In an instant, Xia Shang saw Qike in the surveillance screen, covering his ears in pain and rolling on the ground. At the same time, flames began to appear on the surface of his skin, but the flames were very small and were extinguished by rolling over.

"One day ago, the flames he released could fill the entire room." Cardoza called up the surveillance from a day ago for comparison, "Look, it only took five hours after he was infected with the virus, and his superpowers weakened to this Look."

While he was talking, Chick in the room suddenly started scratching his body crazily, his expression gradually becoming crazy, and his skin became red, swollen, ulcerated, and blisters like chickenpox appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. , even through the screen, Xia Shang could see the light yellow and slightly viscous liquid flowing from the scratched blisters, which looked extremely disgusting.

"Damn it!" Cardoza's face darkened, he picked up the walkie-talkie at hand and said to the guard outside the monitoring room: "In Room 23, a superhuman is out of control. Take him out for treatment quickly."

After saying that, he looked at Xia Shang, feeling a little ashamed: "The virus is not stable yet. He is the first person to persist for such a long time. I thought..."

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time." Xia Shang saw Qi Ke in the picture. After struggling for a while, he finally lay twisted on the ground, lifeless.

"Put the scene just now into a USB flash drive and give it to me."

"no problem."

Cardoza quickly input the surveillance footage into the USB flash drive.

"Is this virus contagious?" Xia Shang asked calmly, looking at the miserable death of Qike on the surveillance screen.

If the virus is contagious, then the problem will be serious. A contagious virus that can kill super humans is not a good thing for him.

After all, he is also planning to cultivate the black-robed world into a reserve of superpowers. If the virus is contagious or has a tendency to develop into a contagious virus, then he must block it or even completely destroy the entire experimental base.

"No, the virus is not contagious." Cardoza shook his head and handed the USB flash drive to Xia Shang.

"If the virus develops in this direction, please inform me immediately."

Xia Shang put away the USB flash drive, then walked out of the control room and walked towards the exit of the base.

at the same time.

On a lawn of Godokin University, the golden boy looked at Mary who was wandering on campus, and suddenly felt angry. He ignored Kate's obstruction and strode towards Mary.

Seeing that there was something lively to watch, the surrounding students immediately followed the golden boy and moved towards Mary's position.

"I bet you fifty dollars that Golden Boy will teach that freshman a lesson."

"I bet you a hundred bucks that freshman will get the shit kicked out of him."

Since the semester at Godokin University has just started, many courses have not yet been scheduled. At this time, the students are in a panic and want to find something to kill their time.

"Isn't that the golden boy? It seems like he wants to cause trouble for the freshman." After hearing the comments around him, Li Qiaodan followed their gazes and saw the golden boy walking toward Mary aggressively.

He frowned and walked over quickly.

At this time, Mary and Emma were strolling around the campus, unaware of the coming danger.

"Everyone said Courteney was under the influence of drugs, which is why she acted like that on stage, but I don't think so." Emma expressed her unique opinion on what happened yesterday, "I heard She said that she offended Kate before the interview, and I also heard that Kate’s superpower is to manipulate others, so I suspect that Kate deliberately made Courteney look embarrassed.”

"No, that's a live broadcast." Mary said in surprise.

"Anyway, it's best for us to stay away from Golden Boy and Kate during this period of time."

Unfortunately, trouble can't be avoided by just trying to avoid it. Suddenly, a ball of fire the size of a fist whizzed past Mary's ear, and then hit a tree trunk. The part of the tree trunk that was hit was scorched black. , and Mary's hair was also burned a lot.

The sudden attack made Mary instantly alert. She immediately turned her head and looked behind her.

As a result, she saw the golden boy with his arms around his chest, standing there and looking at her expressionlessly.

And the crowd behind the golden boy is full of people.

"Go quickly."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Emma pulled Mary and wanted to run away, but Mary didn't want to leave. She walked straight towards the golden boy and asked: "Why did you suddenly attack me? I don't think I have offended you recently, right? If I hadn’t stopped you, you might have been fired by Godotkin right now.”

Mary didn't understand why the golden boy hated her so much, even though she had helped him.

"Expelled? I'd rather be expelled from the school than fall in the rankings." Golden Boy's arms ignited with flames amidst the whistles around him. "Now I give you two choices, either accept the challenge. I'll wait for you in the gym. Either admit it in front of everyone, you are a shameless villain and you are not worthy of your current ranking."

"Don't fight him, don't fight him." Emma anxiously leaned into Mary's ear and kept whispering.

Because she knew very well that with Mary's strength against the golden boy, she would definitely be taught a terrible lesson. By then, Mary might not be able to hold her head high even after four years of college.

"I..." Just when Mary was about to fight, Li Jordan pushed through the crowd and walked up to the golden boy.

"Bullying a tenth-ranked rookie is nothing. If you want to fight, I'm happy to accompany you."

Li Qiaodan and Golden Boy looked at each other until Golden Boy looked away.

"Very good. A defeated general dares to say such words in front of me. We will see you on the battlefield." The golden boy turned around and walked towards the gymnasium. On the way, his phone suddenly vibrated, but at this moment, the golden boy could not He was thinking about checking his phone. He was so angry that he just wanted to teach Li Qiaodan a lesson.


Mary thanked Li Jordan.

"Why are you thanking me? I just want to suppress Golden Boy's arrogance. As for you, I don't care about your life or death."

When the golden boy came to the stadium, he first took out his mobile phone and handed it to Kate.

"I bought a new mobile phone and I don't want to replace it."

Kate took the phone and accidentally glanced at it. A text message popped up on it, which made her pupils shrink suddenly. At the same time, the smile on her face gradually stiffened, and her expression became extremely unnatural.

"What's wrong? Who sent me the message." After the golden boy saw Kate's reaction, he reached out to get his phone back.

"It's nothing. You should think about how to deal with Li Qiaodan." Kate saw the word 'forest' on the phone and quickly put the phone into her pocket. Although she didn't know who sent the text message, she must not let Jin Tong learned the truth of the matter.

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