"Interesting. Ashley, who used to be submissive by her side, has now become a arrogant leader. Such a huge contrast put a smile on Xia Shang's face.

After the council meeting, Xia Shang went to Indira's office. In a secret compartment of the office drawer, he found Kate's personal files, which recorded Kate's life from childhood to adulthood, including what Kate had learned. The name of the medicine he was taking. He had seen this medicine in the underground laboratory. It was placed in the third compartment of the cabinet on the left.

But what Xia Shang didn't expect was that the drug was not used to alleviate Kate's symptoms. The real purpose was to suppress Kate's superpowers. It was hard to imagine that Kate had been taking this drug her whole life, but even so, her Superpowers are still very impressive.

"It seems that before Kate can be analyzed, she must be weaned off medication for a period of time."

In addition, Xia Shang also discovered a list of victims of Flight 37. He was no stranger to Flight 37. On the contrary, he remembered clearly that it was the people of the motherland who used laser eyes to destroy the entire plane, causing several deaths. Hundreds died.

Continuing to read, Xia Shang immediately saw Indira Shetty's name on the list. Her family members were actually among the victims of the aviation accident. No wonder she hated superhumans so much and forced research in the underground base. personnel, develop a virus capable of killing superhuman beings.

Just then, he heard footsteps in the distance.

After putting away the documents, Xia Shang disappeared and walked outside.


The next morning, Godokin University held a memorial service for Indira. Although Walter's real purpose was to take the opportunity to make money, the students in the school felt deeply about Indira's sudden death. Sad, they gathered in front of Indira's portrait and gave away the gifts they had brought.

Soon, the lawn was filled with various bouquets of flowers, dolls, condolence letters and other items.

"Wow, look who I saw." A male student who was live broadcasting on his mobile phone came to the confused Mary and said to the mobile phone screen: "The hero who stopped the Golden Boy is so cool, please Don’t be stingy with the gifts in your hands, I will interview this hero next.”

"What's going on?" Emma, ​​who was beside Mary, couldn't help but ask.

The male student looked at Emma in surprise, as if looking at an alien, "Are you kidding me? You don't know what's happening now? Mary is already popular on the Internet, and she is the first to enter the campus rankings. A freshman in the top ten, this has never happened in the history of Godokin."

"Ward?" Emma quickly took out her phone, only to find that Mary had become the tenth.

"Please give way."

The male student pushed Mary in front of the camera, used his fist as a microphone, and interviewed Mary: "How was your mentality at that time? Are you not afraid of the golden boy who is the first place, and you even want to replace him."

Faced with the compliments of the male student, Mary was just about to explain, but she saw the other man walking away with his mobile phone, talking as he walked.

"It's unimaginable that Mary would actually say to me that she was so confident at that time that she thought the Golden Boy was just an ordinary super human with only appearance and no strength. Oh my God, what she said was simply too bold, beyond me. Maybe she never paid attention to the golden boy on the first day of school."

Listening to what the other party said, Mary collapsed a little because she never said those words at all.

"You're done." Emma shook her head. She glanced at the phone and almost dropped her jaw.

Mary's photos actually appeared on the covers of several national social media outlets, and there were even comments from the motherland's own account under the relevant topic.

"check it out."

Emma placed the phone in front of Mary.

"Mary's performance surprised me. Her bravery reminded me of Locomotive. Unfortunately, he has died, but I look forward to seeing a superhuman with the same skin color as him in the future Seven."

Compared to Emma, ​​who was extremely excited, Mary felt a tingling sensation, and she was completely unprepared for it.

"Oh my god, the people from the motherland actually publicly supported you online." Emma couldn't help but feel happy for Mary, but then she became frustrated. It would be great if the people from the motherland could leave messages on her channel, maybe her number of fans would skyrocket. to one million, but Emma understood that this was impossible.

At this time, several staff members hanging wheat looked around.

"Is that Mary?"

"It should be her."

Soon, several people hurried towards Mary. Their anxious looks made Mary think that those people were here to seek revenge, but she didn't seem to have offended anyone.

"Don't you have a mobile phone? Didn't your school send you a message?" Several staff members surrounded Mary.

"cell phone?"

Mary did not have a mobile phone, and because of this, Emma complained about her, saying that she was a primitive person living in a remote area.

"I don't have time to introduce it to you. The column will start soon. Come with me." Mary, who looked confused, was pulled by the other party and ran all the way, and was finally taken into a closed studio.

Then, Mary was led around like a toy. It wasn't until she regained consciousness that she realized that a makeup artist was applying high-end cosmetics that she had never used before on her face.

"The bumpkin who stepped on gold." The golden boy, who was restricted from freedom and could only move around in school, looked at Mary in the dressing room with an ugly look on his face.

"There's no point in getting angry with that kind of person."

Kate comforted her.

At the same time, she glanced at Xia Shang beside her with her peripheral vision. She wondered if it was her imagination. She always felt that Vice Principal Jervis was touching her intentionally or unintentionally.

"I just want to see the ugly faces of their villains." Golden Boy felt extremely unhappy about his decline to fourth place. If he hadn't been disturbed by nightmares at the time, he wouldn't have suddenly lost his mind. Now, it's better. He was actually stepped on by someone who was inferior to him. The huge sense of gap made him very irritable recently. Almost everyone would take a detour when they met the golden boy.

"It's only a matter of time before you return to No. 1. Everyone knows your strength, so there's no need to..." As she said that, Kate suddenly closed her mouth and frowned in pain.

"The twenty-third time."

Xia Shang murmured softly in his heart. It was the twenty-third time since Kate stopped taking the medicine that she showed a painful expression. Apparently, her superpower was slowly recovering.

[Memory Storm is merging, the current progress is 100%]


Xia Shang wants to see what Kate's superpower is? This problem troubled him for a long time. (End of chapter)

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