Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 367 Hard-core treatment, everyone who has experienced it says it’s good!

"Mr. Jervis..." The golden boy who followed Xia Shang into the woods behind the school suddenly stopped and hesitated to speak. Finally, he couldn't help but ask: "I heard from people outside that you are suffering from Edgar suppressed him, so he was demoted to Godokin University as the vice president, but the relationship between you is obvious... Okay, I am presumptuous, but why do you want to help me? With your strength and status, I don’t seem to have much value to you.”

"Knowing too much is not a good thing for you."

Xia Shang didn't want to explain, nor did he bother to explain. He used his mind to pull open the steel manhole cover used to cover the entrance, and then walked down the dimly lit stairs.

"Understood." Golden Boy closed his mouth and followed closely.

"It turns out to be Mr. Jervis." The two guards standing at the door, as soon as they saw an outsider intruding, raised their automatic rifles and pointed the muzzles at Xia Shang, but when they saw After seeing Xia Shang's face, he immediately put down the gun and said with an apology in his voice: "I'm very sorry, we thought it was an illegal intruder."

Since the last meeting with Edgar, Xia Shang has replaced the dead Xie Te and become the actual controller of this underground research base.

"Take me to see Dr. Cardoza." Xia Shang said softly.

"Please wait a moment."

One of the guards, wearing a helmet and goggles, put away his gun, turned his back, and entered the password into the access control device. Click...chi, and the iron door was slowly pushed open.

"Please follow me." The guard led the two people through the long and narrow corridor, turning here and there, and finally stopped in front of a door. He stretched out his right hand, rang the doorbell above, and leaned his mouth towards the honeycomb-shaped message transmission He picked up the instrument and said loudly: "Dr. Cardoza, Mr. Jervis wants to see you."

After a moment, the door was opened from the inside, and Cardoza appeared in front of Xia Shang wearing a white coat.

"Golden Boy?" Cardoza was stunned for a moment after seeing the Golden Boy, and then took a step back like a conditioned reflex, "Why is he here?"

There was a hint of panic in his voice, fear that the golden boy would kill him out of revenge.

"Relax, Golden Boy is ours now, and he has voluntarily continued to participate in the previous strengthening experiments. What you have to do is to use Sam's blood as soon as possible to enhance Golden Boy's superpowers to the limit."

Xia Shang's words made Cardoza's heart drop back.

"No problem, but it may take some time." Since he didn't have to worry about the golden boy getting angry and hurting anyone, Cardoza calmed down a lot. He then took the golden boy to the room where Sam was detained, looking through the bar on the door. Through the window, the golden boy finally saw the younger brother in his memory, Sam.

"Sam, can you hear me? Sam?" he called softly, standing in the doorway.

At this moment, Sam in the room immediately stood up from the bed and ran behind the door excitedly. Through the window, he saw the golden boy's eyes, "Why do you have the nerve to come to me! Three years ago, if it weren't for you, I would He escaped long ago!"

Sam was so angry that he completely lost control in an instant. Like a patient with irritability, he raised his arms and smashed the iron door in front of him crazily. Bang! boom! ! The loud noise soon attracted the attention of the guards. They were about to walk towards the room where Sam was detained, but saw Xia Shang shaking his head at them.

"Three years ago? What was the specific situation?" Xia Shang asked Cardoza beside him.

"He was a mental patient who was transferred from Sage Grove Central Mental Hospital three years ago. At that time, he almost escaped from the hospital, but Golden Boy stopped him." Cardoza explained.

"I thought they could cure your disease, but it turned out that I was wrong. I apologize to you for what happened before." The golden boy was full of guilt and blamed himself at the same time: "I don't expect you to forgive me. , but I promise you, I will definitely let you out and let you regain your freedom."

But what greeted the golden boy was an angry banging on the door!

"Shet! I will never forget you calling me a freak. Why? Why did my parents do that to me? I don't want any superpowers at all. My brain is broken!" Sam collapsed and smashed his head. He kept mumbling: "I just want to be an ordinary person, an ordinary person."

"Mr. Jervis, are you sure you can cure Sam's disease?" The golden boy did not expect that his younger brother Sam was even more seriously ill than three years ago, and unlike himself, Sam's disease was caused by superpowers, and he The mental problems stem from Kate's memory modification.

"Open the door." Xia Shang said.

"Sam's current situation is very unstable and dangerous." Cardoza advised.

"Open the door." Xia Shang's tone was strong and commanding.

"Okay... okay, everyone, get ready."

Cardoza turned his head and signaled the guards not far away with his eyes. The experienced guards immediately pointed their guns at the iron door of the room. They put their index fingers on the triggers. If the situation went wrong, they would not hesitate. Pull the trigger.

Later, Cardoza asked the security personnel in the control room to open the iron door of Sam's room.

When the door was opened, Sam rushed out like a beast. However, the next second, he was kicked back by Xia Shang. There was a loud bang, as if the whole room was shaking, and Ka was also shaking at the same time. The heart of Dosa and the guards, O monster! They couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts.

"Be quiet and listen to what I have to say."

Xia Shang walked into the room calmly and looked at Sam who was embedded in the wall.

But in a frantic state, Sam couldn't listen to anyone's words. He roared, his eyes were bloodshot, then he spread his arms, pressed his palms on the iron wall, and pulled himself out with force.

"Go to hell!" Sam's legs exploded with great power, making several dents on the ground, and then he pounced towards Xia Shang.


Xia Shang raised his leg and kicked Sam in the chest, click... accompanied by several subtle bones cracking sounds, Sam's face turned red, and his body flew out instantly, poof! He sprayed out a large mouthful of blood, and the bright red blood was like a shower in the air. It was still in its original position, but this time, Sam no longer had the strength to pull himself out.

"Want to become an ordinary person? It's a very simple wish." In an instant, a pillar of fire rushed out from Xia Shang's chest, and the violent flames instantly filled the entire room. Of course, under Xia Shang's control, Sam did not die. Save half your life.

Beep beep beep! ! ! A smoke alarm suddenly went off at the top of the room, and then a large amount of water was poured down to extinguish the flames.

"Sam." The golden boy rushed into the room and came to Sam's side to check the injury.

"My superpower is gone, my superpower is gone!"

Sam, who was ecstatic, felt that his brain had never felt better.

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