Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 364 What I have to face next is me who is even more desperate than Walter!

"Hiss... wasn't I walking with Kate? Why am I the only one here?"

At this time, the golden boy had regained consciousness, but his brain was still a little swollen and painful, as if someone took a leather spatula and stirred it hard a few times.

"Shet! What happened just now?"

The golden boy's mind was full of questions and he looked around with confusion. With his excellent eyesight, he immediately saw Kate, Anderson and others lying on the lawn.

Without hesitation, he walked quickly towards a few people.

"Vice Principal Jervis?" He happened to see Xia Shang using his telepathy to dig out Emma buried in the soil.

The two looked at each other. Compared to the frowning golden boy, Xia Shang calmly raised his right hand and flicked it back. The grass under Emma's head automatically opened a gap, and then Emma's whole body The body flew out of the soil and landed on the lawn, and the cracks dozens of centimeters wide were stuck together again.

"I know what you want to ask, don't worry, I'm very patient."

The memory storm crashed into the golden boy's brain. The unsuspecting golden boy's eyes instantly became glazed over. At the same time, due to the loss of control of his body, he fell straight backwards on the lawn, with the soles of his feet just facing Kate's head.


"Where is this?" In a daze, the golden boy found himself in a forest, and the surrounding environment felt both familiar and strange to him.

"I think I've been here before."

The golden boy began to rack his brains, trying to recall the scene in front of him. At the same moment, the surrounding woods began to twist and break, like mirrors that had been smashed. But behind the mirror, there was not endless darkness, but sections of Kate. Hidden memories.

That's right, Kate can't delete memories, she can only modify and overwrite them.

"Anderson?" Golden Boy looked at the memory picture closest to him. He saw Anderson under the shade of a tree not far away, shouting to 'him', like a pantomime, without any sound.

"Is this what really happened?"

The golden boy couldn't even recall any pictures related to it, as if he had never experienced the scene behind the mirror fragments.

Finally, driven by curiosity, he slowly stretched out his right hand and slowly touched the picture in front of him. The moment his fingertips touched the picture, a strong suction force sucked him in completely.

"I know about your brother!" Anderson yelled.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding scene was fragmented again. The golden boy, who had not yet recovered from Anderson's voice, subconsciously walked towards the picture on the left.

Beep beep beep! ! ! The scene this time was a laboratory similar to a ward. The golden boy saw himself and his brother Sam lying on two hospital beds respectively, and both of them had a blood-transporting catheter at their wrists, and a translucent rubber catheter was connected to the A blood transfusion device looked like it was injecting Sam's blood into his own body on the hospital bed.

In the laboratory, in addition to him and Sam, there were also the dead Indira Shetty, Professor Brinke, and a researcher in a white coat.

"I seem to remember." Jintong immediately looked at himself on the hospital bed.

Sure enough, the next second, the 'golden boy' on the hospital bed suddenly stood up and roared in horror and anger: "What the hell are you doing to me?! Sam!"

'He' shouted to the other hospital bed: "Fake Squid! Sam! Wake up! Wake up Sam!"

Seeing the 'golden boy' unexpectedly awakening, Shetty quickly waved to Kate, "Quick, do it now."

"Kate?!" The golden boy realized at this moment that Kate was also in the room. His eyes suddenly became extremely complicated and angry! Hate! Pain and other emotions were intertwined with each other. In the end, he took a step back as if he had been hit hard, and his heart ached like a knife.

" could it be you, why would it be you, why would you do this?"

He rushed to Kate, stretched out his hands, and pressed Kate's shoulders. As a result, his palms passed directly through the other person's body and could not touch Kate in his memory.

"Kate, Kate, save me, get me out." The 'golden boy' who was tied to the hospital bed kept calling for help to Kate, but Kate apologized and covered 'his' head.

"You will forget about the 'woods'. Your brother is dead. Go to sleep." Under the influence of Kate's super power, the 'golden boy' who had just woken up fell into a deep sleep again.

Silently, the surrounding scene shattered again.

"Once, twice, three times..." Tears rolled down the golden boy's eyes because he saw more than one scene similar to the one just now.

He stretched out his hand again and again, feeling the pain again and again, until finally, he recalled all the memories and suddenly opened his eyes.

"How many more times do I have to go through this before it's over?"

The golden boy stood up numbly. Just when he thought it was another forgotten memory, he saw Jervis standing in front of him.

"It seems that you must have remembered everything." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Isn't this my memory?"

Golden Boy couldn't believe it.

"poor guy."

Obviously, after a round of memory storm, Golden Boy couldn't even distinguish between memory and reality. Of course, if Xia Shang hadn't taken the initiative to withdraw his superpower, Golden Boy might have been immersed in memory forever.

"I don't believe you are real." Jintong's whole body was ignited with raging fire, and then he sprinted, raised his right fist backward, and hit Xia Shang in the chest!

There was a muffled sound.

The golden boy punched an invisible barrier, and flames suddenly flew out.

However, before he could react, a huge force blasted him away. As fast as he had sprinted just now, he was now flying backwards as fast as he could.

Two ravines suddenly appeared, and when the golden boy looked down, half of his calves were submerged in the soil.

"The opponent's attack can actually hit me. Doesn't it mean that I have returned to reality." At this moment, the golden boy pulled his legs out of the soil as if he had just woken up from a dream, and then walked towards Xia Shang.

"Vice Principal Jervis...what happened just now?"

Facing the confused golden boy, Xia Shang glanced at his watch and said, "I have been waiting for you for twenty minutes. I told you that I am very patient."

"Those memories just now?" Jin Tong asked anxiously.

"It's all true."

Xia Shang looked at Kate on the ground and could see two tears of blood slowly falling from the corners of Kate's eyes.

"How do you feel now that you have learned the truth? Don't thank me in a hurry, because what you have to face next is me who is even more desperate than Walter." Xia Shang smiled and smoothed the grass on the lawn with his telekinesis. Gully, and at the same time, a deep purple light glowed in his eyes.

"Next, I will give you two choices, either cooperate with me and I will send you to the Premier League Seven, or reject me and be put in an urn."

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