"How is it possible? My superpower has failed?" Kate, who pretended to be calm, felt huge waves in her heart.

She has only seen situations like this with Golden Boy. Could it be that the other person is not an ordinary person, but a powerful superhuman? Because only this can explain why her superpowers don't work.

Kate's outstretched right hand was frozen in the air, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"Just kidding, don't worry, the water fountain is right there, feel free to use it if you need anything."

Xia Shang turned sideways and glanced at the water dispenser in the corner, and then his eyes fell back on Kate's beautiful face. After the brief trial just now, he basically had a general understanding of Kate's superpowers.

First of all, the other party needs to give a clear command when activating super powers. Secondly, Kate's super powers can affect a person's thoughts or cognition.

For example, just now, the moment he heard Kate's instructions, a corresponding thought appeared in his mind. It was this thought that drove him to turn around and pour water for Kate. However, this thought was like a bubble, as long as there was something If you notice it, you can easily pierce it.

Of course, this is just Xia Shang's feeling. If it were an ordinary person or a superhuman with average strength, then Kate's order would become an ideological stamp.

"Let me take you somewhere else."

Indira gave Kate a wink, and Kate, who was still dazed, immediately walked towards the water dispenser.


The time soon came to seven o'clock in the evening. Different from the traditional opening ceremony, the opening ceremony of Godokin University was more like a party. Many celebrities came to the scene, most of them gathered together in pairs and talked with each other.

Xia Shang, who was wearing a suit, was already familiar with this kind of occasion. As the former vice president of Walter, he was obviously very popular. Many people raised their glasses and chatted with him.

"Jervis, let me introduce to you. This is an alumnus and director of Godokin University. He is currently the superhero in charge of city security, Bipolar Man."

Indira led a black man and appeared in front of Xia Shang. The black man was about forty years old. He was wearing a decent blue suit and had a well-proportioned figure. He had an unmistakable polite smile on his face. At first glance, he gave people the impression that Feel like a corporate executive, or business elite.

"I have admired your name for a long time. I have only heard of it before, but never seen it. I didn't expect to be so honored to meet Mr. Jervis today. In reality, you are younger and more handsome than I imagined."

The bipolar man smiled and raised his goblet, his tone somewhat respectful.

Although he is a relatively famous superhero other than the Super Seven, and his popularity in the city is not inferior to that of Deep Sea, in terms of social status, he is still far behind Vice President Walt.

"You're so polite. I heard a lot about your heroic deeds during my tenure as Vice President of Walter. You are a well-deserved city defender."

Xia Shang didn't lie. After all, it was his job to manage and supervise superheroes distributed all over the country. Originally, Madeleine was responsible for this job, but after Madeleine died, Edgar handed over the business to Xia Shang.

If he remembered correctly, Bijiren was sold for 25 million US dollars. Although it seemed a bit expensive, for the state government, it was only a drop in the bucket.

"I remember that your superpower is related to magnets. It's a very good superpower." Xia Shang gently clinked glasses with the bipolar man.

"Yes, I am like a magnet, I can control the positive and negative magnetic fields."

The bipolar man opened his palms in front of the steel table knife not far away. He saw that the knife that was originally placed next to the plate shook slightly, then whizzed and flew into the palm of the bipolar man.

"By the way, I have to introduce you to my son. He has the same superpower as me."

The bipolar man put down his knife, turned his head and shouted behind him.

"Anderson, Anderson!"

"I'm here..." Anderson, who was chatting with Golden Boy, raised his right hand helplessly. Although he had long been accustomed to his father's behavior of introducing himself to people everywhere, he was still a little annoyed because those people would only introduce him to others. He thinks of him as Bipolar's son, not as Anderson.

At the same time, the friends around him all cast teasing looks at Anderson, and the golden boy on the side joked: "Your dad is going to call you over again. Let us guess, how many times will he call you over at this party." "

"I'll bet you a hundred dollars, definitely more than five times." Kate took out a hundred-dollar bill from her pocket and waved it in the air.

"Damn! It seems you will win today."

The golden boy lay back pretending to be annoyed, and his whole body suddenly sank into the sofa.

"Have you heard of that Jervis before?" When mentioning Jervis, Kate suppressed her smile and asked with complicated eyes.

During the test in the morning, Jervis left a deep impression on her. The other party was definitely not as simple as he seemed. Coupled with what Principal Shetty said after Jervis left, she still feels... It kept echoing in her mind.

"Despite all efforts, he brainwashed Jervis and made him tell all the things he was hiding in his heart, and made him forget those things. In addition, he made him loyal to me and Edgar."

The request was so difficult that Kate didn't know if she could do it.

"Of course I have heard of the former vice president of the Watt Group, a well-known big shot, but I didn't expect that he would actually come to Godokin University as the vice president. It seems that he has been abandoned by the Watt Group. He was probably sent here just to comfort him." The golden boy didn't notice the strange look on Kate's face next to him, and said to himself.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Kate frowned, looking worried.

"What's the meaning?"

Seeing the golden boy turning his head to look at her, Kate quickly changed her expression. She forced the corners of her mouth to smile and said, "Nothing. By the way, how have you been resting recently? Did you still have that nightmare about the woods?"

When he heard the word "grove", Jintong's face suddenly turned ugly. He slowly shook his head: "I've been getting better recently, but I always feel that it was not a dream, as if it really happened."

Meanwhile, Anderson walked over to his father, looking blank and silent.

"Andre Anderson, my son, is currently a senior at Godokin University." The bipolar man looked a little proud when he introduced Anderson.

"Anderson, I know you are the best on the campus ranking list. You are now ranked third. You are very good. You have a good chance of entering the Premier League Seven."

Xia Shang smiled and nodded to Anderson.

It is relatively rare for a father and son to have the same superpower. (End of chapter)

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