Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 353 The Council is about to break the fantasy value of 20,000


However, the subsequent development of things was different from what Xia Shang expected.

A week later, the Vought Group announced the promotion of Professor Ricky Brinkerhoff as the new president of Gordokin University and dean of the Lamplighter Crime Fighting Academy.

"Professor Brinke, this is your appointment notice. No, you should be called Principal Brinke now."

At the school council meeting, Ashley, who was elegantly dressed and had thick blond hair, stood up with a smile and handed the document in her hand to Brinkerhoff on her left.

Although Brinkerhoff had been met by Ashley in private before this and was informed of the news of his upcoming promotion, at this moment, he was still pretending to be surprised and stood up quickly. , amidst the applause of the surrounding directors, he solemnly accepted the appointment notice handed over by Ashley.

"I really don't know what to say. It's so unexpected. I have no preparation at all." Brinkerhoff is also a veritable actor. The surprise and confusion in his eyes are vividly displayed, and even his slightly trembling voice , all performed just right. If this acting skills were matched with the surprise of a director, it would be simply perfect.

"Your qualifications and knowledge cannot be ranked second in the entire Godokin University, so Walter has no choice but you."

Ashley said with a smile.

"Thanks to Walter for trusting me and Ms. Ashley for helping me. I am confident enough to guarantee that I will do my best to manage Gordo for Walter just like the late Principal Indira Shetty did." Golden University." Brinkerhoff promised solemnly.

Xia Shang, who was sitting in the seat, was not surprised by this result.

At the same time, it can be explained that the people of the motherland are only the apparent helmsman of the Vought Group, and the manipulator behind it is still Edgar. If there is no clear instruction from Edgar, the people of the motherland will most likely promote him to Godotkin. headmaster.

It can only be said that Edgar is not yet confident about handing Godokin over to Xia Shang. After all, there is a shady underground laboratory hidden in the school.

[Congratulations to the player for significantly changing the original plot and gaining 1530 fantasy points]

The sudden pop-up of the panel meant that Indira was an important plot character. Seeing this, Xia Shang raised the corner of his mouth slightly. In fact, it didn't matter to him whether he was Godotkin's principal or not, not to mention Bulling. Kerkhoff is just an ordinary old man, and Xia Shang wants to control him in just a matter of minutes.

To put it bluntly, Godokin’s real manager is Xia Shang, and he can only be Xia Shang!

Open the panel to see the current fantasy value.

[The current fantasy value is: 18800]

Looking at the data displayed on the panel, Xia Shang felt that twenty thousand fantasy points were waving to him.

After handing the appointment letter to Brinkerhoff, Ashley sat back in her chair.

"Next we should discuss how to deal with the student Golden Boy. Although he is famous and has many fans who support him in the outside world, the impact of this incident is so bad that it even caused some people to panic and think that we are Dorkin is not a qualified superhuman university, and they are also worried that the superhuman students coming out of Gordogin University will become super criminals that are harmful to society."

Ashley, who looked serious, knocked on the table in a leadership style.

"We must pay attention to this issue and calm down the public opinion storm caused by this incident as quickly as possible."

Her eyes swept across everyone's faces, but she specifically avoided Xia Shang.

"I do have a good plan." Brinkerhoff said.

"Please say."

“First of all, we have to be thankful that there were no casualties at the scene, which means that the golden boy did not commit a very serious mistake. He lost control only because alcohol numbed his brain.

It is certainly wrong for a young man to lose control because of alcoholism, but he should not cling to this point. Ask yourself, all of us have made mistakes when we were young, and sometimes we did not intend to do so, so just like us when we were young , Golden Boy also needs to be forgiven. I will ask Golden Boy to publicly apologize online and admit the mistakes he made. At the same time, I believe that everyone will generously forgive him.

The golden boy is very good and may even enter the Premier League Seven in the future. For such a promising young man, as Godotkin’s professor, I really don’t want to see him destroyed by public opinion.

Of course, everyone has to take responsibility for their own mistakes, and Golden Boy is no exception. "

At Ashley's signal, Brinkerhoff paused and continued:

"I decided to revoke the Golden Boy's No. 1 position as punishment. At the same time, Andre Anderson performed well in the incident. I think his ranking can be improved..."

"That's it, let Andre Anderson be No. 1."

A somewhat irritated Ashley interrupted Brinkerhoff's speech.

"The Anderson kid did really well. He deserves it." Shuangji, who is also a school director like Xia Shang, agreed. "Fortunately, Anderson was there to stop him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. This is A classic superhero story.”

Perhaps realizing that his words were a bit biased, the bipolar person quickly added: "Of course, this credit cannot only belong to Anderson. Li Jordan and Mary were also present at the time and both contributed their efforts, so they should share in the award. "

"Okay, then we will hold an interview event around them. I will invite the host of the American superhero column, Courteney, to interview them. This matter will be left to Jer... Brinkerhoff."

Ashley originally left the matter to Jervis to handle, but the lingering power of Jervis in her mind had not dissipated, so she finally named Brinkerhoff.

"This is the end of the meeting. I have something to discuss with Principal Brinker alone."

Even if Xia Shang walked out of the room, fifty meters away from the conference hall, he could still hear Ashley's angry roar.

"Shet! Do you know how much Golden Boy merchandise I have stored in the Port of Los Angeles? It's fucking worth 45 million US dollars! Are you lowering Golden Boy's ranking now to make me bankrupt?!" Ashley Her saliva was splashing, and her expression was extremely angry. After all, that was the majority of her net worth. Even if there was a slight risk of losing money, it was enough to make Ashley furious.

"This is the best solution. Otherwise, we won't be able to give an explanation to the people. But don't worry, when the limelight passes, I will find a reason to suppress Anderson and let him hand over the first place obediently." come out."

Brinkerhoff's expression wasn't very good either. He was a well-known celebrity, but now he was being pointed at and scolded by a woman.

"You'd better keep your word, otherwise I can make you the principal, and I can also let you get out of this position."

Then, Ashley angrily walked out of the conference hall, leaving an angry Brinkerhoff sulking in the room. (End of chapter)

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