Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 362 Deception! Modify the memory again!

"Just because of this, you thought about it all night?" Emma couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Please, even if this is someone's prank, we have nothing to lose by telling Golden Boy about it."

She followed Mary into the bathroom.

"I plan to verify whether the place called the woods really exists before telling the golden boy." Mary picked up the toothbrush and ran it under the tap. This was a habit she developed in the rehabilitation center. Because people always mix up toothbrushes, one time, Mary even saw a vegetable leaf on her toothbrush. It was so disgusting that she almost vomited it out.

"Assuming that place really exists, we can't get in even with our small arms and legs. We might as well tell the golden boy about it first. At least he is much stronger than us."

Emma really didn't want to see Mary take risks, so she persuaded her.

"After breakfast, let's go find Li Qiaodan." Mary listened to the advice, but she didn't fully listen.

"You must be fucking crazy."

Emma grimaced, took out two empty bowls from the cabinet, poured milk into them, and then added cereal.

The two of them finished their cereal like a storm and rushed towards the Crime Fighting Academy without stopping.

Li Qiaodan, as Brinke's assistant coach, was sorting out documents for Brinke at this time.

"I heard about what happened on the battlefield yesterday." Brink put down his book and looked up at the unsmiling Li Jordan, "What you did is wrong. The first place is not achieved by strength. , fame and prestige are all important, and if you do this, it will only help Golden Boy return to No. 1."

"If you lose, you lose. I have nothing to say." Li Qiaodan put the organized documents on his desk, "Professor Brinker, thank you for your concern for me, but I still want to rely on my strength to become the number one name."

After saying that, Li Qiaodan walked out of the office, but bumped into Mary and Emma who were looking for him.

"I still have something to do, so stay out of the way." Li Qiaodan's face darkened and he walked faster.

"Have you heard of the woods?" Emma shouted to him.

Turning around with Li Jordan, there was also Anderson who was passing by. The moment he heard the word woods, it seemed as if an electric current passed through his brain. Anderson froze in place, and the memory that had been modified by Kate slowly came to light. After recovering, he frowned, walked to Emma, ​​and said with some hesitation: "Forests? Golden boy?"

He could only think of these, and Anderson couldn't remember the rest.

"You also know?" Mary looked at Anderson, a flash of shock in her eyes.

"Let's find a quiet place to talk slowly."

In order to find out what he had forgotten, Anderson took Mary and others to a remote corner of the campus.

snort! They were pretending, but their actions did arouse Li Qiaodan's curiosity.

In front of the teaching building, several people gathered under a big tree on the lawn and started discussing.

"You mean, Golden Boy has a younger brother who is imprisoned in a secret institution called the woods? Why haven't I heard him mention it?" Anderson vaguely remembered that Golden Boy did seem to have a younger brother, but he rarely mentioned anything about his younger brother. If his brother is really imprisoned in a secret institution called the woods, there is no way that the golden boy will not react at all.

After some discussion among several people, they were divided into two groups. One group was led by Mary. She and Li Qiaodan wanted to find the agency called Shulin. The other group was headed by Anderson. He and Emma felt that they should tell Golden Boy about the matter first. .

"There is a really strange place in the school. I heard that it is a restricted area of ​​the school. Guards patrol it from time to time and no one is allowed to get close." Li Qiaodan said slowly.

"Let's go find the golden boy first, and let's work together to rescue his brother."

While Anderson was talking, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the golden boy who was dating Kate out of the corner of his eye.

"Hi! Here!" Mary was about to stop her, but Anderson moved faster. His shout attracted the attention of the golden boy, and also caused Kate, who was following the golden boy, to feel tense.

"I suddenly thought of a new trick. Have you heard of depth bombs?" Kate tried to keep the golden boy away from Anderson.

Depth bombs? Thinking of something, the golden boy raised a smirk on his lips, "Then I will definitely be delighted."

"Then what are you waiting for? Don't wait until the time comes."

Kate touched the golden boy's face with an ambiguous look on her face, and then ran towards the apartment building.

The golden boy glanced in the direction of Anderson in embarrassment, but in the end, physiology prevailed over brotherhood.

"Run slower and wait for me."

Seeing the golden boy walking further and further away, the anxious Anderson shouted directly: "I know about your brother!"

Almost instantly, the golden boy stopped and his brows began to frown. As he thought, his brain suddenly started to hurt. His eyes were bloodshot, and his expression gradually became ferocious due to the pain, "Brother. ? I do seem to have a younger brother, damn it!! Why can’t I remember, damn it!!”

"Golden boy, are you okay?" Seeing the golden boy in extreme pain, Kate was heartbroken, but she had no other choice.

"Forget what Anderson said to you just now, stay here and have a good rest." Kate took the golden boy's right hand and used her superpower. She repeatedly told herself that she was only doing this to protect the golden boy. What was hidden behind the woods was A monster that chooses and devours people. Once it touches it, let alone the golden boy, I am afraid that if it were any other person, the final end would be to suddenly disappear.

Under the influence of Kate's superpower, the golden boy's mood gradually stabilized. He held his head, squatted on the ground, and screamed in pain from time to time.

"Quiet!" Kate raised her index finger to her lips.

"Why did Golden Boy react so strongly? He seemed to be in pain." Anderson asked in a low voice, puzzled.

The other people also looked at Kate with puzzled expressions.

"Do you know about the disease of psychological shadow?" Kate decided to stabilize the few people in front of her first, and then find an opportunity to modify the memories of Anderson and others.

"You mean, Golden Boy has a psychological shadow." Anderson's face became even more suspicious, wondering why he had never heard of Golden Boy having a mental illness.

"Yes, only I know this secret. No one has told it except me, the golden boy."

Kate pretended to be sad and began to make up a story, "When the Golden Boy was a child, an accident caused his superpowers to suddenly revive. However, when he was frightened, the Golden Boy's younger brother ran towards him. As a result, the golden boy Tong was unable to control his superpowers, and the flames spurted from his body burned his brother alive. The golden boy who witnessed this scene has left a deep psychological shadow."

"Oh my God!" Emma covered her mouth in shock and exclaimed in disbelief.

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