At this moment, a black van slowly parked in front of the entrance of Godokin University. Billy, wearing sunglasses, rolled down the window and held out the Walter Pass he got from Maeve. Daggered in front of the security guard.

"Walt sent us to deal with some emergencies." Billy said in a low voice.

After seeing Walter's pass, the security guard at the door had no doubts and waved his hand directly to let Billy and the others in.

"So easy?" Huey couldn't help but sigh after seeing this.

"Do you think this thing in my hand is waste paper?"

Billy closed the car window, took off his sunglasses and put on his hood. With a bang, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Xia Shang's location.


At the same time, Xia Shang suddenly turned his head and looked outside. Billy and the others were very brave and dared to trouble him.

"What a hardworking bunch of guys."

Xia Shang was not angry, but the smile on his face was even bigger. Would the dragon be angry because of the ant's provocation? Obviously not. Besides, in Xia Shang's eyes, Billy and the others had always contributed fantasy value to him. , excellent employees who work diligently, for these employees, Xia Shang will only be angry because they lie down and do not work. After all, if Billy and the others do not work and cause trouble, how can he get the ideal value? Without the ideal value, how can he do it? Walking through the heavens, you keep getting stronger.

"Hold your head! Squat down for me!" Billy, dressed as a gangster, kicked open the door, picked up the assault rifle in his hand, and fired at the ceiling.

The sudden gunshots awakened fear in people's hearts. For a while, piercing screams came one after another, as if they were about to shatter the glass.

"Click, click, click..." The sound of the automatic rifle equipped with a silencer was a little dull, but it had the deterrence it should have. Billy glanced at the ceiling again, "Quiet the hell, please, squat on the ground." , or I will shoot your heads off with a gun."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large crowd squatted down on the scene, with only Xia Shang, Indila and the Shuangji people standing.

"Aren't you scared?" Xia Shang chuckled softly to Indila beside him.

There was a trace of anger in Indira's eyes, and she said indifferently: "A group of guys who don't care about life and death, don't even look where they are."

"Principal Xie Ti, leave these people to me." Li Qiaodan realized that his chance to become famous had come again. As long as he defeated those terrorists, he would definitely become the first in the campus rankings.

The imagination is always full, but the reality is very skinny. For Billy and the others, it is not easy to deal with these superhumans who have not yet fully grown their hair.

Their appearance is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Li Qiaodan kept walking towards Billy and his party despite the bullets being shot.

"That's all." Li Qiaodan, who was confident, glanced at the shriveled bullet that fell at his feet and said disapprovingly.

"Really?" However, the next second, Billy suddenly rushed out, grinning ferociously, and kicked Li Qiaodan away. With a loud bang, the tiles instantly shattered, and Li Qiaodan, who was hit in the abdomen, curled up in pain. Just boil the red prawns and slide all the way until half of your body is stuck in the wall and you can't even lift your head.

How can it be! Indira's pupils were shaking wildly, and she, who was originally calm, could no longer remain calm.

"Now, all of you are my hostages." As soon as Billy took action, he shocked everyone present, including the superhumans.

"That's the effect I wanted."

Billy took out the nerve agent from his pocket with satisfaction, then looked at Xia Shang standing in the crowd, "Stand still and don't move, or I will kill them all."

With that said, Billy walked towards Xia Shang, but his steps suddenly stopped midway. Then under the disbelieving eyes of Indira, Huey and others, Billy put the nerve agent on Indira's face. superior.

"Wardfa?" Huey and the others were dumbfounded. They finally got a can of nerve agent, but Billy used it on a strange woman.

"You are truly my blessing."

Xia Shang looked at them with a smile.

Then replace their own faces in their memories with Indira's.

"Nice! The plan was successful!" The excited Huey looked at Indira who was paralyzed on the ground and cheered inwardly. He never thought to death that the plan would progress so smoothly and that Jervis would die like this. Already? !

"Let's go, hurry up and evacuate."

Billy carried Indira's body on his back. In order to prevent the other party from pretending to die, he had to take the body away for inspection.

Billy and his party came and went as fast as a gust of wind. Even some people at the scene didn't even react, and Indira was taken away by the other party.

"I didn't expect to kill Jervis so easily. Why don't we imitate this method and continue to kill the people of the motherland." The car quickly drove out of Godokin University. Huey's mood in the car could be described as relaxed and happy.

Compared to Huey, who was beaming with joy, Billy's expression was much more solemn. He always felt that something was not right. Jervis's death was too simple. With the opponent's strength and character, he shouldn't have been killed by him like that. But he was sure that the other party had lost his heartbeat and breathing.

A minute later, Billy, who really couldn't figure it out, immediately stepped on the brakes and parked the car on the side of the road.

No, he had to check it out, this thing was too weird.

He drew his dagger and came to the corpse. Just as he was about to stab the corpse's heart, the soldier boy suddenly reached out and grasped the blade.

"We were tricked by Jervis." The soldier boy, who had had the same experience, soon realized that Jervis might have the same superpower as Psychic Storm.

"What do you mean? Isn't this Jervis?"

Huey and others gathered in front of the corpse, but no matter how they looked at it, the face of the corpse was exactly the same as Jervis's face.

"Both of you and I have been brainwashed by him. Jervis is a male, and this corpse is obviously a woman." Once the tampered memory is exposed, it will quickly disintegrate. The soldier boy's words instantly opened the door to Billy's heart. Confused, Jervis's face in his memory soon became blurry. After a few breaths, Xia Shang's true appearance slowly emerged and became clearer.

"Shet!!!" Billy, realizing that he had been tricked, angrily inserted the dagger into the car. At this time, Huey and others, whose memories had also been tampered with, also remembered Jervis' true appearance. His face turned red and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Are we being fooled by Jervis like this?" Huey yelled unwillingly.

"What else?" After realizing that the body was not Jervis himself, Billy felt a lot more relaxed. No wonder he always felt that something was wrong. It turned out that Jervis had brainwashed him. (End of chapter)

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