Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 380 Making trouble! As expected!

In addition, the newspaper also wrote about mutants preventing the Cuban Missile Crisis.

You must know that regarding the Cuban crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union later explained that after careful consideration, they finally decided to compromise with each other to prevent the tragedies of World War I and World War II from happening again. There was no mention of mutants in their words.

But in fact, if there hadn't been the terrifying scene where Magneto raised his hand to control all the missiles, how would they have abandoned their past grievances and jointly pointed the finger at the mutants.

Of course, under the intentional cover-up by the United States and the Soviet Union, the truth of the matter had long been sealed into history and unknown to the public. It was not until the release of Mutant Weekly that the dusty corner of history was revealed to the public.

"Damn, Weiss Daily is in danger." Hank put away the newspaper and quickly asked others for the location of the newspaper. Although he didn't know if Weiss Daily had anything to do with mutants, based on the contents of the newspaper alone, the U.S. government would definitely He would not let it go. He had to find the newspaper president and explain the seriousness of the problem to him.

At the same time, a group of troublemakers had gathered outside the Weiss newspaper office. They shouted slogans and crowded the door.

"Humanity first! Get out of here, the mutant lackeys!"

"Fake Squid! Get out of here, you bastards!"

"Call your boss out, or I'll beat you up!" A tall white man, holding a wine bottle, shouted loudly, and at the same time raised his middle finger to the security guard at the door of the newspaper office, constantly provoking, " Trash! Scum!"

At this time, all the employees in the Weiss newspaper office were extremely nervous, fearing that those who were causing trouble outside would rush in and beat them up. "I know that mutants are untouchable. I really don't understand why the boss wants to open a new magazine. This is good, it has successfully aroused public outrage, and our newspaper office may be smashed."

"Keep your voice down. I heard that Mr. Camille also has a headache about publishing the mutant weekly. It's just that due to the big boss's request, he has no choice but to publish the new magazine."

Faced with the sudden commotion, the employees were not in the mood for work and began to whisper to each other.

"Mr. Jervis, more and more people are gathering outside. If we don't do something, I'm worried that the situation will get out of control, and the police are also coming towards us." Camille rushed into Xia Shang's office. , but saw Xia Shang drinking coffee leisurely.

"Oh God! Now that the fire is burning on your eyebrows, why do you still have the heart to drink coffee? Go out and take a look. Maybe after a while, the angry people will smash our newspaper office."

Camille said anxiously.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly again." Xia Shang took a sip of coffee and raised a calm smile.

He had long expected that someone would come to make trouble, and there must be the government behind it. For this reason, he specially prepared a generous gift, but he didn't know if those guys had a good appetite and could eat it.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" The Washington police officer in police uniform pushed aside the crowded crowd in front of him and shouted to the security guard at the door of the newspaper office: "Someone reported you for spreading illegal information and maliciously smearing the image of the U.S. government. Our Washington Police Department has already obtained some evidence and urges all of you to come forward and surrender."

The police are here? There was a sudden panic in the newspaper office.

At this moment, Hank rushed to the scene and happened to encounter the police armed with firearms, preparing to force their way into the newspaper office.

"It's still too late." Hank was a little unwilling, but decided that even if he was exposed, he had to rescue the person who wrote the newspaper.

Suddenly, a man in a black trench coat slowly descended from a high altitude to the door of the newspaper office. His face was expressionless, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone.

"Mutants, flying mutants." Despite the white man's shouting just now, when he saw the mutants with his own eyes, his steps moved back unconsciously.

"Stand there, don't move!"

The policemen looked at each other, immediately raised their guns, pointed at the man and yelled.

Under the watchful eyes of the troublemakers, the man finally spoke slowly: "Human beings... should all be wiped out, without exception."

After saying that, he raised his right hand and extended his index finger to wave forward slightly.

A strange scene happened next. The police officers present turned their guns and pulled the triggers on the people. For a while, shrill shouts continued to sound, and people fell into a pool of blood at any time.

"Devil! The devil has taken control of my body!" One of the policemen shouted, but the next second, he bent his arm and put the muzzle of the gun to his chin. With desperate eyes, a bloody bullet penetrated his head. Pass.

"Quiet." The man lowered his arms and said to the wailing crowd: "I know that Mystique is in the hands of your government, so I give you one week to hand over Mystique, otherwise I will be in the United States in a week Indiscriminate massacres are carried out in various places. Today is just a warning, not many people will die, but it may not happen next time."


Hank was so angry that he almost turned into a blue beast. If the man hadn't stopped in time, he would have definitely rushed forward to fight the opponent.

Everything the people of the motherland have done has been ruined by this guy in front of them. He is simply a replica of the Black Emperor, just as anti-human, just as unscrupulous, and just as inhumane!

"Even if I risk my life, I will stop you." A righteous and awe-inspiring voice suddenly sounded from the horizon. The people who survived raised their heads in unison and looked to the sky.

Under the dazzling sun, a man wearing a star-spangled flag was seen suspended in the air. For some reason, his appearance brought a strong sense of security to the people present.

"The patron saint of Washington, a native of the motherland?" Hank couldn't help but marvel at the appearance of a native of the motherland. In his opinion, this guy seemed to be born to be a hero.

"It's you."

The man who was originally expressionless frowned slightly after seeing the people from his motherland.

"You will pay for what you have done." The people of the motherland swooped down, like cannonballs, causing bursts of explosions in the air.

"You are not qualified to judge me."

The man controlled the gun again and fired a burst of fire at the flying people of the motherland.

The motherland man kept dodging the incoming bullets during the flight, and appeared in front of the man a few seconds later. Without giving the man any chance to breathe, there was a loud bang! With a perfect side kick, the man was kicked into the wall of the newspaper office.

Immediately afterwards, two red lasers shot out from the eyes of the motherland, instantly piercing the man's chest.

The man groaned and struggled to get up from the rubble. He covered the blackened wound and said in a solemn tone: "Remember, my name is Billy. One day, you will die in my hands." (End of Chapter) )

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