. During that time, I felt that no one could understand me.

I walked down the streets of Manhattan like a filthy bald eagle, and everyone who passed me avoided me. "

As the motherland man talked, even he believed it. He raised his head slightly, as if he didn't want others to see his tears.

"Come on, people of the motherland! You have always been a hero in our hearts!" Many people expressed deep sympathy for the suffering of the people of the motherland. If it were them, they would have used their own abilities to retaliate against society if they had been so wronged. However, the people of the motherland did not do this. On the contrary, when no one understood it, they still stepped forward and saved thousands of people at the hands of the soldier boy.

The applause sounded like thunder and spread to the entire venue. Some people were even moved to tears and kept wiping their tears with their sleeves.

"Thank you, thank you for your support." The motherland pursed her lips and nodded heavily to everyone.

"This guy really has no shame at all."

Huey, who was watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but complain.

"If he knew how to write the word shame, then he wouldn't be called a native of the motherland." Billy, lying on the sofa, drank a beer and watched the natives of the motherland on TV.

"Are we going to let him continue to be so proud?" Huey was a little unwilling.

On the contrary, Billy seemed much calmer.

"Don't worry, let's rest for a while and find the soldier boy by the way."

"How to find him? Or should we fish him out like before?" Huey asked.

"If he wants to see us, he will naturally come to us. After all, if he wants to deal with the motherland and Jervis, he has no choice but us."

Billy glanced at the breast milk that Ryan had trained. He had promised Ryan before to help him get revenge, so Ryan would shoot that video.

"You wouldn't count on him." Huey followed Billy's gaze and looked towards Ryan, "How young is he? We will have to wait at least a few years until he grows up to be able to defeat the people of the motherland."

"I have plenty of time." Billy said and then closed his mouth.

At the same time, Xia Shang came to the press conference, but unfortunately he did not see Billy and the others.

"It is precisely because of your support that I can stick to the justice in my heart." The motherland slowly flew up to the stage of the press conference.

He stretched out his hands and pressed down, and the fierce applause slowly subsided.

The motherland man put the microphone in front of him again and said in a high tone: "I promise you that I will give all American people a safe and reliable future."

Applause roared again. Seeing this scene, Ashley put her anxious heart back into her stomach. It seemed that nothing unexpected would happen and she had finally gotten over what happened before.

The people of the motherland once again stretched out their hands and asked everyone to be quiet.

"Compared to me, and you, my friends, you are the real heroes!"

"People of the motherland! People of the motherland!!!"

It seemed that Billy and the others would not show up. Xia Shang felt a little disappointed about this, but that was normal. After all, it had only been a week, and it took time to set plans. (End of chapter)

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