Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 355 [Innate Skill: Cognitive Invasion]

During the analysis, a smiling woman came over. She stopped in front of Xia Shang and introduced herself with a smile: "It's an honor to meet Mr. Jervis again. I'm Courteney Forte. Walter’s executive producer, responsible for today’s interview, we have met once before, I wonder if Mr. Jervis still remembers it?”

"Host of the famous column, American Superheroes, I am very impressed by you." Xia Shang said while extending his right hand.

However, Courteney didn't seem to see Xia Shang's outstretched right hand, and said with a hint of sarcasm in her smile:

"I haven't seen you in just a few months. Mr. Jervis is still as personable as when he was the vice president. Unfortunately, he has now become the vice president of Godokin University. If you need it, maybe I can help you alone. Record an interview show, maybe you can suddenly become popular with this show. After all, this is an era when popularity is king. I believe that as long as your approval rate can go up, there is still hope to return to Walt."

Snobby bitch!

Kate and Xia Shang's thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch. How can I help you?" Xia Shang, with an indifferent expression, retracted his outstretched hand and patted his cuffs as if they were stained with dust.

"Maybe we can make an appointment to talk alone."

Courteney didn't hear the indifference in Xia Shang's voice, and immediately turned her gaze, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at the golden boy with disdain.

"The protagonist of the matter, the villain in the heroic story, I'm very curious about why you did such a stupid thing. Could it be that alcohol has ruined your brain?"

"If you dare, say it again."

Courteney's condescending attitude successfully angered Kate next to the golden boy. In order to prevent the golden boy from losing control of his emotions again, she stood up and said angrily.

"What?" Courteney couldn't believe that a student dared to contradict her.

Just when she was about to get angry, Kate suddenly held her hand and said softly: "Speak out your deepest thoughts just now."

Courteney's expression did not change at all, and she said very naturally: "Jervis, you are such a poor clown, but it seems that C should be pretty good at it. If you can kneel at my feet and lick me I will definitely feel so happy that I will explode, but I will not help him, after all, he is just an abandoned son of Walter.

Hmm... Golden Boy, he is more handsome in real life than in the photos, but the bitch next to him is too annoying. She must have been fucked a lot. Mad, her skin is actually whiter than mine. "

After hearing this, Xia Shang's face instantly darkened. No matter how well-educated a person is, it is difficult not to feel angry.

"She is indeed a total slut. Do you like the microphone?" Kate then asked.

"Microphone? I like it."

"Very good. During the interview later, you need to lick the microphone like a lollipop. Remember, use the most obscene movements to show off all your skills."

Kate's desire for revenge is no less than that of Xia Shang. Since the bitch in front of her dares to scold her, she has to let this bitch taste the taste of ruin.

"No problem." Courteney turned around and walked towards the interview desk as if nothing was wrong.

"Is this a live broadcast?" Xia Shang said with a smile.

“It can be whatever I want it to be.”

Kate is determined to get revenge on Courteney.

"I'm suddenly looking forward to what will happen next." Xia Shang, who was happy to see the result, did not intend to stop it. Instead, he and Kate chose a location with the best view.

Soon, the interview program reached the preparation stage. Courteney, wearing a blue knee-length skirt, sat on the sofa, exposing her slightly thicker calves. The thicker high-end foundation on her face could not cover the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes. On the sofa opposite, Mary sat stiffly. Mary was wearing a high-end dress that didn't fit her body. The bright red high-shoulder dress looked out of place on her body, giving people the impression that it was worn by a child. The adults' clothes are a bit ridiculous.

At this moment, the results of the analysis suddenly appeared in front of Xia Shang.

[Talent Skill: Cognitive Invasion]

[Fusion condition: Kate will be able to fully awaken her superpowers while ensuring that her spirit does not collapse]

[After fusion, players can touch other people's skin and give instructions with voice to modify the other person's cognition. In addition, the more detailed the instruction content, the better the effect. People whose cognition has been invaded will obey the player's words and believe in them. No doubt, but the duration and impact of the command are related to the target's overall strength and willpower.

At the same time, when the player uses super powers, he can pull the target into his own memory space. In the memory space, two entrances and exits must be set up. The player cannot appear in his own memory space, nor can the target enter the memory space. Later, appear to interfere with or modify the memory space.

The memory space will gradually collapse as time goes by. Once the target fails to escape the space before the space collapses, their consciousness will never be able to return to the original body. 】

Exceeded expectations!

It can be said that Kate's super power surprised Xia Shang. He originally thought that Kate's super power could only modify other people's perceptions and even make people forget their past memories, but he didn't expect that it could actually draw others into him. memory space, this is a complete surprise.

Although this super power has limitations, for example, when the target enters the memory space, it cannot interfere with their every move, but what if it is combined with the ability of Memory Storm? Xia Shang can use the memory storm to tamper with his own memory before using his superpowers, which is equivalent to a memory backup. Then he can fabricate his own memory space at will, such as volcanoes erupting, tsunamis destroying the world, and even imaginary Magneto and Strange. PhD.

These can appear in his memory, but the true strength of the above characters should be linked to his mental strength.

"No, it doesn't sound very rigorous." The risk of using Memory Storm to tamper with one's own memory is too high. If you are not careful, it may be counterproductive. Xia Shang does not want to let himself become a psychopath, so he sat on the chair , he did a small experiment on himself. He first wrote the memory content he wanted to tamper with on his arm, then closed his eyes and activated his superpower to start modifying his own memory.

"Forgot Kate's name."

A few seconds later, Xia Shang opened his eyes suddenly. He first looked around, and then began to recall what he had modified.

"What did I change? I don't seem to have forgotten anything."

"The show is about to begin." Kate next to her raised the corners of her mouth and said with a wicked smile. (End of chapter)

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