Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 348 An unexpected incident, the golden boy suddenly went berserk

And both of their superpowers are not weak. They sound a bit like Magneto on a smaller scale, but they are certainly not comparable to Magneto. That guy's superpower, to put it bluntly, is the ability to control the electromagnetic force among the four basic forces of the universe.

Although Magneto's performance in the movie gives the impression that he is a master of metal manipulation.

But in fact, the electromagnetic force is ridiculously strong, and the earth's magnetic field is an electromagnetic field. Even if we can only control the earth's magnetic field, the destructiveness it can cause is unimaginable by ordinary people.

An electromagnetic pulse can cause a global blackout, and floods and earthquakes can be fabricated at will. As long as Magneto is willing, he can easily destroy the earth.

Of course, this is limited to the comic-like Magneto. After all, compared to the comics, Magneto's performance in the movie is indeed a bit stretched.

But this is normal. In Xia Shang's view, comics and movies belong to multiple different universes, which is equivalent to a multiverse. It is reasonable for Magneto in each universe to be stronger or weaker.


Anderson's expression didn't change much. On the other hand, the bipolar man smiled very happily. His biggest regret in his life was that he failed to make the seven-man team. Therefore, inheriting his father's legacy, he could only place his hopes on his next generation. That's Anderson.

Therefore, he spared no effort to promote his son to the outside world. The purpose was naturally to allow Anderson to make more connections and be selected into the seven-man team to make up for his lifelong regrets.

It has to be said that the bipolar man also has good intentions for his son, but judging from Anderson's expression, he seems to disdain to do such a thing. He wants to take off the top of his head more than joining the Premier League Seven. Generation's halo.

At this time, in an inconspicuous corner of the party, a black girl curled up slightly, sat on the sofa, and kept looking around cautiously. It was obvious that the girl was a little uncomfortable with the occasion she was in.

"Mary, relax, it's not a big deal, they won't eat you." Emma Meyer, Mary's roommate, poked Mary's waist with her elbow, trying to make her relax and not tense up. Like a rubber band.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it turns out this is the opening ceremony of Godokin University. I thought it was like in my middle school, with a group of people standing on the stage, either reciting poetry or doing a boring dance performance."

"Look, there's actually wine here." Emma leaned forward from the coffee table in front of her, picked up a glass of whiskey, and marveled.

"This is really a big event for me."

Mary's smile was a little bitter, and she had an unknown past.

Eight years ago, her family was considered happy and everything was in order, but due to an accident, she destroyed everything with her own hands.

Mary still can't forget that day. It was an afternoon when she suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable and experienced severe pain in her abdomen.

So she walked into the bathroom and squatted on the toilet. Unexpectedly, she squatted for more than half an hour. Her parents opened the bathroom door because they were worried about her. Who would have thought that at this moment, she woke up She gained her superpower, and at the same time, she found a pool of blood seeping out from underneath her.

Just when she wanted to prevent her mother from entering the bathroom, she accidentally triggered her superpower. The blade made of blood was inserted into her mother's throat, causing the trachea to rupture instantly. The sudden movement attracted her father's attention, but this At that time, Mary was completely panicked after seeing the blood on the ground. Immediately afterwards, her father also fell in a pool of blood.

Later, the police came to the scene and took her back to the police station after seeing the two bodies on the ground.

But due to her young age and the fact that she was killed by manslaughter, the police didn't know what to do for a while, so they had to send her to the Parahuman Rehabilitation Center owned by Walter. It was said to be a rehabilitation center, but in fact it was more like an orphanage. , which contains children who were abandoned or who killed their families when they awakened superpowers.

Mary lived there for eight years, but through her own efforts, she was finally admitted to Gordokin University.

"Come on, let's drink some wine to calm down." Emma could see that Mary was upset, but she didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. After all, this was everyone's privacy.


Mary took the glass but didn't drink it.

"How's your show lately?" Mary asked.

"It's still the same, maybe everyone is tired of seeing it." Emma can be considered a small Internet celebrity. She has a channel on YouTube called: Little Little Cricket.

The content of the channel is probably about little Emma fighting with various insects and mice, as well as some embarrassing things after she became smaller.

"How is it possible? Your program is so great, I have already subscribed."

"Come on, don't comfort me. I'm just a funny little internet celebrity, and I'm satisfied with tens of thousands of fans." Even though Emma said this, it was obvious that she was very concerned about her show.

"Did you see that handsome guy?"

Emma motioned Mary to look forward, "That's the man of our university, Luke Riverdam, nicknamed Golden Boy. He is number one on the campus rankings and is called a must-have hero by the media. seed."

Hearing the word Seven immediately brought back Mary's memories.

Two years ago, she slipped out of the Vought Rehabilitation Center and participated in a selection event called 'Little Superheroes'. She still remembered that the founder of the event was Jervis, the vice president of Vought Group. It was said that As long as he can be successfully selected, there is a high probability that he can become the successor of the Premier League Seven.

Unfortunately, this selection event came to an end due to Ryan's accident.

Otherwise, maybe she is already one of Walt's many superheroes, but it's a pity that there is no if.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong with Golden Boy."

Emma suddenly saw the golden boy and covered her head hard. The woman beside him seemed to be comforting him.

"Do you think I should go over and inquire about the situation and strike up a conversation by the way?" Emma asked.

"If you want to go there, just go directly." Mary had been with Emma for a while, so she naturally knew the character of her roommate.

"You think I don't dare!"

Emma pretended to stand up, but quickly sat back down.

"Well, I think it might not be the right time to go now, Mr. Gift Crab!" Emma said, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Go to hell!" The golden boy sitting on the sofa suddenly burst into flames, his arms ignited with blazing fire, and he smashed the glass coffee table in front of him with one palm.

"Quiet, golden boy, relax."

Kate hurriedly stretched out her hands to cover the golden boy's head.

"I...I seem to have remembered something? But...but I can't remember it! Fake!" The golden boy's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and his whole person looked particularly ferocious! (End of chapter)

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