Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 361 Shock! Hit it off immediately!

"What do you think?" Xia Shang leaned back on the chair, put his hands on his abdomen, looked at Edgar and chuckled.

"Well, that's not important."

At this time, the waiter came to the two of them with a tray, then bent slightly and said respectfully: "Two glasses of soda water, and our specialty, cherry puffs, please use them slowly."

Then, he placed the soda water and food on the tray on the dining table. After doing this, he took a few steps back and bent down again: "Just tell me if you have anything to do. I wish you a happy meal."

"Interesting superpower, just like a twin." Edgar turned his head and glanced at the leaving waiter, then his eyes returned to Xia Shang's face and asked softly: "But he can only imitate one person's appearance. And you seem to be able to imitate even superpowers.”

"To be precise, it's not imitation."

Xia Shang shook his head slightly, and then his eyes glowed red, and there seemed to be some violent energy hidden deep in his eyes, just like the people of his motherland!

"It's that I have those superpowers." Xia Shang raised the corner of his mouth and showed a wanton smile. At the same time, a strong sense of oppression, centered on him, spread crazily around him, as if the entire restaurant was being pressed. Pressing the pause button, the atmosphere instantly became quiet, and Edgar's heavier breathing could even be vaguely heard.

"I have more superpowers than you think."

As soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, the tables, chairs and benches in the restaurant floated up at the same time and slowly rotated around the two of them. This scene was like a big scene in a science fiction movie, but because the restaurant is located in a remote place, So Edgar was the only one who was lucky enough to see this scene.

"Actually, I'm afraid it won't take more than a second to kill you, and the methods you used to deal with the people of the motherland are basically ineffective against me." Xia Shang raised his finger slightly, held a steel knife, and paused for a moment. On Edgar's neck, only one millimeter away from the skin, "You might as well guess why I haven't done anything to you."

Xia Shang put away his laser eyes, picked up the soda on the table with a smile, and took a sip. In the extremely quiet area, he seemed to be waiting for Edgar's answer.

At this moment, Edgar still looked calm, but his Adam's apple rolled slightly inadvertently. And, at some point, his temples were soaked with sweat, and his right hand under the dining table was also clenched. It was obvious that he was not feeling well in his heart. As peaceful as it looks.

With a heavy heart, Edgar tried his best to maintain his dignity. He exhaled a breath, put his hands on the dining table, crossed his fingers and said: "This shows that I am still valuable to you, otherwise I will end up Probably no different than a storm.”

"Mr. Edgar is indeed smart." Xia Shang smiled and put down the glass in his hand. The moment the bottom of the glass came into contact with the table, the items floating around seemed to have been pressed on the back button, and then they returned to their original places. position.

"If I were smart, I wouldn't promote you to vice president. In the words of your country, it's like raising a tiger to make trouble." Edgar twitched his facial muscles and spoke a string of awkward words without a smile. .

"I knew a long time ago that you and I are the same kind of people. Sure enough, my vision is very accurate," Edgar stabilized his mood and continued: "But I have to be thankful for this, because it shows that we are still If there is a possibility of cooperation, please tell me. I want to know what value I have to you.

By the way, I have to remind you that I am no longer President Walter. If you want to be the president, I'm afraid I won't be of use. "


"The people of the motherland are just the mascots you introduced. The person who really controls Walter has never changed. Otherwise, I should be the one who becomes the principal of Godokkin now." Xia Shang directly exposed Edgar's rhetoric.

Edgar was not upset after being exposed, he just smiled.

"Of course, I don't care who becomes the principal." Xia Shang, who was sitting at the dining table, took out a USB flash drive and placed it next to the glass. "If you want to rely on the virus or Kate to make a comeback, I advise you not to have any wishful thinking."

The smile on Edgar's face suddenly disappeared without a trace. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "What do you want me to do? Push you to become President of Walter?"

Unexpectedly, Xia Shang shook his head after hearing this, "President Walter has no temptation for me."

In fact, it is impossible for him to stay in the black robe forever. After all, the level of the black robe is only two stars. Sooner or later, he will have to leave the black robe and go to a higher level world. However, this does not mean that the black robe world will become worthless. , you know, even if he leaves the black robe, the black robe will still provide him with a steady stream of fantasy points, and the world of the black robe is a rich reserve of superpowers for him.

What Xia Shang wants to do is to let more people achieve superhuman status, so he wants to find a suitable candidate before leaving.

Help him promote Compound No. 5 to the world, and Edgar in front of him is the best candidate.

"Victoria Newman is only one step away from the Vice President. I want you to join forces with each other to vigorously promote Compound No. 5 after she takes office." Xia Shang revealed the real purpose of this visit.

"Victoria has long since become a member of the motherland. She will not listen to me."

Edgar did not expect that this was what Jervis liked in him.

"I have had this plan to transform the Watt Group into a pharmaceutical company a long time ago. Unfortunately, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to control the people of the motherland. They are like beasts that see blood. Once the wild nature in the body is stimulated, it will be difficult to control them. Then shrink back." Edgar expressed his worries. In his opinion, the people of the motherland have become different from before, becoming more difficult to restrain and control.

"I will find a way to solve it for the people of the motherland. You don't have to worry about this."

Xia Shang stood up, looked at Edgar and said, "I am different from the people of my motherland. Once you become useless in my eyes, there will be a more suitable person to replace you."

"As a black man who has served on the Vought board for so many years, I know exactly what you mean."

"Old guy on Walter's board of directors, don't worry. From today on, you only need to work for me." After saying that, Xia Shang walked out of the restaurant without looking back.


"Get up!" Emma, ​​who was only wearing a vest, opened the curtains, and then climbed up the stairs to Mary's window.

She grabbed a corner of the sheet and lifted it hard.

"What's going on?" As a result, she saw Mary with messy hair looking at her with a tired face. There were deep dark circles around Mary's eyes, as if she hadn't slept all night.

"Did you stay up late?" Emma asked.

"I didn't sleep at all."

Mary climbed out of bed and walked towards the bathroom, "I've been thinking about whether I should tell the golden boy what happened yesterday."

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