Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 360 Meet Edgar! Start laying out!

"Hiss..." Anderson took a breath and stood up staggeringly. His mind was now full of questions, how could he be here? And why was he beaten by the golden boy?

"Are you okay? Kate, who felt a little guilty, glanced at Anderson's phone and then asked.

"My face hurts a little."

Anderson's cheeks were already red and swollen. Fortunately, he was in good health. If an ordinary person had been punched by the Golden Boy, he would have been disabled or even dead.

"Made! I didn't offend you. Do I need to be so cruel?" Anderson rubbed his cheek and complained.

At this time, Golden Boy and Kate looked at each other, and Kate shook her head slightly, "I just wanted to return Anderson's phone to him, what do you think?"

The golden boy was speechless for a moment. It seemed that it was indeed a misunderstanding. He put his hand on Anderson's shoulder embarrassedly and said ashamedly: "I'm sorry, I'm too sensitive. You can choose the restaurant tonight. I'll treat you."

"Forget it, as long as I am not disfigured, I will forgive you." Anderson picked up the phone and took a photo of his face. Little did he know that his actions directly made Kate's heart lift.

Fortunately, the superpower did not expire. After Anderson deleted the text message naturally, he asked casually: "Aren't you grounded? How can you get out?"

"It's not easy to get out." Golden Boy shrugged, saying that nothing would happen to him even if he sneaked out.

However, what Kate didn't expect was that her nightmare had just begun.

As the sky became darker and darker, the noisy school during the day gradually became silent. Mary and Emma stood in front of the crime-fighting academy, in front of the statue of the lamplighter, and started chatting.

"I clearly applied for the Lamplighter School of Fighting Crime, why is my name not on the admission list?" Mary was puzzled by this. The purpose of her admission to Godokin University was to enter the School of Fighting Crime, because she After consulting a lot of information, I found that most of Walt's superheroes came from this academy.

Therefore, crime fighting academy is her only option in order to become a superhero.

"Why don't you go ask Principal Brinker tomorrow morning? He is the dean of the college and also the principal. Maybe he accidentally omitted your name. After all, you are the first one to enter the campus ranking list. Logically, you should be admitted among the top ten freshmen," Emma said.

While they were talking, a figure suddenly appeared behind them.

"Don't go near the woods. Golden Boy's younger brother is imprisoned inside. Golden Boy doesn't know about this."

"Who's talking?" Mary turned her head and looked around, but she didn't see even a single person. The campus was extremely quiet at night. The wind from nowhere blew the leaves and made a rustling sound. At the same time, the tree trunks The shadow was reflected on the ground, looking twisted and ferocious, like a devil's claws.

The slightly gloomy environment made Emma shudder. A look of horror appeared on her face, and she said tremblingly: "Isn't this place haunted?"

"How is that possible?" Mary immediately retorted, at least the ghost wouldn't say anything about the golden boy.

"Maybe someone was sending me a message."

"You mean, the person who spoke just now was a human?" Emma felt a little uneasy.

"He told us to be careful of the woods, and also told us that the golden boy's younger brother was locked up inside." Mary couldn't figure out what the other person wanted to express for a while.

On the other hand, Emma on the side said with a surprised look on her face: "Does he want us to tell Golden Boy the news? In this case, the relationship between us and Golden Boy can be eased."

Mary felt that things were not as simple as Emma said.

"You have seen how popular Golden Boy is in Godokin. Why don't we take this opportunity to win over Golden Boy? In this way, even if the Crime Fighting Academy doesn't want you, if Golden Boy helps you, maybe you can We can go in."

Emma's words were not unreasonable, and Mary nodded. She was indeed very eager to enter the Crime Fighting Academy.


The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning, Xia Shang drove away from Godokin University.

Then stopped at a restaurant in downtown New York.

"Mr. Jervis, please follow me." The waiter standing in front of the restaurant took the initiative to lead Xia Shang after seeing him.

Soon, Xia Shang, led by the receptionist, met Edgar, who was wearing a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses. In the huge restaurant, Edgar was the only one with food placed in front of the table, and the rest of the seats were empty. , it was obvious that Edgar had booked the entire restaurant.

"I shouldn't be late." Xia Shang sat down with a smile, and then looked at Edgar in front of him.

Last night, Edgar sent an email to his mailbox, asking him to meet at the restaurant. Xia Shang had already guessed the purpose.

Edgar raised his right hand, looked at the watch on it, and said calmly: "Nine twenty-five, you came five minutes early."

With that said, he waved to call the waiter.

"Two sodas. By the way, the cherry puffs here are pretty good. Do you need one?" Edgar said to Xia Shang.

"up to you."

After the waiters around him left, Edgar picked up the napkin on the table and wiped his hands.

"Should I call you You-Know-Who, or Jervis?"

"Anything is fine." Xia Shang was not surprised that his identity was exposed.

"When did you know that I was a mysterious person?" However, Xia Shang was a little curious as to when he was discovered.

Edgar put down his napkin and spoke calmly: "When you disguised yourself as a native of the motherland and killed Storm Girl, Ashley said that you were on a plane heading to California. Later, I sent someone to investigate and found that you There is no boarding record.

Of course, based on these alone, I can't say that you are a mysterious person until someone tells me your true identity. "

"Billy." Xia Shang said a name directly without thinking.

The reason is simple. He has only told Maeve his true identity, and Maeve hates Walter as much as Huey does. Naturally, she cannot tell Edgar the matter, but she and Billy later It's a cooperative relationship, and it's normal to tell Billy your identity.

"It would be nice if you weren't a mysterious person." Edgar didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either. He just shook his head and looked at Xia Shang with emotion in his eyes.

"Mr. Edgar, does it matter whether I am a mysterious person?" Xia Shang smiled, changing his appearance by the way, Yuji, the motherland, Edgar, Billy, or Starlight. Due to the speed of change, his face Too fast, it even becomes blurry, and in the end, it returns to its original appearance.

"Which face is this of yours?" Edgar's expression didn't change at all, and his tone was a little curious.

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