Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 381 Overthrow human tyranny! The world belongs to mutants!

"The premise is that you can escape from me alive. The people of the motherland have straight faces and serious expressions, as if they are surrounded by an aura called justice.

"So you are determined to be a lackey of mankind and a traitor among mutants."

Billy sneered, raised his hands, and slowly rose into the air. Then, two wavering flames suddenly burst out from his palms, and quickly condensed into two orange-red fireballs.

He lowered his head slightly, looked down at the people of the motherland on the ground, and said angrily: "You and I are both mutants, and you should know very well how miserable the mutants are now. They live like rats in the ditch, and they dare not Expose one's abilities in front of human beings and reveal one's appearance that is different from ordinary people.

Because once their true identities are known to outsiders, in addition to discrimination and exclusion, they will also be hunted down by the military, and captured by the government to be used as test subjects for live experiments. "

Billy's words made the motherland's expression slightly moved. He frowned and raised his head to look at him: "But violence cannot solve the problem. Blindly killing humans will only make the living environment of mutants more difficult.

Stop it, Billy. I believe that mutants and humans have always had a symbiotic relationship. The so-called heresy is just some politicians secretly manipulating public opinion, deliberately smearing, slandering and vilifying mutants in the minds of ordinary people. The image of mutants and the genes of mutants are hidden in everyone's body, like an imperceptible sprout that might take root and sprout in the next moment. "

"Well said!" Hank in the crowd couldn't help but cheer for the speech of the motherland.

But because his voice was too low, no one noticed him.

Wonderful! Hank could only use this word to describe what the motherland said. He was sure that the motherland and the professor definitely had the same idea, and even the other's idea was more perfect, especially the saying that the genes of mutants are hidden in everyone. Within an individual's body, it may take root and sprout at any time.

It is simply a golden sentence. If this sentence could be recognized and known by all humans, I am afraid that the malice suffered by mutants would be reduced a lot.

Even though Hank knew clearly that this statement was not accurate, because according to his research, although everyone carries the X gene, only a small proportion of people will mutate and become mutants.

Of course, he is not stupid enough to stand up and refute the views of the motherland at this time.

But Billy was different. He directly spoke sarcastically: "Don't confuse mutants with low-level creatures like humans. Even if they have mutant genes in their bodies, it doesn't matter. If they haven't been stimulated, they will always be ordinary people.

I once read a paper that compared the relationship between ordinary people and mutants to that of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. The emergence of Homo sapiens accelerated the extinction of Neanderthals. Nowadays, ordinary people Just like the Neanderthals, the emergence of us mutants is destined to eliminate them.

British scientist Darwin once said that natural selection means survival of the fittest.

So nothing I did was wrong, I was fighting for my race! "

Billy's voice was like a bell, deafening! If Magneto were here, he would probably cast a satisfied and excited look at him.

"Why do I feel that this guy is more extreme than Magneto? Fortunately, Magneto is not here, otherwise the consequences of these two guys getting mixed up would be unimaginable."

Regarding these highly inflammatory remarks, Hank only hopes that the people of the motherland will not be affected by them, otherwise, World War III provoked by mutants may really break out.

"Mutants live among humans and have the same emotions as humans. No one is nobler than the other. Moreover, God has given us this ability, not to kill the weak or bully the weak."

It was as if there was an invisible force, supporting the people of the motherland to slowly rise into the sky.

Then, the motherland man suspended opposite Billy looked at the man in front of him and said firmly: "Apologise to those who died and their families. They are innocent and should not be killed by you like this."

"Innocent?" Billy laughed wildly as if he had heard a big joke, "Hahaha, a group of guys who reject and hate mutants can actually be called innocent. You are really hypocritical. "

At the same time, the fireball in his hand broke away from his palm and kept spinning around his body.

"I want to see how many people you can save."

As Billy finished speaking, one fireball after another appeared out of thin air around his body. Soon the number of fireballs reached dozens. For a time, the surrounding temperature rose several degrees.

"Mutants in the United States and around the world, let us unite and use violent revolution to overthrow human rule and human tyranny! The world belongs to mutants!"

Billy was extremely excited, with unspeakable fanaticism on his face. The moment he threw out all the fireballs, he flew high into the sky.

Most of the mutants hiding in Washington heard Billy's call. Some of them stuck their heads out of the window, and some stopped and looked at the sky.

The figure in black robes flying at high speed was reflected in the center of each of their pupils.

"Damn it!"

The people of the motherland anxiously stood in front of everyone, spreading their arms towards the fireballs flying in the sky.

At this time, Xia Shang, who was standing in front of the window, was holding a cup of coffee and watching this scene silently. He saw the fireballs shooting out, as if they were isolated by an invisible barrier. They collapsed and disappeared one after another, while the people hiding in the motherland The people behind him were safe and sound.

"Have you written down what they just said?" Xia Shang asked calmly.

"I've written it all down. Do we want to print this in the newspaper?"

Compared to Xia Shang, who was extremely calm, Camille seemed less calm. Even now, his calves are still shaking.

"Why not print it? Such good material, it would be a waste not to use it." Returning to his seat, Xia Shang put down his coffee cup, took out a piece of manuscript paper from the drawer, and handed it to Camille.

"This is the content of the second issue of Mutant Weekly. Let the editorial department sort it out as soon as possible. As for the content of the following issues, let them edit it themselves, and write it around the motherland and Billy.

As for how to write, I shouldn’t need to teach you personally. "

"Mr. Jervis, do you mean to mold the people of the motherland into glorious heroic images?" Camille asked tentatively.

"Yes, we write what other newspapers dare not write. We do what other newspapers dare not do. Weiss Newspaper does not need to take into account external pressure. I will solve all the troubles."

Xia Shang closed the drawer with a loud and powerful voice!

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