Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 368 The decisive battle is coming! The situation is tense!

It was as if a heavy shackle had been removed, and as if the heavenly spirit cover had been lifted, exposing the painful brain to the air.

The only feeling Sam felt at this moment was that he was extremely relaxed. Even though there was blood at the corner of his mouth and scars left by the burns all over his body, his face was still filled with joy. He was as happy as the people in heaven who learned about the eruption of Mount Fuji. Three saw his country become the sixth permanent resident, and the Chinese people of Kimchi successfully applied for World Heritage status during the Spring Festival.

"It's not a good thing to lose your superpower now, Mr. Jervis, you have to send Sam to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible." The golden boy turned his head and looked towards Xia Shang.

"I can make you lose your powers, and I can make you have them."

Xia Shang put his hand in his pocket, held the No. 5 compound he carried with him, and then injected the compound into Sam's body through an invisible flesh and blood tentacle.

In the eyes of others, Xia Shang only opened his lips slightly, and Sam, who was embedded in the wall, suddenly pressed both sides of his head with both hands, and his expression became more ferocious. Not only that, the blood scab on Sam's wound was also visible to the naked eye. It falls off quickly, and the granulation grows to fill the wound.

In less than a cup of coffee, the injuries on the surface of Sam's body were basically healed.

"It's very simple for me to turn you into an ordinary person. Dr. Cardoza will continue to be responsible for the intensive experiments on you two. If you perform well, I will fulfill your wish." After that, Xia Shang turned and walked out of the room. When passing by Cardoza, he said: "Stop the virus research in your hands and focus all your energy on this matter. I only focus on the results. Don't let me down."

"I will do my best, please rest assured, Mr. Jervis." Cardoza bent down and said with fear.

“Be a valuable person so that you won’t be abandoned like trash.”

"Understood." Cardoza's throat was dry and he hurriedly lowered his head.

After leaving Godokin's underground laboratory, Xia Shang walked into the vice-principal's office, poured a glass of water at the water dispenser, stood in front of the window, and looked down at the students on the playground.

"What an excellent reserve of super powers." He murmured softly.


Time soon came half a month later, and it turned out that the people of the motherland did not have management talent. Some trivial matters annoyed him and he was exhausted. In less than a month, the people of the motherland simply put off all the matters of the group, big and small. To Ashley.

But after all, Ashley was just a vice president. She could not and did not have the energy to handle everything well. Therefore, her hair, which was not much in the first place, became increasingly scarce due to the destruction of her motherland.

Late at night, in an underground passage, the unshaven Billy put down his cell phone and shook his head at the soldier boy, "Maeve said that the people of the motherland have not left the Watt Building during this period. She has tried various methods, but nothing has worked. She successfully led the motherland people out of the Water Building, and her actions have aroused the suspicion of the motherland people. I think it is better to wait for a while. After all, the risk is too high to kill Black under the eyes of the motherland people, and she succeeded. The rate is very small.”

"A bunch of incompetent guys, I don't have the patience to continue playing with you, come with me, or I will kill them all."

Soldier Boy picked up his shield, put it against Billy's neck, and said harshly.

"I have the power to blow you and this damn place to smithereens."

Later, Huey and the others watched helplessly as Soldier Boy held Billy hostage and left the underground passage.

"Have you seen Saving Private Ryan?" Mother Milk looked towards the entrance of the passage with a solemn expression.

"Nonsense, of course I've seen it."

Whenever Huey was uneasy, he would frown and frown.

"We are going to face a more severe challenge than that, which means that some of us may die. If any of you want to quit, I understand and I will not blame anyone."

Breastmilk picked up the shotgun that had been prepared on the table and walked in the direction where Billy and the two left.

"Shet! Do you mean I will be a coward?" Huey also picked up a gun and followed.

"I'll go with you." Kimiko looked at Frankie gently and expressed her meaning in sign language.

"Okay." Frankie vowed in his heart at this moment that he would protect Kimiko's safety at all costs.

At the same time, the Chaoying conference room on the top floor of the Watt Building.

"Now! Immediately! Evacuate all employees in the building immediately!" Queen Maeve, wearing a battle uniform, walked straight into the conference room and said to Ashley.

"What?" Ashley said confused.

"He finally couldn't hold himself back and was ready to take action." The people of the motherland seemed to have expected this. He walked towards Maeve with a cold face, "He wants revenge, and Xuanzi is the only one left at the moment. Damn you bitch, do you think I don’t know that you are Billy’s spy? During this period, you tried every means to hope that I would stay away from the Water Building, so as to give Soldier Boy a chance to attack."

"No one is an idiot."

In an instant, the people of the motherland flew out like cannonballs, with the stars and stripes waving behind them, and a violent and fierce light in their eyes.


He grabbed Maeve by the neck and slammed into the wall. For a moment, the entire conference room was shaken. With an ear-splitting noise, the wall suddenly shattered, and a deep crater was created in the back of Maeve's head. .

"I'm tired of it, you know?" The five fingers of the motherland pinched tighter and tighter, and the fingertips had completely sunk into Maeve's skin. He looked directly into Maeve's eyes, with a cold expression in the center of his pupils. With murderous intent, "I have always regarded the Seven as a happy and harmonious family. Why do you and Starlight want to destroy this?"

The right hand of the motherland was like an iron pincer, squeezing Queen Maeve's neck.

At this time, Xingguang, who was sitting on the sofa in the conference room, couldn't help but stand up. His originally dark brown eyes suddenly turned into a dazzling golden color.

"Don't move!" The lamplighter took out his lighter and stood behind Starlight and said.

At the same time, Black suddenly came to Xingguang's side and put his hand on Xingguang's shoulder.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense.

Shen Hai, who had not yet figured out the situation, looked confused and sat on the sofa in a daze, motionless.

where am I? what happen? Who should I help now? How to help?

"Calm down, calm down, people of the motherland, don't start fighting at this time. I'm going to evacuate the people. Please help me persuade you." Ashley, who was in a panic, quickly stretched out her hands and pressed down. While pressing, she stepped back. , until she walked out of the conference room, she immediately turned around and ran towards the elevator, took out her mobile phone and called Edgar.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Ashley pressed the elevator button a few times and ran towards the stairs.

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