Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 349 Signal jammer, picket team ready to cause trouble

"That's just a dream, don't take it too seriously, dear. Kate can't imagine what horrible things a golden boy who suddenly goes berserk would do in public.

Therefore, she must control the other party before things happen, otherwise once the golden boy loses control completely, the situation will become out of control.

In desperation, Kate quickly put her hands on the golden boy's temples, but before she could use her superpower, a severe burning sensation made her retract her hands as if she was electrocuted.

"Shet!" Kate screamed in pain, then raised her hands again and pressed towards the golden boy's head.

"What the hell are those trees? Professor Brinke, Professor Brinke must know."

It could be seen that the golden boy had not completely lost his mind and could barely stay awake. He suppressed the flames on his body and sat down on the sofa. The poor sofa was instantly burned, and the black smoke emitted a pungent stench. .

"There seems to be an emergency over at Golden Boy. Principal Xie Ti, would you like to go over and take a look." The loud noise made when the coffee table was smashed not only attracted Xia Shang's attention, but also the vast majority of people present. He cast his gaze over and said, "His mood seems unstable."

"It's normal for young people to be unable to control their emotions sometimes, but this is a public place after all, and Golden Boy really doesn't pay attention to the impact at all." Indira smiled and shook her head, put down the wine glass in her hand, and looked at Golden Boy Walked over.

At this time, the golden boy, who felt that his head was about to explode, burst into flames again. In full view of everyone, he ignited flames and walked step by step towards Professor Brinke in the crowd.

Wherever he went, people kept avoiding him, and some even shouted in horror: "Is he crazy? He actually used his power in this place!"

"Stop him quickly."

Kate ignored her burned hands and hurriedly chased after him.

"Did you see it? That thing looks like a sea cucumber on fire."

Mary on the side didn't have Emma's "leisure" to appreciate a sea cucumber. She took out the knife hidden in her pocket and held it in her hand. "The situation is not right. The golden boy you mentioned seems to be out of control."

Seeing that the golden boy was getting closer and closer to Professor Blinker, in order to prevent anyone from getting hurt, Mary cut her palm with a knife, then manipulated the blood to turn into a chain and shot towards the golden boy.

The bright red blood chain was extremely fast and directly bound the golden boy's feet.

"I'll go!" Seeing this scene, Emma turned her head and looked at Mary, her eyes were like looking at a folk master.

However, the next second, the chain made of blood was torn directly by the golden boy, but it was considered a delay.

At this moment, the Biji people took action in time, controlled the surrounding steel products, and levitated them. Countless knives and forks were suspended in the air, including iron mixing glasses, table legs and other items. With a wave of Ji Ren's big hand, a huge number of steel products shrouded the golden boy, spinning like a steel whirlwind. Finally, with a clanging sound of collision, the golden boy was wrapped into an iron Zongzi, only the head is exposed.

"He needs to calm down." The bipolar man lowered his arms and said seriously.

"What's the situation?" Indira went to Kate and asked for help. "Do you know how bad the impact of this incident is? If the golden boy kills someone, even I can't bear the responsibility."

She looked at the people holding mobile phones around her with her peripheral vision, her face looking extremely ugly.

"Your opening ceremony is really a bit dangerous." Xia Shang smiled and walked towards Indira.

"It was just a small accident, but it really reminded me that I need to pay more attention to students' mental health issues in the future, especially not drinking too much. Kate, did the golden boy drink a lot just now?" Seeing Chao himself Xia Shang came over, Indira said with a forced smile.

Kate nodded, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let the golden boy drink so much."

During the conversation between several people, the golden boy who had fallen to the ground motionless suddenly let out a painful roar. The surface of the steel shell used to restrain him turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, part of the steel melted and melted. Make a pool of molten iron, with the golden boy as the center, and slowly spread to all sides.

At this time, a man wearing sunglasses hidden behind the crowd looked at the golden boy and whispered softly: "I didn't expect there to be such a strong superhuman in Godokin University."

The person under the sunglasses is none other than Frankie from the picket team. He was assigned by Billy to sneak into the opening ceremony of Gordokin University and prepare to make a big move.

Don't talk about why Xia Shang didn't find him. First of all, Frankie is not a superhuman and cannot be sensed by radio waves. Secondly, under normal circumstances, Xia Shang, like the people of his motherland, rarely uses his clairvoyance eyes. After all, he has no special hobbies. I have no interest in the 'human anatomy diagrams' hanging around, and I'm even a bit disgusted.

"Jervis is here and the plan can begin."

After sending the text message, Frankie put the phone back into his pocket. He carried an inconspicuous small suitcase and stepped back. In a corner, he opened the suitcase and inside was a small signal jammer. , Frankie looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he pressed the switch of the signal jammer.

the other side.

An apartment in New York City.

After seeing the text message from Frankie, Billy came to the door of a room and patted the door with his hand.

Only rustling sounds were heard in the room, and then several older call girls walked out of the room with their buttocks swaying.

"At this critical moment, you still have the mind to do this." Billy walked in, looked at the shirtless soldier boy on the bed, and said with a speechless expression.

Half a month ago, Soldier Boy found Billy in the underground passage. At that time, he was just as Billy had expected. He didn't even have a place to stay. In addition, Walter and the government departments launched a wanted manhunt for Soldier Boy. , so the situation of the soldier boy is like that of a rat in the ditch, always being reported and always being chased by the police.

"It's a fine tradition of the U.S. military to relax before the war. It's just that they use stimulant drugs, and I use women." The soldier boy put on his trousers and recalled: "Although women are like fine wine, the more they use it, the better." The Lao Yue tastes mellow, but it’s a bit too dry, so it takes a lot of effort to prepare.”

"Are you sure the nerve agent you asked me to prepare will work?" Billy was holding a device similar to a small inhalation oxygen bottle in his hand. This thing was brought from Russia by someone else. It cost him a lot of money. To be precise, Speaking of which, it must have cost Xingguang a lot of money.

"Nonsense, the Russians used it to deal with me. How could I not know its effect." (End of Chapter)

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