Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 359 Memory modification! Xia Shang is watching!

"Are you sure you're fine?" The golden boy looked at Kate, who was looking strange, and couldn't help but frown. However, based on his trust in Kate, he didn't ask any more questions and walked towards the battlefield in the center of the gymnasium.

After the golden boy left her, Kate sat on a chair in the auditorium with relief. She first took a deep breath to calm down her nervousness, then hurriedly took out her phone and entered the lock screen password.

When she saw the complete content of the text message, her breathing suddenly became rapid.

"Golden boy, I hope you haven't forgotten your brother. He was imprisoned by Shetty in the human experiment base code-named Shulin.

The reason why you have no memory about this is because your girlfriend, who is also the person you trust most, Kate used superpowers to erase or modify your memory. To prove that I didn’t lie to you, you can click below the message The connection, what you see is real. "

After reading the text message, Kate felt increasingly uneasy. She tapped the link, and then the screen of her phone went black. A second later, Sam in a hospital gown appeared on the screen of her phone.

"Shet!" Kate pressed the shutdown button without finishing watching the video.

This video must not be seen by Golden Boy. She turned on her phone again, deleted the text messages and links, and imitated Golden Boy's tone and sent a text message, "Who are you? Can we make an appointment to meet up."

Little did he know that her every move was clearly seen by the Xia Shang clone who was watching her.

"Who is the other party? Only Principal Shetty and I know this secret." Kate racked her brains but couldn't think of a suspicious person.

However, she knew the character of Jintong very well. Jintong was essentially a very extreme person. He believed in the law of the jungle and the strong, and believed that a truly strong person should not be bound by any rules or moral restraints.

To some extent, his ideas and concepts were influenced by the early superhero Soldier Boy, which is why Golden Boy values ​​his ranking so much.

But later, the appearance of the people from the motherland changed his original concept. It can even be said that the people from the motherland are the life mentors of the golden boy. After hearing or seeing the various deeds of the people from the motherland, he made up his mind to become like him. A superhero like a native of the motherland.

"You must not let the golden boy know about this." Kate could imagine that if the golden boy learned that his brother was used for human experiments at the Walter Experimental Base, coupled with his own betrayal, his emotions would definitely be completely Collapse, you know, once the worldview begins to collapse, there is no possibility of making up for it. The huge despair and powerlessness may prompt the golden boy to commit suicide to fight the darkness of the world.

At the same time, on the battle stage, the battle was about to break out.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, Golden Boy's whole body was instantly ignited with fire, and then he rushed straight towards Li Qiaodan.

Seeing this, Li Qiaodan raised his arms and tried to block.

boom! !

A ball of high-temperature flames exploded, and the huge impact made Li Qiaodan's arms numb and he retreated repeatedly.

"Whether it's strength or speed, I'm above you, why should you be second?!" The battle made Golden Boy excited. In an instant, he rushed to Li Qiaodan, then grabbed the opponent's hand with one hand, It hit the ground hard, and there was a loud bang, making everyone in the audience cheer for the golden boy's wonderful performance!

"Well done!"

"As expected of the former number one, this is a complete crushing!"

"I've long been unhappy with Li Qiaodan, a weird hermaphrodite."

The voices in the spectator seats became more and more enthusiastic.

"The battle has just begun!" Li Qiaodan switched into a female form, and when Golden Boy was caught off guard, she pulled out her arm. She jumped back and released blue energy waves with her hands.

Obviously, she wanted to rely on her own agility to consume the golden boy's state.

Unfortunately, the energy wave she shot did not hit the golden boy.

"In terms of long-range attacks, you can't compare to me." Golden Boy spread his hands, condensing fireballs and throwing them towards Li Qiaodan.

For a moment, dazzling energy waves and fireballs collided in the air, making loud noises. The surrounding temperature rose rapidly. In the female form, Li Qiaodan's ability to withstand blows was greatly reduced compared to the male form. Therefore, , she was very focused and kept avoiding the incoming fireballs.

But the space on the battlefield was limited, and Li Qiaodan was soon pushed to the edge.

If she wanted to win, she still had to switch to male. Li Qiaodan was about to switch her gender when the golden boy suddenly appeared and punched her in the abdomen.

Li Qiaodan, who suffered a heavy blow, spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards uncontrollably.

The scene seemed to pause for half a second, and then thunderous cheers broke out!

There is no doubt that Li Qiaodan lost!

The victorious golden boy used the jet of flames to fly into the air, then raised his arms to declare his victory to everyone.

"Little sea cucumbers on fire." Emma complained as she followed Mary to Li Qiaodan's side lying on the ground.

"Is everything okay?"

Mary stretched out her right hand to help Li Jordan up from the ground.

Li Qiaodan didn't speak. He switched to his male form, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, slapped Mary's hand away, and left the gym alone.

On the other side, Anderson appeared on the seat next to Kate at some point. He silently took out his mobile phone and placed it in front of Kate.

"Please explain, what's going on?"

"What?" Kate, whose eyes were dull and obviously worried, was awakened by Anderson's voice. She subconsciously looked at the mobile phone in front of her.

"I just received this text message."

Anderson suppressed his anger and said in a low voice.

"Trust me, I can explain." Seeing the golden boy slowly walking towards her, Kate grabbed Anderson's hand in desperation and issued a hasty instruction: "Delete the message and forget everything that happened just now."

"First time." Quietly, Xia Shang replaced the clone, like an invisible bystander, monitoring Kate's status in real time.

Because he had to ensure that Kate's superpowers would not collapse mentally before she was completely revived, otherwise she would not be able to meet the fusion conditions.

"Anderson!" The golden boy was like a man who had committed adultery in bed. He wanted to punch Anderson to death. In fact, he did exactly that. He punched Anderson to the ground with a punch filled with anger.

"What's going on?" Anderson, whose memory had just been modified, looked at Golden Boy blankly.

His eyes seemed to ask why he hit me.

"Misunderstanding, it was just a misunderstanding." Kate said hurriedly.


Golden Boy felt that Anderson's eyes did not look like someone who had just cheated on him, so he began to wonder if he had really misunderstood something.

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