Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 357 Godokin Underground Research Base

Huey picked up the half-filled can of nerve agent on the table, shook it gently, and muttered: "It cost Starlight a lot of money to buy this thing. It can't be wasted. There is still a lot left in it.

"I advise you to put things down quickly, otherwise once Novichok is leaked, all of us here will be killed because of your clumsy hands." The Novichok in Breast Milk's mouth is recognized today as the most deadly nerve in the world. The poison is more toxic than a hundred organophosphorus nerve agents and is the undisputed king of poisons.

"That's not true. The sealing of this can should be very good." Huey held his breath subconsciously, and then put down the can angrily.

"I don't care how you want to deal with the people of the motherland next. Anyway, if you want me to help, you must kill the black one first." The soldier boy on the side felt refreshed after inhaling the contraband, and he patted the residue on his hands. powder, picked up the shield at his feet, and walked to Billy.

"Kill Xuan Se for me, and I will help you kill the people of your motherland. How about that? Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Before Billy could answer, Starlight, who was wearing casual clothes, was a little confused: "It's probably not easy to kill Black. Except for some large-scale public events, he basically stayed in the Watt Building all day, as if he was a robot. , will only do things according to the program set by Walter. I tried to contact him, but unfortunately it had no effect. If you want to kill him, you can only sneak into the Walter Building and avoid the people of the motherland."

"Let's wait a little longer. We need to set up a detailed plan."

Huey likes to play it safe, after all, one mistake could lead to the death of the entire team.

"By the time you come up with your plan, the people of the motherland will die of old age. Not to mention how has your plan ever succeeded? If you ask me, just break into the Watt Building and kill Black. If the people of the motherland dare to stop it, by the way, Just kill him."

The soldier boy's patience was limited, and the failure of his plan to kill Jervis this time had already caused him to have strong doubts about the intelligence of Billy and others. Since the other party's plan was unreliable, he might as well follow his own ideas Come.

Sometimes something simple and crude can work wonders.

"Let me think about it." Continuous injections of Temporary No. 5 Compound will bring a strong burden to the body, so Billy wants to take a breather.

"Half a month, I will finally give you half a month. If you haven't figured out a good way when the time is up, you must listen to my opinion. Otherwise, I don't mind, kill all you people, and then go alone One person, go find trouble for Black and the motherland." The soldier boy who issued the ultimatum finished speaking and walked towards the exit of the underground passage with his shield in hand.

"To some extent, this guy is worse than the people of the motherland." Billy said with an ugly face as he watched the soldier boy leave.


Gordokin Underground Research Base.

Dr. Cardoza, who was responsible for developing the virus, handed a report to Xia Shang.

"Shetty has always wanted me to develop a virus that can control superpowers, and the drug that suppresses Kate's superpowers is a derivative of the virus." The brainwashed Dr. Cardoza completely regarded Xia Shang as He is the person he trusts the most, so he answers almost every question raised by Xia Shang.

"It can be seen that that drug is only a semi-finished product." Xia Shang looked at the report in his hand and said softly.

"Yes, although that drug can suppress superpowers, it will also affect the user's mental state. After my long-term observation, Kate's mental state has become extremely unstable and there is a risk of collapse at any time."

Dr. Cardoza picked up the medicine bottle on the table, then poured a pill into the palm of his hand, "Among the many experimental subjects, Kate has persisted the longest. Some superhuman beings will even become pregnant the moment they take the medicine." Completely crazy, but Kate is different, she is very special, and her innate superpowers are a huge burden for her."

"Why?" Xia Shang asked.

“Because she couldn’t control her superpowers, and because of this, her brother disappeared when she was a child, and he has never been found.

And this drug in my hand can help her suppress her superpower. Just like a child cannot lift a truck, Kate can easily lift it as long as the truck is replaced with a toy car. "

After listening to what Dr. Cardoza said, Xia Shang guessed that Shetty controlled Kate by taking advantage of her dependence on drugs.

"If Kate doesn't take medicine for a long time, can Kate awaken her true superpower?" Xia Shang called up the panel and looked at the fusion conditions of the talent skills and said.

[Fusion condition: Kate will be able to fully awaken her superpowers while ensuring that her spirit does not collapse]

Dr. Cardoza thought for a while, touched his chin and said: "According to my experience, it should be possible, but...but during the awakening process, her spirit may be unable to withstand the surge in superpowers. Collapse is like forcing water into a glass, and the walls of the glass will break because they cannot withstand the pressure.”

"Is there no solution?" Xia Shang was unwilling to give up the superpower of [Cognitive Invasion], which was full of potential.

Dr. Cardoza frowned, and after half a minute, he slowly said: "It is not impossible for her to awaken her true superpowers without a mental breakdown, unless she uses her superpowers frequently. In this way If so, her spirit will have an adaptation process, and the human spirit, like rubber, has a certain degree of flexibility. As long as she continues to use her superpowers in the process of awakening her superpowers, she might be able to adapt to the skyrocketing increase. superpower."


Xia Shang was about to leave, but stopped again.

"By the way, how is the research going on Sam's side?"

"It's not going well. Like Kate, he also has mental problems, but compared to Kate, his drug resistance is a little stronger." Dr. Cardoza led Xia Shang to the door of the monitoring room.

The brainwashed guard pushed open the door of the control room without hesitation after seeing Xia Shang.

"Viruses that can restrain superpowers have already achieved initial results." Cardoza pointed to one of the monitoring screens and said.

"The superhuman in this room is nineteen years old. His name is Chick. He was arrested by the Bureau of Superhuman Affairs for committing crimes. Later Shetty brought him over. His superpowers are similar to the golden boy, and his energy source is constantly released. flame."

Cardoza said, pressing a green button on the console.

"This button can make a harsh noise ring in the room, and superhumans are generally very sensitive to noise, so once the noise is heard, their emotions will lose control and release their superpowers."

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