Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 366 Power is nothing in the face of absolute force!

After a while, Kate wiped the blood and tears from the corners of her eyes and promised the golden boy: "I will help you rescue Sam. I know the specific location of the underground laboratory.

"I'll go with you." Anderson was really happy that the two were back together, but for some reason, he felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something.

"Without Mr. Jervis's permission, we cannot save Sam." The golden boy shook his head. Since he had seen the strength of the other party, he did not intend to compete with Jervis.

"What's the meaning?"

Anderson looked at Xia Shang in confusion.

At this point, there was no need to hide anymore. It was just a few students who couldn't find it in his palm. Then Xia Shang ordered Kate to restore the memories of Anderson and others.

"Do as Mr. Jervis says." The golden boy nodded slightly to Kate who looked hesitant.

"When did our memories get modified?"

Emma frowned, looking confused.

Then, Kate followed Xia Shang's request and walked up to them one by one, raised her right hand and pressed it on their temples.

At the moment when their memories were restored, Mary and the others looked at Xia Shang as if facing a formidable enemy. Their bodies tensed up and they stretched out their arms unconsciously, as if they were about to release their superpowers at any time.

"Don't be nervous, you are all too weak. Logically speaking, I should ask Kate to modify your memories, but I don't think that is necessary. Of course, if any of you are ungrateful, I will let him evaporate from the world." Before Shang left, he looked at Kate and Golden Boy, "You two, follow me."

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"So this guy is the hidden boss. He won't do anything to Kate and Golden Boy, right?" Emma said in surprise as she looked at Xia Shang's back as he left.

"Probably not." Anderson thought for a while and continued: "Since he chose to restore the memories of us and Golden Boy, it means that he is different from Shetty. At least he does not intend to hide the truth from us, and he has no intention of hiding the truth from us. He has sufficient self-confidence in his strength. To put it simply, he doesn’t take us seriously.”

"He who is content is always happy, and this result is quite good now."

Emma leaned next to Mary and whispered: "With the relationship of the vice principal, it will probably be a matter of minutes for you to enter the crime fighting academy."

Mary forced a smile. To be honest, she was a little disgusted with that underground laboratory because the human experiments in it were simply inhumane.

"Emma, ​​I remember that your super power can make you smaller...forget it, the risk is too great." Mary originally wanted Emma to use her super power and follow her to see, but mid-sentence, she felt that she shouldn't Let Emma take the risk alone, "Let the matter end here, or Anderson, you can ask Kate what Vice Principal Jervis wants to do."

On the other side, Kate and Golden Boy followed Xia Shang into the vice principal's office.

"This is the list of Walter's board of directors. You find them according to the names on it and ask them to transfer all their shares to Edgar." Xia Shang opened the drawer and took out a list of personnel prepared in advance. He prepared this list for himself, but now that he has a more suitable candidate, he naturally doesn't need to bother him to do this little thing himself.

Kate took the list and worried: "I'm just a student at Godokin University, how can I get close to them?"

"Go to Deep Sea and he will help you."

"Understood." Kate took the list, turned and left the office.

Then, Xia Shang dialed Edgar's phone number in front of the golden boy.

Soon Edgar's voice rang on the phone.

"I'm Edgar, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I have prepared a generous gift for you. Within half a month at most, the Walter Group will be completely in your name. Of course, don't forget what I told you before. If you can't do it, I can always find you. Someone will take your place." Xia Shang said calmly.

The golden boy on the side was shocked by Jervis's attitude towards Edgar. He felt that the relationship between the two had been completely reversed. Compared to Walter's former president Edgar, Jervis's attitude was more like that of Edgar. Is a leader.

"Are you going to threaten them so that they hand over their shares of Watt? Unfortunately, this method of yours can only be used against ordinary people. They are all a group of guys who regard wealth as life. Even if you kidnap their whole family, you can use their family's Even if their lives are used as a threat, they will never hand over their shares. Once wealth accumulates to a certain level, people will lose their proper humanity."

In a villa in a wealthy area of ​​New York, Edgar stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window with an indifferent expression.

"Besides, if the Watt Group is compared to a big tree, they are the roots that are buried deep in the ground and draw nutrients. Without their interpersonal relationships and social status, even if the Watt Group looks lush on the surface, it will It becomes vulnerable and even collapses.”

How could Xia Shang not understand the meaning of Edgar's words?

"Kate's superpower is far more useful than you think. Don't worry, even if they lose their shares, they will still work for the Walter Group." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Shetty once told me about Kate's superpowers, but her superpowers are not perfect."

Edgar frowned slightly, "Although Kate can modify their cognition, the influence of the people around them will make them regain their memory. By then, the scene may be ugly."

"Wealth is nothing in the face of power, and power is nothing in the face of absolute force. The deal is already done. They either choose to die or swallow the bitter pill silently. Other than that, they have no choice."

Xia Shang's strength is fully demonstrated at this moment. As the strongest superhuman in the world, he no longer needs to fear anything or anyone, not even the government of Country M. Now, without turning into a dragon, he , even mankind's most powerful nuclear weapons can't do anything to him, because the flying speed of nuclear weapons is too slow, so slow that he can move to another city while sipping coffee.

"Maybe you are right." Edgar was silent.

The easy-to-control people of the motherland made him unwary of force. It was not until the appearance of Jervis that he understood that absolute force was indeed superior to power.

Putting down his phone, Edgar said softly: "I should have understood earlier that Jervis is a nuclear weapon that does not belong to any country or force. His appearance represents absolute force."

Xia Shang hung up the phone, then took Golden Boy and walked towards the location of the underground laboratory.

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