Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 369 Maeve died! The dumbfounded deep sea!

Chapter 369 Maeve——Dead! The dumbfounded deep sea!

"Baruch, go and notify everyone now and ask them to leave the Watt Building quickly!" Ashley was completely panicked at this moment. She ran down the stairs quickly and hurriedly stopped a department manager who had just stepped out of the elevator. He said in a rushed tone.

Looking at the vice president and department head Baruch who had lost facial control in front of him, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and said, "Okay, let's inform them now."

"God, I hope things won't be too bad." Ashley rushed into the elevator, holding her mobile phone and pressing the button to the first floor. "A terrorist attack, this is definitely a terrorist attack."

How destructive Soldier Boy is. Ashley, who has watched the video, knows very well that once Soldier Boy attacks the Watt Building, the entire building may collapse. By then, it will cause an unprecedented storm of public opinion. All she can do now is to ask the employees to evacuate as soon as possible and stay away from the location of the building. As long as there are no casualties, everything is still under control.

When she just stepped out of the elevator, Edgar's voice rang on her phone.

"What happened? Is the situation serious?"

"It's very serious. I suspect that Soldier Boy is about to attack the Watt Building, and the Super Seven is having internal strife. I can't control the situation at all." Ashley quickened her pace and walked towards the exit of the building.

"Let the employees leave the Watt Building as quickly as possible, and I will handle the rest."

Edgar's face on the other end of the phone suddenly became gloomy. After he briefly explained the matter, he hung up the phone. Obviously, a heavy-weight and powerful guy is needed now to control the situation, except Jervis. Otherwise, he had no choice.


"Kill me if you dare." Blood spilled from the corner of Queen Maeve's mouth, but her eyes were particularly determined. She was not afraid of death. Since the death of Flight 37, death has been more like a relief to her.

"Do you think I don't dare?"

The motherland pursed her lips, and the taut lower jaw revealed clear muscle lines, like a tightened steel cable, with distinct roots.

"Then what are you waiting for? To put it bluntly, you are a coward, a poor guy who longs to be loved." There was a trace of pity in Maeve's eyes. It was this pity that triggered the true murderous intention of the people of the motherland. He He grabbed Queen Maeve's head and approached fiercely:

"Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you."

He pinched Maeve's neck with one hand and grabbed her head with the other. Then, like breaking off steel bars, his arms burst out with great strength. Finally, under Starlight's horrified eyes, the motherland first broke Maeve's cervical vertebrae, and tightly Then, he pulled it out with a violent expression, and in an instant, a large amount of blood spurted out. The walls, the ground, and the faces of the people of the motherland were all covered with Maeve's blood.

"A generous gift crab!" Deep Sea on the sofa suddenly shrank his pupils and suddenly felt the urge to urinate.

"It's your turn next, Starlight." Like an executioner who just finished killing someone, the motherland turned around, held up Maeve's head, and looked at Starlight expressionlessly.

At this time, a yellow taxi stopped in front of the Watt Building. The driver looked like he had just been fished out of the water. His whole body was soaked with sweat. He peeked through the rearview mirror. Soldier Boy and Billy were sitting in the back row. Regarding the two people who frequently made headlines in various news, how could he not think that if he had known that he would encounter these two evil stars, he should really stay at home and not go out.

"It seems that they already know that you are going to attack here." Billy, who got out of the car, looked at the Walter employees who were fleeing not far away, and said to the soldier boy.

"It doesn't matter, I only care about whether the black color is in it or not."

The soldier boy carrying a shield strode towards the Watt Building.

boom! The driver didn't dare to mention the fare at all. He stepped on the accelerator and quickly disappeared at the end of the road without closing the door of the taxi.

Not long after Billy and the two entered the building, another taxi parked where the original taxi had parked, but this time it was Huey and others who got out of the taxi.

The screen came to Starlight's side.

Facing the pressing steps of her motherland, she raised her hands defensively, and the lights above her head and around her began to flash.

"This is the fate of those who betray me. Don't worry, you will become just like Maeve soon." The motherland man threw Maeve's head to Xingguang's feet. Starlight glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and suddenly My stomach was churning, and I couldn't help but want to vomit. Fortunately, I finally managed to endure it with my own will.

"You killed Maeve. If the public finds out about it, you will be finished."

Xingguang's mouth was tough, but her body was honest. Seeing the people of her motherland getting closer and closer to her, she stepped back step by step.

"It's very lively here, what? You started fighting before I came over." At this moment, the soldier boy appeared at the door of the conference room. His appearance attracted everyone's attention, including the one who was preparing to kill Starlight. of the motherland.


At some point, Xia Shang, who walked into the conference room, was now standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, invisible, looking at everyone with a smile.

It's like watching a good show begin.

"Black, long time no see." The soldier boy looked towards Black.

Black, wearing a black full-face helmet, bent down and picked up the pen on the table, wrote a sentence on a piece of white paper, and then showed it to the soldier boy and others.

"Bad guy."

Then he wrote another sentence and underlined the word bad guy a few times.

"The bad guy must be killed."

"Do you mean he is completely bad?" At first when he saw the soldier boy appearing in front of him, the motherland man's expression was still a little unnatural. It was not until Xuan Shi made him laugh that he relaxed.

Xuan Se nodded without making a sound.

"Where's Ryan? Where did you hide him?" Compared with his father, the people of the motherland care more about their son Ryan. After the last sea explosion, he has realized that the soldier boy in front of him did not care about him at all. As a son, after all, no father would have the heart to kill his son with super powers.

Therefore, instead of killing Black as in the original plot, the Motherland deliberately left Black behind to fish out the soldier boy.

"Instead of asking him, you might as well ask me." After Billy was injected with the temporary No. 5 compound in the car, his eyes glowed with golden light, and he suddenly attacked and punched the soldier boy in the face. With a bang, the soldier boy was directly hit. He was thrown away, but his reaction was extremely quick, and he immediately set up a shield to block the laser shot from Billy.

What the hell? Deep Sea is really dumbfounded now. Is the world too absurd, or is there something wrong with his mind?

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