Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 356: Hidden dangers are eliminated

"..." Hearing Kate's voice, Xia Shang looked towards her. He was about to say the other person's name, but found that he couldn't. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"No, I've been in contact with her for a long time, how could I not know her name?"

Xia Shang frowned, and soon he realized that the memory he had tampered with was related to the other party. He immediately looked at his arm, because the memory with the engraving had not been erased or modified.

On the protruding skin surface, a neat name appeared, [Kate].

The moment he saw the name, the tampered memory was suddenly unveiled by Xia Shang like a veil, and the real memory reappeared.

"Sure enough, without any backup, I didn't realize which memories had been modified or overwritten."

Xia Shang had a headache. Could it be that the direction of fabricating memory space was wrong? He decided to try again, but this time, he left a secret door in the tampered memory. To put it simply, it was equivalent to replacing the memory with a dream. Therefore, as long as he recognized that he was not in a dream, he could wake up.

"Kate." This experiment was quite successful. Xia Shang destroyed the dream in an instant and returned to reality.

The backhand he buried is related to the seven hearts in his body. Only seven hearts beat at a specific frequency, which means that he has escaped from the dream and returned to reality.

Following this idea, Xia Shang then set up three back-ups, namely name, racial discrimination, and not being in the dream.

The name is easy to explain. As long as he hears or sees the name Jervis anywhere, including in dreams, the dream will quickly collapse. Provided that he is in a dream, otherwise it will be invalid. As for racial discrimination, in the dream He is not racist, so as long as he realizes this, he can understand that he is still in a dream.

The last thing is that he is not in the dream. The principle is basically the same as the first two. After all, it is impossible for him to completely modify his memory, so this itself is a false concept. As long as this idea comes up, his modified memory will be completely Collapse.

But in general, the latter three are of little use, and the most effective method is heart beating.

Because heart beating is an instinctive reaction, as long as he makes his heart beat at a specific frequency before constructing the memory space, he will immediately realize that he is in reality and not in a dream.

"Two different systems, one with real memories and one with fictitious dreams, can perfectly avoid all hidden dangers."

Xia Shang murmured softly.

At this time, the interview on the stage has begun.

"Mary, what was your state of mind when you stopped the Golden Boy? As far as I know, you were just a freshman. Did you deliberately want to be in the limelight and then blocked the Golden Boy by mistake?" Ke Teni knew that the popularity of a program was equivalent to its ratings, so she asked a trapping question as soon as she opened her mouth.

"I...I didn't think too much at the time, I just didn't want anyone to get hurt." Mary nervously tightened the corner of her clothes and said intermittently.

"Very good, I believe all superheroes have this spirit, the spirit of not being afraid of danger and having the courage to take action."

Courteney's praise made Mary's expression soften a little.

"Then comes the second question." As if seeing Mary's nervousness and embarrassment, Courteney smiled and reassured: "Don't be nervous, your answer is great, just keep saying what you think."

"Yeah." Mary nodded seriously.

"Second question..." Halfway through her words, Courteney actually licked the microphone in her hand and licked it with relish.


Principal Brinke, who was watching the interview at the scene, was dumbfounded. Then, realizing that an unexpected incident had occurred, he quickly shouted to the staff in the background: "Xie Te! Turn off that damn equipment, you Sister Courteney, I’m going to kill you.”

The white-haired Brinke couldn't care less about his usual stability at this time, and immediately shouted angrily: "Pull the crazy woman off the stage quickly, this guy is definitely on drugs."

As soon as he finished speaking, several staff members rushed to the stage and tried to pull Courteney off the stage, but Courteney was still licking the microphone in her hand obliviously. Her actions and demeanor even made the staff nervous. some physiological reaction.

Until they dragged Courteney's legs and dragged her away forcefully. Along the way, everyone looked at Courteney with shocked eyes as she kept sticking out her tongue.

"This guy's career is over."

Kate smiled with satisfaction.

"Good job." Kate used her super power to make Xia Shang angry. He had seen snobbery, but he had never seen a shameless woman like Courteney.


On the other side, in an underground passage somewhere in New York.

Huey, who had escaped the police pursuit, lay on the slightly old sofa with a tired look on his face, watching the TV.

"Don't tell me, where did you get this kind of sofa? It's really comfortable to lie down on."

"I picked it up from the trash, and no one wants it anyway," Billy said casually, smoking a cigarette.

"Fake Squid!" Huey jumped up like a spring. "You are committing murder. I asked to go to the hospital for a check-up. Don't tell me. I suddenly felt a little itchy on my back. Maybe I have eczema."

"I don't have money to pay your medical bills anyway."

Billy was not used to the pretentious Huey. In his opinion, it would be nice to have a sofa for Huey to lie on. This mission failed, and he was not in the mood to rest at all.


Huey patted the non-existent dirt on his butt and complained: "I seemed to have seen a mouse just now, as long as my forearm. Is there a genetic mutation? Your environment here is too bad."

"It's obviously a cockroach." In order to let the haze of failure gradually dissipate, Breast Milk, who is usually more serious, also made a joke.

"Why don't you guys move to my place? At least it's more like a place for people to live compared to here." Huey stepped on a shriveled and blackened banana peel. He couldn't bear the stench and continued to complain. road.

"I have a big color TV there and an extremely soft sofa..."

"There's also yellow light D." Billy interjected with a smirk.

"What?" Starlight immediately looked at Huey, her eyes full of questioning.

"Don't listen to Billy's nonsense. My place is very healthy and there are no CDs at all. Compared with here, my place is simply a paradise where God lives."

Huey explained quickly, fearing that Starlight would misunderstand him.

"By the way, how should we deal with the people of the motherland next, Billy, do you have a plan? Anyway, Jervis's side will definitely not work." (End of Chapter)

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