[Memory Storm is being fused, the current fusion progress is 83%]

To Xia Shang's surprise, the memory storm's fusion speed was almost the same as the super chest cannon, or even slower.

But it's understandable, after all, it's the first time he's fused psychic superpowers, so it's normal that the fusion speed isn't as fast as his previous superpowers.

About half an hour later.

A black Cadillac parked in front of the gate of Godokin University. After Xia Shang straightened his cuffs, he got out of the car.

"Is there anything wrong? You can't park here, move your car quickly!" The security guard standing at the school gate frowned, quickly came to Xia Shang, and said impatiently: "You don't know this is Where? This is a place where you can park at will? Drive the car away quickly, otherwise, I will notify the security department to come and tow the car. "

"Sorry, there seems to be no parking spaces around. Is there any parking space in the college?" Xia Shang said with a smile.

The security guard looked Xia Shang up and down, his expression softened and he said, "Are you a student of Godokin University? Are you here to attend the opening ceremony?"

Although the other party's appearance and temperament did not look like a student, he remembered the teachers and professors in the school that the other party's face was unfamiliar and he was probably not a big shot.

"My name is Jervis, and I am the new executive vice president of Gordokin University."

Xia Shang's attitude was still very gentle. After all, the security guard in front of him was just a small person, and there was no need to quarrel with him.

"Are you...are you Mr. Jervis?" The security guard's expression was like a chameleon's, and his attitude suddenly became respectful. He was feeling regretful now. If he could, he really wanted to stuff back what he just said.

"Is there another vice-chancellor named Jervis at Godokin University?"

Xia Shang took out the car keys, handed them to the other party in a very natural manner, and said with a smile: "Please stop the car for me, thank you."

"No problem, I'll help you park the car to the side." The security guard wiped his hands on his pants, and then took the keys handed over by Xia Shang with both hands.

"What you did is right. Don't take what happened just now." When Xia Shang saw the other person's fearful look, he comforted him thoughtfully. He would not embarrass a security guard, after all, the other person had done nothing wrong.

After walking into the school, Xia Shang came all the way to Indira's office. On the brown door, there was a sign with the words 'CEO' written on it.


"Please come in." Indira, who was immersed in her work in the office, responded casually after hearing the knock on the door.

"Long time no see, your place is as spacious and bright as ever." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Jervis, you didn't even notify me when you came, so I could pick you up myself."

Indira stood up and walked out from behind her desk. She shook hands with Xia Shang with a smile, "From today on, you are the vice president of Godokin University. I am very happy to be a colleague with you."

"Me too." Omitting the irrelevant politeness, Xia Shang walked into his office under the leadership of Indira. The office was about fifty square meters, with a layer of brown carpet on the floor. There are two green plants on both sides. Although I don’t know what species they are, they are more than half a meter tall and look full of life. In addition, in the center of the office, there is a wooden desk with a computer on it. .

"I'm not sure about your preferences, so I just arranged them casually. If you're not satisfied with anything, you can notify the Finance Department to replace them in time." Indira always kept a smile, giving people a very kind feeling.

If he didn't know about the underground base, maybe Xia Shang would really think that Indira was one of the few good people in the black robe world.

"Now that you're done, I like this layout very much." Xia Shang came to the water dispenser and said jokingly, "It would be even better if there was a coffee machine."

"No problem, I'll have someone make arrangements right away." Indira was very enthusiastic, as if she almost responded to Xia Shang's requests.

"No need to bother you with this. By the way, how are the arrangements for the opening ceremony? Do you need my help?"

Xia Shang poured a glass of water from a cup and handed it to Indira.

To be honest, the other party is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, and he is also a very skilled wolf. You know, before he came, Indira had invited Kate to meet him, and asked Kate to use her superpowers after meeting him. Testing himself, Xia Shang didn't know whether this was Indira's own idea or Edgar's instigation, but he guessed that it was most likely the latter. After all, Edgar seemed to have begun to doubt his true identity for a long time, and even Edgar already knew that he was the mysterious man.

However, Xia Shang thought it was nothing. Anyway, his identity would be exposed sooner or later. It was just a matter of one day sooner or one day later.

Moreover, Edgar is a smart man, and it is not easy to hide it from him.

"I have always put Kate in charge of the opening ceremony. She is a great student, but it's a pity that her superpower is too weak. Otherwise, I really want to send her to the Seven."

Indira said as she took out her mobile phone to send a text message to Kate.

"This chair is very good. Is it the one I had in the Watt Building?" Xia Shang came to the computer, pressed the power button, sat on the chair, and touched the armrest.

"I was worried that you might not be comfortable with other chairs, so I specifically contacted Ms. Ashley to move your original chair over."

Indira's attitude made Xia and Shangdu a little uncomfortable.

Less than five minutes later, Kate stood at the door and knocked on the wooden door with her right hand.

"Come in." Xia Shang stood up and walked towards Kate.

"I heard that you are in charge of the opening ceremony. You are very good. You are young and promising." Xia Shang smiled and stretched out his right hand.

At this time, Kate glanced at Indira beside her with her peripheral vision, and saw Indira nodded very slightly.

"Thank you, can you buy me a glass of water?" Kate was obviously nervous.

"no problem."

Xia Shang retracted his right hand, turned around and walked towards the water dispenser. The movement was quite natural, which made Kate frown slightly, but she didn't find it strange at all. After all, if the other party obeyed his orders, it meant that his super power could affect the other party. Although it was just a small test, Indira showed a look of satisfaction. It seemed that Edgar's request was not difficult, and the other party seemed easy to deal with.

After pouring half a glass of water, Xia Shang walked up to Kate again, just as Kate was about to reach out and take the water glass.

Xia Shang took the water glass and took a sip himself.

"It's a bit impolite to ask a vice principal to pour water for you, classmate Kate." Xia Shang's eyes fell on Kate's face and he said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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