Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 374 Mutants! Reversal of the future!

In 1974, 11 years had passed since President Kennedy was killed. During this period, two major events occurred that caused a global sensation, namely the assassination of Magneto and the death of Dr. Truss.

Since the perpetrators behind both incidents were mutants, public opinion was completely out of control. In the eyes of angry people, mutants were out-and-out murderous demons.

In the international community, governments of various countries regard them as extremely dangerous terrorists. For a time, under the joint promotion of multiple forces, all mutants were pushed against humanity and completely reduced to the target of everyone shouting for beatings. Public enemy.


In a bar in a remote mountainous area, a man with a strange hairstyle and strong muscles sat in front of the bar, drinking beer one after another.

"Man, you are so cool with those tendons. You are worthy of being a lumberjack." The waiter smiled and refilled the man's glass with beer. He was not mocking him. As one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, lumberjacking is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. The status of Canadians is not low in the hearts of Canadians.

Logan Howlett held his cigar in his mouth and did not respond. Instead, he glanced at the pile of newspapers to the side with his peripheral vision. To be precise, it should be the man behind the pile of newspapers. The man was wearing a white suit that was incompatible with others. Wearing a suit and an off-white hat on his head, his eyes were calm and confident, his gaze always falling on the newspaper in his hand. Compared with other people in the bar, the man with handsome features had clean and tidy nails without a trace of dirt.

He seems to be a business elite from a big city, but he also has a unique temperament that only belongs to the upper class.

"I need more newspapers." Xia Shang raised his head, folded the newspaper, and placed it on the pile of newspapers aside.

"Sir, this is all the newspapers I can find. Even if you turn this place upside down, you won't be able to find a second different newspaper. I can guarantee this." The waiter shook his head and spread his hands. .


Xia Shang took out a large-denomination bill and placed it on the bar. "Two beers. I'll treat the guy next to me to a drink, and the rest is yours."

"You are so generous. I really hope you can come here often when you have time." The waiter grinned, showing his big white teeth.

"No merit, no reward, do you know me?"

Seeing the waiter put a glass of beer in front of him, Logan Howlett suddenly frowned, turned around, slowly took off his cigar, and said with a deep look.

Not many people knew him, let alone in this remote mountainous area.

Unless the other party is sent by the military.

"Let's call it acquaintance. I've heard of it before, but this is the first time we've actually met." Xia Shang looked at Wolverine, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. With such a unique shape, it was hard to recognize him, but what he didn't expect was that he actually knew him. Meeting each other during this time period, if he remembered correctly, Wolverine should have just lived in seclusion not long ago, and he didn't know if he knew Silver Fox.

"Who are you, Stryker?" Logan was still probing and staring into the other person's eyes, trying to find any flaws.

If the other party was really sent by Stryker, then he would not hesitate to slit the other party's throat with his bone claws, and then change his place to live in seclusion again.

"I've heard of it, but I've never seen it, and I have nothing to do with him." Xia Shang's face was calm, without any fluctuation in his expression.

"The wine is good, I have to go back."

Logan picked up the beer on the bar, drank it in one gulp, and walked out of the bar decisively.

Who is the other party? Does it really have nothing to do with Stryker? He opened the car door, inserted the key, and twisted it violently. At the same time, he checked through the rearview mirror to see if the other party was following him, but he didn't see even a single figure. Could it be that he was thinking too much? Logan didn't want to change his residence to a new place just because of the slightest disturbance. It would be too troublesome, and he wouldn't be able to find a good place in a short time.

"Careful and calm, he is worthy of the Wolverine in my impression." Xia Shang picked up the beer, looked at the bar door, and took a sip.

Compared with contacting Wolverine, solving his troubles is the top priority.

It is now 1974. Xia Shang pulled out a newspaper dated 1973 from the pile of newspapers. On it was written in bold black font a headline that took up a small half of the newspaper, [Mutants kill Dr. Truss in public. ! Can Project Sentinel save humanity? 】

Under the title, there is a black and white photo of Mystique. From the photo, you can see the horror on the faces of the onlookers, as well as Mystique who feels uncomfortable being watched.

"Reverse the future." Xia Shang narrowed his eyes. No wonder the panel would remind him that once the player's time node disappears, the player will also be completely annihilated. In other words, the success of reversing the future in the original plot means that 1973 The timeline of the next year will be rewritten and replaced by a new timeline, and he who is in the old timeline will naturally disappear along with this timeline.

“Once new history begins, old history will disappear.”

Xia Shang murmured softly.

So what he has to do next is to turn old history into new history. To put it simply, prevent Sentinels from appearing in the future, and change governments and people's views on mutants. Only in this way can the danger be completely nipped in the bud. middle.

"I think I know what to do."

Xia Shang put down his glass, then stood up and walked to the bar.


A plane landed at the Washington Airport from a high altitude. Xia Shang, wearing a white suit, walked along the crowd and got off the plane.

In the black robe world, the right to speak belongs to the news media, and in this world, the right to speak belongs to each newspaper office. In an era when information is underdeveloped, newspapers have become the only means for people to obtain information. As long as they master newspapers, they can It is equivalent to controlling people's throats. Xia Shang is convinced that ordinary people have always been ignorant and blind. This has never changed since the birth of mankind.

"Please help me withdraw 30,000 US dollars." Xia Shang walked into the Bank of Washington, came to the counter, and smiled at the female teller.

"No problem, please show me..." Halfway through the words, the female teller's eyes suddenly froze, and then she handed the air to Xia Shang with a smile: "Please keep the voucher and I will withdraw the money for you right away."


Xia Shang put the banknotes wrapped in oil paper into his pocket and strode out of the bank.

Subsequently, under the money offensive, a kind-hearted passerby soon took Xia Shang to a newspaper. Although the reputation of the newspaper was not as good as that of The Sun and The Washington Post, it could be regarded as an influential one. It is a medium-sized newspaper. The office of the newspaper is located in an office building. Most of the office staff inside are neatly dressed and their temperament is completely different from that of pedestrians on the roadside.

"Please take me to see the president of your newspaper. I have something I want to talk to him about."

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