Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 379 Breakup! Hank flies to Washington alone!

After reading the entire newspaper, Charles frowned and said softly.

Then, he picked up the half-full bottle of whiskey on the side and poured it into the glass.

"Come on out Hank, I know you are eavesdropping behind the door." Charles picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Professor, you should know very well what the appearance of the motherland means to us." Sure enough, the next second Hank opened the door and walked to Charles.

"A mutant with a righteous heart and powerful strength is using his actions to change mankind's concept of mutants. In him, I seem to see the shadow of you. He is completing what you have not yet completed."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Putting the wine glass on the table, Charles squinted his eyes, put his hands on his abdomen, and leaned lightly on the back of the chair.

"He may be our only remaining hope, a spark that can change the status quo. Look at the contents of that newspaper. They are using extremely despicable means to smear this mutant named Motherland. What does this mean? This shows that they are afraid of mutants gaining a place in human society."

Hank reached out to cover the wine glass, becoming more and more excited as he spoke.

"I'm sleepy, let me have a good sleep." Charles closed his eyes completely and tried to get Hank to leave on his own initiative.

Unexpectedly, the anger that had been pent up in Hank's heart for many years exploded at this moment, "Actually, you know very well that what I said is right! It's just that you don't want to! You just don't dare to take responsibility. Don't think that I don't know that you are afraid of the motherland. People will die because of you, so you dare not take action to help them."

"No! I don't know. I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Charles was poked in a painful spot, and the veins on his neck popped out. At the same time, he pursed his lips, stood up suddenly, and looked face to face with Hank.

"Where's the serum? Give it back to me! You don't deserve to use it at all. A person who needs to rely on drugs and alcohol to numb himself will not be the Professor Charles I know." Many hairs came out of Hank's pores, and his skin color changed. Blue, the whole person is like a furious beast, roaring at Charles!

All along, he thought that Charles would regain his strength, overcome and conquer his inner fear, but the reality disappointed him to the extreme. Without Magneto and Mystique, Charles was like a walking zombie, always in danger. Relying on external objects to escape all hardships and responsibilities in reality.

"You have completely disappointed me. The former Professor Charles is dead in my mind!" Hank, who turned into a blue beast, suppressed the grief and anger in his heart, slowly released his right hand holding the wine glass, and raised his head Walked out of the room without looking back.

Charles looked at Hank's back as he left, his lips slightly opening and closing, but in the end, he still couldn't utter a syllable.


"Dear Professor Charles, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye. When you read this letter, I think I have already boarded the plane to Washington. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said those words to you yesterday. This Leaving for the first time, maybe only briefly.

I decided to go to Washington to find the man from my motherland and bring him back to New York. Professor Charles, in fact, you can see that the newspaper's smear campaign is just a precursor to the government's imminent action. In order to prevent the people of my motherland from being persecuted, I must take action. He's protected, and if nothing else happens, the operation should go smoothly, assuming I can find him. "

The next morning, Charles, who had just woken up from his sleep, saw the letter on the desk.

"You guy..." Charles opened the drawer and put the letter in it. Then, he walked to his wheelchair and sat on it without hesitation.

The scene turned to Hank. He had just gotten off the plane and within two steps he saw a group of people surrounding a newsboy, constantly insulting and condemning him.

"Shet! Your Weiss newspaper is against humanity! You actually dare to publish a newspaper about mutants. I have reason to suspect that your newspaper is a lackey of mutants and a traitor to humanity!" The man who spoke looked like a man. A typical American redneck with rough skin, wearing thick overalls and pocket leather jackets, with a bloated figure and messy hair.

As soon as he finished speaking, several people followed him.

"That's right, your newspaper must have ulterior motives. Tell me honestly whether the mutants asked you to do this."

"Brothers, don't talk nonsense to him. I know where the Weiss Daily is. Come with me."

"Kill those bastards! Humanity is supremacy!" American red-necks shouted, raising their arms and leading the crowd towards the direction of Weiss Daily.

After the crowd dispersed, Hank walked up to the newsboy and asked, "What happened? It sounds like it has something to do with mutants."

"Would you like a copy of Mutant Weekly? It records the identity information of two mutants, which is guaranteed to satisfy your curiosity about mutants." The newsboy curled his lips towards the people who were leaving. He was on commission, so to him Generally speaking, the greater the controversy, the better the newspaper sales. The number of newspapers sold this morning alone is equivalent to that of the past half month.

For the sake of dollars, he wouldn't argue with those idiots.

"Mutant Weekly?" Hank held up the frame on the bridge of his nose in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? There are newspapers that dare to call it this name."

"If you don't want to buy it, move aside. Don't delay me from making money." The commotion just now attracted a large number of curious onlookers. At this time, many people gave money to the newsboy, and the newsboy took out the paper with a smile. A good newspaper collects the money with one hand and delivers the goods with the other. "Don't worry, it is definitely worth the money. I can guarantee that you will not find another newspaper as exciting as this."

"Gift crab! It turns out that this guy wanted to use the Cuban crisis to provoke World War III. Fortunately, he was stopped by Magneto, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." The man who got the newspaper exclaimed and read it with relish. stand up.

Cuban crisis? Magneto? The familiar vocabulary aroused Hank's strong curiosity. He hurriedly squeezed into the crowd, waved the ten dollars he had just taken out, and shouted: "Give me one, just one."

When he was squeezed out of the crowd again, he already had an extra newspaper and some loose change on hand.

"It's crazy." Hank felt like he was not buying a newspaper at all, but grabbing a newspaper.

After grabbing the newspaper, he immediately tore off the seal and started browsing.

"It's outrageous, it's so detailed."

Hank looked shocked. It actually recorded the abilities and identity information of two mutants. What was incredible to him was that the two people in the newspaper were none other than Sebastian, the leader of the Hellfire Club. Shaw, and Magneto Eric Lensherr. (End of chapter)

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