Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 375 The newspaper changed its name to Weiss Daily!

Xia Shang turned around and walked towards the receptionist at the door.

Seeing that the visitor was well-dressed and did not look like an ordinary person in terms of temperament or conversation, the receptionist did not dare to show any slightness. He quickly extended his right hand and said respectfully: "No problem, please come with me."

Later, Xia Shang, led by the receptionist, walked through the corridor and came to the door of an office.

"Mr. Kamil should be working inside during this time." The receptionist said as he knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in." A steady and powerful voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"You guys can chat, feel free to come to me anytime if you need anything." The receptionist held the door handle and slowly pushed the door open. When Xia Shang walked into the office, he closed the door thoughtfully.

As soon as he walked in, the first thing that caught Xia Shang's eyes was the wall full of sexy posters, which were so large that it was jaw-dropping. Secondly, he saw a middle-aged man sitting behind the desk with his legs crossed and a cigar in his mouth admiring the photos. He looked quite skinny, like a sugar cane that had been drained of water. His normal-sized black suit looked a little too wide on him.

"What do you want from me?" Camille took away the cigar, raised his head and blew out a puff of smoke, looking at Xia Shang with a little doubt in his eyes.

"Are you mainly engaged in celebrity gossip or commercial finance?"

Xia Shang looked around and asked curiously.

"Anyway, this is not a political party newspaper. As long as it attracts attention and has some controversial content, it will appear in my newspaper." Kamil picked up his cigar again and started puffing away, "What? Do you have any on hand? Something of value? Don’t worry, anyone who knows me well knows that I am generous and I will give you a price you can’t refuse.”

You know, the newspaper industry is on the rise now. There are at least hundreds of newspapers and periodicals in Los Angeles alone. Although printing newspapers is like printing money, the profits are extremely huge, but at the same time the competition is also extremely fierce, which has given rise to the so-called Private journalists, some even made a fortune from a sexy photo of Marilyn Monroe.

Of course, the premise is that the photos are private enough and have not been circulated.

So Camille mistakenly thought that Xia Shang was also one of the private journalists. After all, Xia Shang seemed to be a young man from the upper class in the United States. Guys like this usually have access to many people who are inaccessible to outsiders and are very interesting to ordinary people. thing.

Occasionally when they are short of money, they will exchange things for US dollars. Camille has long been accustomed to this, but it has to be said that he likes to do business with this kind of people the most, because he only needs to spend a small amount of money to sell more. Dozens or even millions of newspapers were published.

"I'm not here to sell anything, I'm here to buy something."

Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Buying something? What to buy?" Camille frowned and said impatiently.

"Your newspaper." Xia Shang looked into Camille's eyes and extended his right hand to him.

Camille was about to call someone to drive out the arrogant lunatic in front of him, but his voice was stuck in his throat and he could not spit it out. The next second, he stood up with a dull expression, walked to Xia Shang, and held Xia Shang's hand. The businessman extended his hand and said, "Mr. Jervis, it is my honor to give you the newspaper. I welcome you to become my boss."

Xia Shang smiled, let go of his hand, passed by Camille, and sat on the office chair that originally belonged to Camille.

Immediately afterwards, Kamil summoned all the employees and announced in front of them that the newspaper would be taken over by Xia Shang from now on and renamed Weis Daily.


In the following week, many people chose to unsubscribe because the newspaper changed its name, but the vast majority of subscribers did not care about this matter. After all, the content of the newspaper did not change, it was just a name change, not to mention the sound of Weiss Daily It's not bad, and the price has dropped a bit. Compared with other newspapers, it can be considered economical.

In the president's office of Weiss Newspaper Agency, Xia Shang sat at his desk, holding a list of newspapers and periodicals and lost in thought.

"How much does it cost to acquire them?" He circled several small newspapers on the list with a pen, and then asked Kamil beside him.

Kamil thought for a while and replied: "You have to prepare at least five million US dollars before you can acquire them."

Five million...Xia Shang leaned back in his chair. He couldn't afford that much money. To be honest, he only had 30,000 US dollars, not including the money from the newspaper.

"Just find any excuse and help me make an appointment with all the newspaper owners circled on the list." Xia Shang knew this truth very well. If the commotion was too big at once, it would be easy for the United States to The government is on the lookout.

Xia Shang is not afraid that the U.S. government will cause trouble for him. He just doesn't want to irritate the U.S. government like Magneto. If the Sentinel is developed in advance, the timeline he is in will disappear.

The risk was too great, and Xia Shang didn't want to take it.

"I'll do it now." Camille took the list and turned to leave the office.

"It's your turn to perform next."

Xia Shang was facing forward, but two streams of black liquid flowed out from behind him. The petroleum-like liquid was collected on the left and right sides of the office chair. After squirming and expanding, it soon took on the shape of a human being. Star stripes were raised behind one of them. The flag showed a sunny and confident smile, while the other person was wearing a black windbreaker with a solemn expression, giving people an unsmiling feeling.

"Go ahead and make a fuss. The louder the noise, the better."

Xia Shang believes that there will always be a market for heroic stories in the United States.

He got up and walked out of the office, went to the editorial office, found the editor-in-chief Ziprian, and told him: "Publish a recruitment notice on the newspaper page, preferably a researcher who is proficient in genes, or someone related to genes. Okay, for example, a doctorate in biology, the monthly salary starts at 50,000 US dollars, and there is no upper limit. By the way, let’s just say we are helping a pharmaceutical company recruit people.”

"How much space should be used? Too much may cause dissatisfaction among subscribers." Cyprian asked.

"Just a small piece will do."

After explaining this, Xia Shang began to continue the acquisition process, but this time he was not targeting newspapers, but pharmaceutical companies. Of course, as before, he still chose a pharmaceutical company that was not well-known but had complete equipment and personnel. company and renamed it Jervis Pharmaceuticals.

He first brainwashed several key researchers, then handed them the formula of Compound No. 5 and asked them to develop the finished product as quickly as possible.

"The formula is very complicated, and some of the raw materials are within the jurisdiction of the U.S. government. However, as long as you are willing to pay, you can still get it. If you want to develop the No. 5 compound above, I am afraid it will take at least three months or even more than half a year." Dr. Alek looked at the formula in his hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

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