Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 345 Invited to the opening ceremony

But in the next week, there was still no movement from Billy and the others. They moved out of the basement and went into hibernation completely.

Time quickly came to the morning more than a month later.

Xia Shang turned on the TV as usual, tuned it to the New York news channel, then returned to the kitchen, picked up breakfast, and walked toward the living room.

Today's breakfast is passion fruit juice and sandwiches, which are very ordinary but taste good.

"Affiliated to Vought's global health services organization, Ms. Ashley, director of the Elmer Adult Rehabilitation Center and vice president of Vought, announced that more funds will be invested in providing care for superhumans with permanent health problems. Provide services and stated that the nature of the service is a charitable activity and all expenses will be borne by Watt.

At the same time, Ms. Ashley called on everyone to pay attention to the health issues of superhumans, especially families with superhumans. Once you find that your son, daughter, or wife or husband has physical or mental health problems, please call Elmei Rehabilitation in time. The center’s dedicated hotline..."

Listening to the host's voice on the TV, Xia Shang slowly cut off a piece of sandwich with a knife and fork and put it in his mouth. As the former Vice President of Walter, he knew very well what this so-called rehabilitation center was. To put it bluntly, it was An illegal institution that secretly detains and studies superhuman beings under the guise of free medical services.

Most of the superhuman consumables in Edgar's experimental base come from this.

But in general, the emergence of this agency has indeed solved some factors that may cause social instability, and has also greatly reduced the crime rate of superhuman beings. Therefore, in the minds of the American people, this agency has a good reputation. , because they can always appear as quickly as possible and take the superhumans away.

"The following is a piece of regrettable news. At three o'clock yesterday afternoon, Vice Presidential candidate Lamar Bishop accidentally drowned. According to witnesses at the scene, Lamar Bishop had entered the water many times. At that time, The sea was very gentle and there were no big waves, but when La Malbi went into the water for the last time, he never appeared again. It was not until his body was pushed to the beach by the waves that people were horrified to find that he was dead.

According to the autopsy report disclosed by the police, there were no external injuries on Lamarbi’s body. The cause of death was that he suffocated due to inhalation of seawater that blocked his breathing tube. Here, I hope everyone will do the following when swimming. Make good preparations before entering the water to prevent sudden cramps while swimming. "

"Accidental drowning?" Xia Shang smiled slightly after hearing this.

At this critical moment in the vice presidential campaign, candidate Lamar Bishop actually drowned. This cause of death is as ridiculous as being shot in the back more than a dozen times and finally declaring suicide.

"Shen Hai moves really fast." In fact, Shen Hai told Xia Shang that he wanted to kill La Mal Bi before taking action, so Xia Shang was not surprised by La Mal Bi's death.

The reason why Deep Sea wants to kill Lamarbi is also very simple. To put it simply, Lamarbi is the campaign deputy in Robert Singer’s camp. Since each faction can only nominate one vice presidential candidate, so at the same time, Victoria Newman, who was in the Robert Singer faction, wanted to become vice president, but she could only replace La Malbi, because only in this way could she become a new candidate in the Singer camp and have exclusive access to her own political resources.

It was the motherland's plan to push Victoria into politics, but the actual manipulator behind it was Edgar.

Of course, Xia Shang is happy to be a person who enjoys the benefits and gets something for nothing. After all, it is absolutely impossible to promote No. 5 Compound to the world without official support. Although he can also directly brainwash the President of Country M through the memory storm ability. , but after many experiments, he found that the people who were brainwashed by him had incomplete consciousness.

For example, suppose he brainwashes a person to kill the people of the motherland, and the brainwashed person will only think about how to kill the people of the motherland, and act recklessly, completely losing his own thoughts and even basic knowledge. Daily activities are difficult to maintain.

However, what the memory storm cannot do, Kate's superpower may be able to do it, but the actual situation cannot be known until after being exposed to it.

At this time, the host on the TV screen continued: "After reporting the drowning accident of Vice President candidate Lamar Bishop, we will broadcast live at the campaign event in Sioux Falls, where Dakota Bob just There, his new running mate, Congresswoman Victoria Newman, was announced.”

Then the screen changed. Xia Shang followed the camera and saw the campaign situation at the event.

"What do you think of the public support for Walter and the people of the motherland? You seemed to have been keeping a distance from them before and made many remarks that were unfavorable to Walter, but now they are turning around and supporting Walter regardless of the past. What do you think about this?" The reporter stretched the microphone towards Victoria.

"First of all, I have to make my point clear. What I opposed was not Walt, but an illegal organization that condoned and promoted crime. Secondly, I will always fight against superhuman criminal activities to the end. I hope to give the American people a safe place." Reliable Future, finally, the criminal mastermind responsible for Vought's mayhem is out of office, and maybe we should look at them with new eyes."

It can be seen that at the campaign parade, many people wearing superhero costumes kept shouting Newman's name.

Obviously, driven by the Vought Group, Victoria had a high winning rate. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the smiling people of the motherland suddenly fell from the sky.

But different from the original plot, when the protesters from the other camp rushed out and shouted that the motherland was fascist, the motherland's reaction was disapproving, and they even ignored the opponent and greeted the fans around them.

[Congratulations to the player for slightly changing the original plot and gaining 1240 fantasy points]

The sudden pop-up window was an unexpected surprise for Xia Shang. Although Billy and the others had not come forward to cause trouble, his fantasy value was still slowly increasing due to the previous influence.

Xia Shang finished the last bite of the sandwich and walked out of the villa.

Just three days ago, he received an email from Godogin University. The content of the email was, [In order to celebrate the beginning of the new semester, Godogin University has decided to hold an opening ceremony. Students and teachers who have received the email, please Please rush to the party at Godotkin University before 7pm three days later and sign: Indira Shetty, Chief Executive Officer of Godotkin University]

On the way to Godokin University, Xia Shang called up the panel to check the progress of the integration. (End of chapter)

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