Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 352 The police arrived at the scene and took over Indira!

"Made!" Even breast milk, who has the best personality, couldn't help but curse.

They worked hard and planned for more than half a month, thinking about various unexpected possibilities, but they never expected that Jervis actually had a super power. Where did this guy get so many super powers? There are six that they know about, including appearance change, physical deformation, super strength, super physique, super defense, rapid self-healing, and now there is another brainwashing one. Could this guy be a collector of super powers?

"Outrageous." Huey was completely depressed. How could this be fun? The opponent's superpowers were like bubbles in a pond, popping up one after another. Who knows, how many superpowers did Jervis have yet to show up? .

"How about we forget it? Compared with Jervis, I suddenly feel that the people of my motherland are so simple and lovely."

Huey said with a depressed expression as he watched Billy drag the woman's body out of the car and throw it on the side of the road.

"It seems that what I thought before was right." Billy returned to the car and smoked a cigarette silently.

"What do you think?" Huey asked.

"I have been thinking about what Jervis's super power is, and now I may have the answer." Billy frowned and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Plunder, his super power may be plunder, because only in this way can we explain why Jervis has so many super powers. Think about it, before going to Russia, it was Jervis who took the initiative to find us.

And tell us about the Repayers, then lead us to Soldier Boy.

After returning to China, he wanted us to search for Psychic Storm, and even specifically told him to keep him alive. Don't you think everything is strange? He has no grudge against the Repayer Alliance, so why bother looking for a superhuman gang that has long since expired. "

"You mean, Psychic Storm is useful to Jervis, that's why he warned us not to kill Psychic Storm." After hearing this, Huey had a feeling of clearing up the fog and seeing the sunshine. He suddenly realized, " If you say so, Jervis must have robbed the super power of Psychic Storm, so he was able to brainwash us."

"Basically correct."

Billy was a little annoyed as to why he didn't figure it out earlier. Otherwise, he might have been able to beat Jervis one step ahead and kill Psychic Storm in advance.

"We have to stop him from continuing to plunder. Do you still remember the superhuman party some time ago? He made it clear that he was cooperating with the people of the motherland. This shows that the people of the motherland must have super powers that he wants to plunder, so we have to learn the lesson of psychic storm. , we must take one step ahead of Jervis and kill the people of the motherland." After clarifying his thoughts, Billy finally turned against the people of the motherland.


On the other side, Frankie, who was hiding in the crowd, still couldn't calm down. He even wondered if he was hallucinating. Otherwise, how could Billy and the others ignore Jervis and kill a strange woman.

"Are you mistaken? What's going on?" Frankie pinched his thigh hard, and the real pain made him understand that what just happened was not an illusion.

At this time, most people looked confused and started talking one after another.

"They rushed in just to kill Principal Sheet? Has Principal Shetty offended them before?"

"It's not clear, but it's very possible."

"What should I do now?" Some people picked up their mobile phones belatedly and prepared to call the police, but found that there was no signal at all.

Indira Shetty died just like that, and Kate was stunned on the spot, at a loss.

In the end, Xia Shang stood up to take control of the chaotic situation. He shouted loudly and seriously: "Please calm down, everyone. The group of terrorists who just appeared were obviously well prepared. They used something to stun Xie Ti. The principal and took her away, so the top priority now is to contact the police to see if Principal Shetty can be brought back."

In fact, Xia Shang had long seen that Indira had completely lost her vitality. He said this just to stabilize everyone present.

"But our mobile phones suddenly lost signal." Someone shook his head.

It seemed that Billy and the others were well prepared, and they even prepared signal jammers.

Xia Shang took out his mobile phone and walked outside. Seeing this, everyone at the scene followed Xia Shang out of the hall.

"There's a signal!"

Many people shouted in surprise.

Soon, the Golden Boy's loss of control, the appearance of Billy and others, and the death of Indira spread at an extremely fast speed and spread wildly.

This time the police arrived very quickly. Several police cars with sirens blaring drove into Godogin University.

"Mr. Jervis, please tell us about the situation at that time." A police sergeant first approached Xia Shang and asked for the details of the matter.

Xia Shang didn't hide anything, and of course there was no need to hide it. Instead, he told everything.

"So, those terrorists are likely to be superhumans, and their goals are very clear. It seems that they are here to seek revenge." The chief asked the young policeman on the side to record everything Xia Shang just said. Based on his years of experience in handling cases, he could tell at a glance that this was a revenge case.

"Those terrorists are most likely former students of Principal Xieti. I estimate that Principal Xieti has a low chance of surviving."

Because the impact of the case was so bad, the police chief found it very difficult.

At this moment, a police car came from a distance, and an ugly-looking policeman got out of the car. The policeman ran all the way to the police chief and said softly: "We followed the escape route of the criminal vehicle and found a police car." The female corpse was abandoned on the roadside. No wounds were found on the surface of the body, but a lot of white foam was found around the mouth and nose."

The police chief nodded and said: "Based on what Mr. Jervis just described, it can be basically concluded that Indira Shetty inhaled the poison gas in the hands of the terrorists, so she died in a short period of time."

The police later collected some items from the crime scene and statements from other people.

"How's the situation over there at Golden Boy?"

Xia Shang found Kate sitting on the bench and asked.

As if Indira's death was too sudden, Kate felt a little unreal until now. After being stunned for a few seconds, she raised her head and looked at Xia Shang.

"Golden Boy has passed out and it will probably take some time before he wakes up."

"Don't be too sad about Principal Xie Ti's death." Xia Shang patted Kate's shoulder comfortingly.

Kate forced a smile and responded.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Jervis, I'm fine."

"It's fine." As the vice-president, Xia Shang was ready to take over Indira. After all, he was the only vice-president at Godokin University. (End of chapter)

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