Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 350 Billy and others dressed as gangsters

The soldier boy got dressed and headed outside.

In the living room, Huey and the others were ready to go at any time. They were wearing military combat uniforms bought from Mexico, with pistols on their waists and a dark assault rifle in their hands. The black hood with two eyes looks like a gangster, but in terms of temperament, the only ones closest to gangsters are Billy and Breastmilk.

"We agreed not to reveal our identity." Billy picked up the black hood on the coffee table and put it on his head.

"Can't we go just above board? We are already wanted criminals anyway, so there is no need to wear these things." Soldier Boy was a little reluctant. He was once a superhero after all, and now he was asked to dress up as a gangster. Soldier Boy was a little bit reluctant. Can't accept it.


Billy pointed his finger at himself, and then pointed at the chest of the soldier boy, "There are so many people here, but you and I are the only wanted criminals. We don't care about exposing our true identities, but they can't. They managed to clear their names. We can’t let them get through it again.”

"Also, if you're nagging me, just give me the money from the call girls just now. It's a total of one thousand six hundred and forty dollars. You can pay it in cash or by credit card. Of course, you can also pay by check, provided you have a bank account."

"Talking about money hurts feelings. Isn't it just a change of clothes? I'll just change it." It's been a month and a half and he has been living a lavish life. The soldier boy has already squandered all the money given to him by the legend. Now he has more than a thousand dollars. U.S. dollars, not even a five-cent steel coin.


The scene came to Xia Shang's side. The golden boy, whose body was on fire, tore open the steel plate with no expression on his face and stood up in a pool of molten iron.

Compared to the frightened people around him, Xia Shang calmly took a sip of the cocktail in his glass and said, "Principal Xie Ti, you will have a headache now. The high temperature emitted by the Golden Boy can even fuse steel. I'm afraid the bipolar people will take it. There's nothing he can do."

The smile on Indira's face gradually faded, and she said to Li Jordan in the crowd: "Jordan, control the golden boy and tell him to stop making trouble."

The male Li Qiaodan was much taller than the female version. He looked like a standard basketball player. He nodded to Indira and then rushed towards the golden boy. His speed was very fast. In Xia Shang's opinion, , not inferior to Xingguang, and his subsequent performance also surprised Xia Shang.

Li Qiaodan suddenly knocked the golden boy down, then raised his right arm and punched the golden boy hard in the face, as if the high temperature could not affect him for a while.

"I've wanted to beat you for more than a day or two." As the second-ranked Li Qiaodan on campus, he has been spying on the Golden Boy's first place for a long time. Now he finally has the opportunity to replace him. Li Qiaodan naturally Don't want to miss this opportunity.

Unfortunately, he did not remain strong for long. The hurt Golden Boy grabbed Li Qiaodan's arm angrily and slammed it to the ground. With a loud bang, a big hole was made in the floor.

"let me help you."

The warm-hearted Mary ignored Emma's strange eyes and controlled the blood flowing out of her palm, turning it into a whip several meters long, wrapping around the golden boy's neck and pulling back.

It's just that Golden Boy's superpower does restrain Mary's blood control. In just a few breaths, the blood whip is like boiling hot water. While sizzling, a steam rises up and then quickly dissipates.

Due to the loss of too much blood in a short period of time, Mary, a black man, had a slightly pale face.

"Should we keep a low profile?" Although Emma is an Internet celebrity, this is the first time that so many people have noticed her in real life, and she is a little scared.

But she was more worried that when Golden Boy returned to normal, he would cause trouble for her and Mary. You know, considering Golden Boy's status in the school, it is estimated that they may have to face the glare of women for four years of college. After that, not only that, Emma was also worried that the disgraced golden boy would use her connections in the school to expel Mary.

Mary did not speak, but cut the palm of her other hand with a knife, bled it again, and threw it towards the golden boy.

But this time, the golden boy was already prepared for Mary's attack. Facing the blood whip, he held it with his five fingers and ignited a ball of fire.

Then grab the whip and instantly evaporate it.

"That's it now." I have to say that Li Qiaodan's ability to withstand blows is indeed strong. After being beaten by Golden Boy, he was still able to stand up unscathed and lock Golden Boy's hands.

At this time, Indira, who had a gloomy face, had already picked up her mobile phone and was about to call Ashley and ask her to send people from the motherland or other superheroes to come for support.

But when she pressed the call button, she found that her phone had no signal.

what's the situation? How could there be no signal here? Indira pressed the button several times, but her phone still showed no signal.

"Anderson, it's your turn to take action." The bipolar man who failed the first time and felt a little embarrassed would not be able to take action again in front of so many people. Moreover, according to his observation, the golden boy's physical strength has been exhausted. It's almost time for Anderson to take action.

Anderson did not hesitate when faced with his crazy friend, because he knew very well that he really could not let the golden boy continue to make trouble.

He stretched out his right hand towards the golden boy, and then manipulated the molten iron on the ground to turn into four iron chains, clasping the golden boy's hands and feet respectively.

The golden boy immediately wanted to break the iron chain, but as the iron chain became thicker and thicker, even if he tried his best, he could only make the iron chain clank. In the end, under the combined efforts of several people, he , the exhausted golden boy suddenly felt his eyes darken and fell to the ground, completely motionless.

"Succeeded?" The people who retreated to the wall were surprised, but no one dared to go over to check the situation.

In the end, Xia Shang walked towards the golden boy.

He half-crouched in front of the golden boy, opened his eyelids with his fingers, and said, "I'm unconscious."

To be honest, the growth of Golden Boy's abilities still surprised him. In just over a month, the temperature of the flames rose by hundreds of degrees. Judging from the opponent's performance just now, he was able to fuse steel and flames in such a short period of time. The temperature is at least two thousand degrees, which is enough to satisfy Xia Shang and has the value of analysis and fusion.

"Li Qiaodan, your ability to resist beatings is very good." Xia Shang stood up and looked at Li Qiaodan, who was intact except for his clothes that were burned. However, with his sharp eyes, he still found a tiny spot on Li Qiaodan's jaw. There are bruises, but the flaws are not concealed. It seems that this Gordokin University is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

"I'm going to have someone come over and clean things up now. Today's opening ceremony was ruined by the Golden Boy." Indira shook her head with a fake smile. (End of chapter)

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