Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 378 Decadent Charles! Do mutants deserve to be called heroes?

After saying that, Xia Shang turned around without hesitation and flew out of the bank at an extremely fast speed.

A few seconds later, the hall was like a pot of boiling water, and it suddenly became noisy. Some people were grateful that they had escaped, while others hurriedly came to the cloth bag and rummaged through their belongings.

"Oh my God, he saved us all and also helped us recover our losses." A man in a suit looked at the lost wallet in his hand and was so excited that he wanted to kiss it twice.

"But he's obviously a mutant."

Under the hype of some politicians and scientists, mutants have long been equated with demons who kill without blinking an eye. Therefore, even if they were rescued by mutants just now, there are still a small number of people who believe that mutants are... Deliberately trying to win the favor of humans must have some unknown evil purpose behind it.

"Hmph! I don't believe the nonsense from the media. I only believe what I see. The facts are now in front of us. It's not the police who save us, but mutants."

The man opened his wallet and, while counting the bills inside, mocked the police's incompetence.

Among them, only the security guard Iva, who was injured by the robbers, rushed out of the noisy hall, stood on the side of the road, and looked towards the sky. Unfortunately, Xia Shang had already flown far away, and the pure and cloudless sky was blue.

He secretly clenched his fists and kept recalling what Xia Shang had just said in his mind. As the voice echoed over and over again in his ears, Iva's eyes became increasingly fanatical.


A week later, in the office of the president of Weiss Newspaper.

Kamil, who looked solemn, handed a newspaper to Xia Shang and said in a serious tone: "Recently, a mutant who claimed to be a native of the motherland appeared in Washington. He took frequent action in a short period of time, fighting and preventing many criminal activities.

I heard that many people already regard him as the patron saint of Washington. This was originally a good thing for us, as it could indirectly increase the sales of our new magazine.

However, his actions also invisibly slapped some big shots in the face.

Yesterday morning, Washington Police Chief Michael directly stated in public that the people of our country have no law enforcement power and that all his actions are equivalent to crimes. Many newspapers and magazines across the United States jointly suppressed and smeared this person of the country. The Washington Post is no exception, and I suspect it was probably high-level government officials who asked them to do this.

If it were really an order from high-level government officials, our new publication might be blocked. "

"Do you understand what freedom of speech is? If the government dares to block us, I will immediately allocate 100 million US dollars to allow large numbers of demonstrators to appear in every city in the United States. I don't believe the government dares to fight with me to the end." Xia Shang sneered. Open the newspaper and continue:

"How are you preparing for the new issue?"

Camille was still in shock. Faced with the boss's inquiry, Kamil was stunned and immediately replied: "After working all night at the printing factory, our warehouse has accumulated more than three million copies of new issues. It is expected that tomorrow Release starts early in the morning.”

"It's not enough. Let the printing house print another 10 million copies. Money is not an issue. Within a week, I will make every Washington resident have a copy of Mutant Weekly." Xia Shang, holding the Washington Post, said in a calm voice. The words made Camille's pupils shrink suddenly.

"What? Do you have any objections to my decision?"

Xia Shang put down the newspaper and looked directly into Camille's eyes.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on Camille's back, as if there was a sharp sword hanging above his head. If he dared to shake his head, the sword would probably pierce his head immediately.

" objection, I'll do it right away."

"I don't care what means you use, even if you scatter newspapers on the street, you still have to achieve the goal of one copy per person." Xia Shang set up the newspaper and leaned back on his chair and said.


the other side.

A mysterious and ancient castle stands on the outskirts of West Chester, New York, surrounded by green grass and extremely quiet.

In one of the rooms, Charles Xavier with long hair lay dejectedly on the table, sound asleep. There were two finished cans of beer, as well as some newspapers and magazines beside him.

"Look at this." Hank, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, rushed into the room and shook Charles' shoulders vigorously.

"Don't disturb my sleep."

Charles has long lost the high-spirited look he had when he was young, and looks like a homeless man on the street.

But there was a reason why he became like this. In 1963, after parting ways with Magneto, Charles returned to the United States and founded a private school specifically for mutants.

Everything was normal at first, until the Vietnam War broke out. At the request of the government, the school's faculty, staff and students were transferred to the battlefield in batches, and the government almost used mutants as expendable supplies.

After learning the news, Charles tried to stop it, but to no avail. In the end, he could only watch his students and teachers die tragically one by one. Some of them died on the battlefield, and some were missing.

There was no way, Charles could only close the school, and blamed himself that he had killed everyone. If he had not created the X Academy, maybe Sean and Alex would not have died. Now the first generation of X-Men Only he and Hank the Beast were left. Even though 11 years had passed since that painful time, Charles still could not forgive himself.

"A powerful mutant has appeared in Washington, and his name seems to be Homelander."

Hank stuffed a newspaper into Charles' arms and said with some surprise: "Unlike Magneto, he actually chose to use his abilities to help mankind. Some people even call him the patron saint of Washington."

"So what...I just want to have a good sleep now, don't disturb me, okay?" Charles adjusted his sleeping position and continued to sleep on the table.

Seeing this, Hank shook his head helplessly. If it were Charles ten years ago, he would probably be excited after hearing the news.

But now, although Charles's physical pain has disappeared under the influence of the medicine, the pain in his heart still exists. If nothing else happens, Charles will probably remain numb and use sleep to avoid all problems.


Hank sighed softly, then walked out of the room and closed the door gently.

"Click!" The moment the door closed, Charles rubbed his face with both hands, then turned on the desk lamp, and carefully unfolded the newspaper delivered by Hank under the dim light.

【absurd! Do mutants deserve to be called heroes? 】

The bright headlines in the newspaper made Charles's mood suddenly sink.

Mystique's public killing of Dr. Truss did not resolve the conflict between humans and mutants. Instead, it intensified the conflict and increased people's hatred of mutants.

"Father of the motherland, you should not have appeared at this time. Humanity will never allow a mutant to become their hero." (End of Chapter)

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