Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 370 Xia Shang: The performance is over, let me finish it!

It's not just Shenhai who is confused. Even the people of the motherland have question marks over their heads. What's going on? Did Billy take the wrong medicine?

"Wardfa!?" The soldier boy stood up with a shield in his hand. He looked at Billy with surprise in his eyes, "Is there anything wrong? The people from the motherland killed your wife and then killed her. You didn't deal with him, but now you turn to deal with me. You must be out of your fucking mind.

"You are more uncontrollable than the people of the motherland."

Billy didn't talk too much, and fired two golden lasers from his eyes again.

laugh! In an instant, the laser accurately hit the soldier boy's chest, but surprisingly, the extremely high-temperature ray did not even burn through the soldier boy's skin.

"What a bad thing." The soldier boy faced the incoming laser and walked towards Billy step by step. His chest was like an iron block put into a furnace, and the color slowly turned red. "Damn traitor, I will completely destroy him." Kill you."

"He wants to detonate the super weapon in his chest and blow this place into rubble, and that thing can seal other people's super powers."

Billy said urgently to the people of his country.

The motherland man did not hesitate, his legs burst out with great strength, and he rushed forward.

With a loud noise, he punched the soldier boy in the face. The powerful and heavy punch directly interrupted the soldier boy's forward swing and sent the soldier boy into the wall.

The black man on the side did not sit still and waited for death. He pulled out two long knives and made a splash in the air. Then, he jumped up and struck at the soldier boy who fell to the ground.

Facing the incoming double knives, the soldier boy rolled sideways, bang! The tip of the knife was embedded in the ground and splashed with gravel. He glanced briefly and didn't pay attention. Instead, he raised his shield and slammed into Xuanshi's arms like a wild beast. The huge impact caused Xuanzi to fly out upside down. And a large mouthful of blood spurted out, staining the chin of the full-face helmet red.

"You are still as weak as before." The soldier boy grabbed the black right arm, raised it suddenly and smashed it down, bang! Black, wearing a battle uniform, was like a broken doll in the hands of the soldier boy, without the slightest ability to resist.

He kept picking up the black stuff and smashing it around crazily. The originally nice conference room quickly became dilapidated under his destruction.

"Have the people who bullied me ever asked me for my opinion?" Seeing this, the people of the motherland were filled with anger. He and Billy quickly looked at each other, and then the two of them took action at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right. The golden laser hit the soldier boy's temple like a cannonball.

The four lasers shot at the same time set off alarm bells in the soldier boy's heart. He did not hesitate to abandon the black weapon in his hand and kill Billy. The reason was simple, because compared to the people of the motherland, Billy was the weakest, so he had to kill Billy first. Advantage means that the threat can be reduced by one point. Therefore, he carried the laser and ducked in front of Billy. At the same time, his chest became red and shiny again.

This time the forward swing was shorter, and a pillar of fire suddenly shot out from his chest. Fortunately, Billy reacted in time and threw himself aside regardless of his appearance. The high-temperature fire pillar that was released passed him by and directly engulfed the wall. A big hole was blasted out, and on the edge of the hole, you could see the black marks caused by the melting of the wall.

The pillar of fire was extremely destructive, like a miniature nuclear bomb. While blasting through the wall, it also destroyed the corridor and the wall opposite the corridor.

"Gift Crab!" Huey, who had just arrived at the door of the conference room, subconsciously teleported not far away, stopped Breast Milk and the others and said, "There's already a fight inside. If you go in, you will die. Why don't you wait outside? I'll see what's going on. No, just use super powers to bring Starlight and Billy out.”

"This might come in handy." Mother Milk handed Huey the half-can of nerve agent she stuffed into her pocket before leaving, and then took Frankie and Kimiko to guard the entrance to the floor.

"Now it seems that we have to deal with the soldier boy first. That guy does whatever he wants. He is simply an uncontrolled nuclear bomb."

Huey flashed and appeared in the conference room, but without half a piece of cloth on his body. Of course, no one present except Xia Shang paid attention to him.

"This guy is difficult to deal with." Looking at the damaged hole that was blown out, the people of the motherland felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

"Don't run away if you have the guts, coward."

Soldier Boy repeated his old tricks and aimed at Billy again, preparing to release the chest cannon.

Billy's pupils shrank suddenly. He knew very well what would happen after being hit. If his superpower was sealed, then he would only face death. He kept changing his position, and was forced to have no other way out for a while.

"I'm just kidding." The soldier boy suddenly turned around and fired a cannon at the people of the motherland.

At the critical moment, Starlight stretched out his hands and shot out two rays of light that knocked Soldier Boy away, but did not interrupt Soldier Boy's chest cannon. Boom! The flames spread instantly, and with a deafening explosion, half of the conference room was blown into ruins. At the same time, thick smoke billowed up, and everyone was horrified by the power of the explosion.

A voice sounded from the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"That's almost it. Do you really want to demolish the Water Building in front of me? You know, the Water Building is my private property."

"Jervis!" The moment the people of the motherland saw Xia Shang's appearance, their faces suddenly darkened. What did this guy mean by what he just said? When did the Water Building become his personal property?

"It's you."

At this moment, the soldier boy's breathing gradually became heavier. He released the chest cannon twice in a row, which consumed a lot of his physical strength. Even if his physique was not inferior to that of his motherland, he could not withstand such consumption.

"The performance is over, let me wrap up the show."

While watching the show, Xia Shang was not idle. He casually analyzed the super powers of Billy and Huey, and only analyzed their laser eyes and teleportation, so the time was very short.

[Talent Skill: Cyclops (Gold)]

[Fusion conditions: Absorb twenty milliliters of Billy’s blood]

[After fusion, players can shoot golden lasers from their eyes, and... In addition, players can fuse the same type of talent skills at will. The same skills currently mastered are: Cyclops (blue) Cyclops (red) 】

[Talent Skill: Teleportation]

[Fusion conditions: Catch Huey after moving three times]

[After fusion, the player can teleport to other locations, provided that the player is familiar enough with the location to which he is moving. Otherwise, he will randomly move to an unfamiliar location within a range of 200 meters. Each move will consume the player's physical strength, except In addition, you can only move yourself or bring others with you. You cannot carry items. The more people you carry, the greater the physical consumption.】

Xia Shang raised his hand and wrapped the soldier boy completely with gravel and other debris. As soon as he took action, he shocked everyone present!

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