Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 377 There are still many evils waiting for me to fight in this city!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The robber smashed the glass with the butt of his gun, stuck his head into the counter, and kept urging!

Facing the vicious robbers, the female salesperson's hands were shaking so much that she even failed to put the money into her bag several times.

"You're fucking kidding me, Shet! Hurry up and put the money in for me." People can't help but lose control of their emotions when they're highly nervous, and the robber was no exception. He had red eyes and roared loudly.

"I swear, I really didn't mean it." The female salesperson's voice was filled with tears.


There was a bang and a bullet passed over the female salesperson's head.

"I'm warning you, don't play tricks on me." The robber pointed his dark gun at the trembling female salesperson and warned: "I know all the money in your bank is in the safe. Open the safe quickly. Take out all the money!”

At the same time, the other robbers were not idle either. They each took out a black cloth bag and walked past the squatting crowd. "Be honest and put all your wallets, necklaces, watches and other things in it, otherwise your The fate will be the same as that corpse.”

"All...all for you."

In less than three minutes, the robbers had gained a lot.

A security guard who had just joined the job watched as the necklace of an old woman in front of him was snatched away. Even though the old woman begged that the necklace was a relic left by her husband, she was still violently ripped away by the robber. Break it off and throw it into a bag.

"Return the necklace to this old man. You should be satisfied after you have robbed so much money and things." The security guard, who had a slightly green face and a few freckles on the bridge of his nose, stood up angrily and angrily rebuked the robbers.

Where did Leng Tou Qing come from? It’s so desperate!

Four or five robbers looked at each other. The leader among them walked up to the security guard without saying a word. He suddenly got violent and knocked him to the ground with one punch. Looking at the security guard who fell to the ground, the robbers suddenly Laughing wildly, the harsh laughter was full of sarcasm. No one dared to say a word, just like ostriches burying their heads in the sand, they all lowered their heads.

"A bunch of trash." The leader of the robbers curled his lips in disdain, then waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go!"

Since the robbers all had guns in their hands, the security guard could only watch them swaggering out of the bank in frustration.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a figure flew out like a cannonball, flashing past his eyes, bang! With a loud noise, half of the robber's back was smashed into the wall, and he continued to vomit blood. After several rises and falls in his chest, his head tilted and he completely turned into a corpse.

"What the hell!" The robber leader stepped out of the threshold with one leg and saw a man wearing a star-spangled flag falling from the sky and landing heavily on the ground!

The man wore a black-to-white-gold gradient slicked back hair, and wore a dark blue uniform that hugged his body. Under the sunlight, the eagle helmet ornament inlaid on the shoulder of the uniform shone like gold, making people awe-inspiring. In addition, the color of his collar is similar to that of his gloves and leather boots, but compared to the bright red gloves, the red color of his collar appears much more restrained.

And as soon as he took action, he threw one of his companions away, full of mystery and power!

"Shoot! Kill him!" the robber leader shouted loudly, pointing the gun at Xia Shang and pressing the trigger without hesitation.

Da da! Da da da! ! !

In an instant, there was a loud sound of gunfire, and countless bullets flew out of the barrel. However, when the bullets landed on the man, they were bounced away one by one. The shriveled bullet heads fell to the man's feet one after another.

"You want to kill me with a weak attack?" The man slowly walked towards the robber leader, and the huge pressure made it difficult to breathe.

"It's useless, boss, bullets can't hurt him at all."

One of the robbers was sweating profusely, his voice trembling with fear.

"Retreat, retreat!" The robber leader immediately ordered to withdraw from the bank.

At this moment, the man suddenly appeared between the two robbers, stretched out his hands, grabbed their necks and squeezed them violently. The fragile cervical vertebrae were instantly crushed, and the two robbers died suddenly.

"Mutant, you are a mutant!" the robber leader yelled as he returned to the bank.

what happened? Everyone who was confused about the situation raised their heads and looked towards the door of the bank.

"I'm here to save you. You can call me a native of the motherland."

The man walked into the bank calmly and showed a sunny smile to everyone.

"Let us go or I'll shoot him."

The robber leader pointed his gun at the security guard, then came behind the security guard and held him as a hostage in front of him.

For a moment, the scene seemed to be in a stalemate. The people squatting on the ground did not even dare to breathe. They were excited and nervous, and there was also a hint of disbelief. They did not expect that mutants who are usually hated by humans would one day turn around. to help humanity.

"As long as I don't hurt them, I can meet any of your conditions." Xia Shang took a step back.

"Get us a car, now."

With the hostages in hand, the robber leader gradually gained confidence.

"No problem." Unexpectedly, as soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, two red lasers shot out from his eyes. The robber leader had no time to react, and his head was shot through by the lasers, killing him completely.

The sudden shooting of the laser shocked everyone. The security guard who smelled the burning smell slowly turned his head and looked behind him. He saw a corpse with a head that looked like it had been bombarded by a cannonball, lying on the floor with a hand still holding it. Holding a submachine gun.

After dealing with the robber leader, Xia Shang immediately turned his gaze to the other robbers and said, "Surrender or die, you choose one."

"I'll fight you!" A male robber pulled the trigger crazily and fired bullets at everyone around him.

"It's over."

Some people closed their eyes in despair, waiting for death to come. But what surprised them was that what followed was not a black eye, but a series of exclamations.

"Oh, God!!"

Driven by curiosity, they opened their eyes.

There were bronze bullets floating in front of them, and they could even smell a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

The miraculous sight made their hearts tremble.

"Impossible, this is impossible." Seeing the bullets he fired stagnating in the air, the robbers all froze on the spot, dumbfounded.

"Nothing is impossible."

Xia Shang raised his right hand, curled his fingers, and with a soft sound, invisible power of thought instantly broke the limbs of the robbers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are safe now."

"Are you a mutant?" a man couldn't help but ask.

"It doesn't matter whether I am a mutant or not. I only know one thing, that is, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Well, there are still many evils waiting for me to fight in this city. I'm sorry, it's time for me to leave. ." (End of chapter)

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