Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 363 Xia Shang takes action, and Kate’s super power is completely awakened!

Mary on the side sympathized deeply with the golden boy's experience because she had also experienced the same thing.

"I understand how the golden boy feels at this is a lingering nightmare." Mary looked at the golden boy not far away with emotion, with a trace of sadness in her eyes. "Escape is shameful, but it is useful."

The strong sense of self-blame made Anderson want to slap himself several times, "I deserve to die. If I had known better, I shouldn't have mentioned his brother in front of him."

"Promise me to keep this matter a secret between us." Kate didn't expect the effect to be so good. Maybe she didn't need to use her superpower to delete the memories of these guys in front of her.

"The story is good, but it's a pity that it's all false."

A sudden voice completely shattered the sentimental atmosphere.

Who is speaking? ! Several people were angry and looked in the direction of the sound.

"You guys let me down a bit." Xia Shang, wearing a black robe, walked slowly to Kate's side and said bluntly.

Rather than stupid, he prefers to describe Mary and others as innocent.

"Vice Principal Jervis, I don't quite understand what you mean." Being criticized for no reason would make anyone feel unhappy. Anderson took a step forward and said with an unhappy expression.

Xia Shang ignored Anderson and looked at Kate beside him, "Originally I wanted your superpower to awaken naturally, but now it seems that I may have to wait a long time. Don't waste time and delete their memories quickly."

His tone was calm, but it had a commanding tone.

Mary and others under the shade of the tree couldn't figure out the situation at all. What did it mean? Could it be that what Kate just said was a lie? Why is Kate's superpower not awakened? And why did Kate delete their memories?

"Vice Principal Jervis, I don't know you and I don't understand what you are talking about."

Kate pretended to be confused and cast a look of help at Anderson.

"Mr. Jervis, now is the time for our private party. Please leave." Anderson, who was full of masculinity, had a cold face and was about to drive Xia Shang away.

"Your father, a bipolar person, would not dare to say such a thing in front of me. He is truly ignorant and fearless."

Xia Shang was not angry, he just felt it was a bit ridiculous. Of course, there were still lessons to be learned. In an instant, an invisible power of thought was generated around his body, like the pressure in the depths of the sea, covering Anderson and others.

puff! ! Emma, ​​who was the weakest, could not bear the pressure and was the first to spit out a mouthful of blood. Seeing this, Xia Shang frowned and directly used his mind power to split the lawn and planted the shocked Emma. Then, like a zipper The lawn that had been pulled apart was put back together again, leaving only Emma's head exposed to the air.

However, Xia Shang also removed the telepathy that enveloped her, preventing her injuries from worsening.

On Anderson's side, under the huge pressure, it was extremely difficult for him to even lift his arms. His whole body seemed to be soaked in cement that was about to solidify. Even the simple action of opening his mouth was difficult to do.

"You are actually a super human too." Anderson gritted his teeth and mobilized all his strength to barely resist the pressure on his body.

"You can still speak. It seems that the pressure on you is not high enough."

Xia Shang raised his arm and glanced at the time on his watch. At the same time, the telepathy covering Anderson's body continued to tighten, like a giant python wrapping around it. Now Anderson couldn't even move his fingers. It became a luxury wish, but he still did not compromise, but stimulated his super powers to the extreme.

As his super power spread around, soon, a street lamp not far away began to shake slightly, as if it was about to rise from the ground in the next second.

However, Xia Shang, who was aware of it, turned to look at the street lamp, only to see that the street lamp that was about to leave the ground was pushed back by an invisible force.

"Kate, I give you two choices, either watch them turn into puddles of meat, or do as I say." Xia Shang put his hands in his pockets and looked at Mary. According to Mary's information, he knew that the other party's super power was blood control, but what surprised him was that Mary's super power could not only control his own blood, but also affect the blood in his body.

"I can sense their existence, but why can't I control them?" The huge pressure prompted Mary's superpower to gradually undergo some strange changes.

It's just that this change still seems fragile in the face of absolute power.

Due to the innate skill of extreme control, Xia Shang's control over himself has reached an outrageous level. Unless Mary's super power can be several times stronger, it is almost impossible to control the blood in Xia Shang's body. possible.

What's more, Xia Shang has integrated [blood control], and his ability to control blood is no less than Mary's.

"That's enough. I will do as you say and delete their memories." Kate, who did not want to see the tragedy happen, came to Anderson and slowly raised her right hand. In Anderson's disbelieving eyes, she put her palm Stick it on his forehead.

"Forget about the golden boy's brother and everything about the woods, forget about what's happening now, and go back to your room and get some sleep."

After using her superpower, Kate looked obviously a little tired, but she still cheered up and walked towards Mary, who was struggling to support herself.

Using her superpower three times in a row, her eyes began to slowly turn red. After Emma's memory was deleted, her body suddenly shook violently, like an epileptic seizure, and she fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force spread towards the surroundings.

"Memory space?" In an instant, Kate's body suddenly disappeared in front of Xia Shang's eyes. It was a true disappearance, not an ability such as invisibility.

At this time, in the living room of a villa on the outskirts of New York.

Xia Shang, who was sitting on the sofa and flipping through an ancient Egyptian dictionary, suddenly stopped turning pages in his hands, got up and walked out of the villa.

The scope of influence of Kate's superpower is effective, and it is naturally impossible to cover the location of Xia Shang's body. Therefore, when Xia Shang takes back his consciousness, he naturally leaves Kate's memory space.

"Kate's superpower is indeed difficult to sustain." The opened book floated next to Xia Shang, and part of his consciousness returned to the clone.

The clone's dull eyes lit up again, and Kate's body was lying on the lawn.

"The mood fluctuates a lot, so it shouldn't collapse." Xia Shang saw Kate's eyelids beating constantly, which showed that Kate's subconscious was very active.

[Fusion condition: Kate will be able to fully awaken her superpowers while ensuring that her spirit does not collapse]

[The player has not yet met the fusion conditions and cannot fuse this super power]

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