Good guy, listening to the boss's tone, people who didn't know better thought it was the President of the United States speaking.

Hearing this, Camille's mouth twitched slightly, then lowered her voice and put her head to Xia Shang's ear.

"Mr. Jervis, there are some things that we really can't write anymore, especially those related to mutants. You see, Mutant Weekly has just been released, and there has been such a big commotion, and even a policeman died in our midst. At the door of the newspaper office, if the superiors investigate, our newspaper office may have to close tomorrow.

In my opinion, we might as well avoid the limelight first and wait until the situation calms down a bit before considering publishing a second issue of Mutant Weekly. "

"You want me to wait and see the government's attitude towards mutants before making any plans?" Xia Shang revealed Kamil's little thoughts with one sentence.

Kamil, who was seen through, was not embarrassed at all. He just smiled and continued: "I am doing this for the good of our newspaper. After all, my arm cannot twist the thigh. From my experience in the industry for many years, newspapers that generally oppose the government have no good The fate, of course, except for those big newspapers, such as the Washington Post, which refused to let go of Watergate.

If it didn't have the support of big financial groups and certain political parties behind it, even if it borrowed three courages, it wouldn't dare to bite President Nixon. But we are different. We have a shallow foundation and no big names behind us. We must be cautious. , otherwise if a wave hits us, it will be a disaster for our newspaper. "

There was a lot of bitterness in Kamil's voice. After all he said, he just wanted to keep the newspaper. Although the newspaper is now owned by Xia Shang, he still retains more than 40% of the shares on hand, making him a veritable third-party publisher. The second largest shareholder, and after some operations by Xia Shang, the shares in his hands have appreciated more than four or five times.

Putting aside the issue of interests, the predecessor of Weiss Daily was an industry that Kamil spent half his life working hard to create, so he naturally has a deep affection for it.

No matter what, Kamil didn't want to see Weiss newspaper go bankrupt under the pressure of the government.

"I told you that I will solve all the troubles. Do you really think I'm kidding?"

Now is not the time when he first went to Black Robe. At this time, Xia Shang has strength in terms of power, wealth, and strength in terms of social status. To put it bluntly, as long as he is willing, he can completely You can find a consortium to take it in as a dog.

However, Xia Shang weighed the pros and cons and felt that this was not necessary at all. In addition to the fact that the consortium involved too many people and it was difficult to tamper with everyone's memories, there was another thing he had to consider, that is, a person with psychic abilities like Professor X. , although they may not be able to restrain their superpowers, they can still find clues from them.

Once the news of tampering with other people's memories is leaked, it will inevitably cause panic among the top government officials of various countries. At that time, they will definitely mobilize the whole country to invest in the research and development of Sentinel. If the Sentinel is developed in advance, even if it is brought There is a prototype of Mystique's gene, which may also cause the timeline to collapse.

Of course, he can also attack those high-level government officials, but there is a variable in the middle, and that is Professor The tampered memory is restored.

Based on Professor X's performance in the plot, Xia Shang believes that he can do it.

It's not like Xia Shang never thought of killing Professor X in advance, but Professor X's ability is really tempting.

And he was worried that after Professor

In addition, controlling those high-level officials only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. After all, he cannot completely erase a person's memory. He can only modify or overwrite it. The original memory will not disappear unless he repeatedly uses his ability to continuously strengthen the person's memory. His tampered memory.

Just like Camille now, otherwise there is still a risk of recovery.

It can be understood that the duration of his ability is limited. Under the repeated erosion of the original memory, the tampered memory will only become weaker and weaker. This is not difficult to explain why Kate needs to repeatedly use super powers on the golden boy.

But unlike Kate, Xia Shang's superpower combines memory storm and cognitive invasion, which not only lasts longer, but is also stronger and will not cause problems such as insanity.

"Okay, go pour me two cups of coffee. I'll have some distinguished guests coming later." Xia Shang decided to proceed as planned. He would first change mankind's concept of mutants, then rescue Mystique, and finally force the government to abandon the Sentinel Project. , a set of combination punches can ensure that his timeline is foolproof.

"Dignified guest?"

There was a trace of confusion in Camille's eyes, but she still walked to the coffee machine obediently and poured the coffee beans into the grinder.

On the other side, outside the Weiss newspaper office, the people from the motherland stopped all the fireballs and walked towards an injured person on the ground: "Close your eyes, I will take you to the hospital now."

Immediately afterwards, he bent down, supported the injured person with both arms, and then flew into the sky with a hiss, and quickly turned into a black dot and disappeared.

"He is the real hero." Hank couldn't help but sigh after seeing this scene.

A few seconds later, the people of the motherland appeared again and repeated their previous actions. They breathed a sigh of relief until all the injured were transported away.

"Is there anyone else injured?" He walked into the crowd and asked with concern.

"There should more." The white man who had previously led the protest was now blushing, and he wanted to crawl into the ground in shame.

"Sorry, after all, I came too late, otherwise I might have been able to prevent this tragedy from happening." The motherland blamed herself.

Facing the sincere-looking people from the motherland, the white man opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't know what to say. He only felt a burning pain on his face.

"By the way, is that Weiss Newspaper, which publishes Mutant Weekly?"

The motherland man turned his head and asked.

"Yes, Mr. Motherland." Unknowingly, the white man's attitude towards the motherland became much more respectful.


Sensing the change in the attitude of the white people, the people of the motherland raised the corners of their mouths slightly the moment they turned around, and walked straight towards the newspaper office.

"Wait a minute." Hank in the crowd shouted loudly.

Seeing that the people of the motherland did not stop, he hurriedly chased after him, because he knew very well that if he missed this opportunity, it might not be so easy to see the people of the motherland again in the future.

When the motherland man walked through the door of the newspaper office and passed through the corridor, many employees looked at him through the glass with bewildered eyes. Some even grabbed the paper and pen on the table and rushed to the motherland man.

"Can you sign your autograph for me?" a male employee with freckles on his face asked, his voice trembling due to nervousness.

"Of course, no problem." The motherland man took away the paper and pen from the male employee's hands and showed a sunny smile. "Excuse me, which office is your boss? Can you take me there?"

"But... ok, please come with me."

The male employee excitedly took over the white paper with the signatures of the motherland, folded it carefully and put it in his pocket, then turned around to lead the way for the motherland.

Due to the acquisition of many newspapers and periodicals, the office location of Weiss Newspaper has also changed from the original first floor to the third floor, and Xia Shang's office is the innermost room on the third floor, turning right at the stairs.

"Mr. Jervis." The male employee stood in front of the door, raised his hand cautiously, and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in."

After getting permission, the motherland people held the door handle, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Wait, I haven't gone in yet." Like a loach, Hank slipped into the office through the crack of the door that was about to close.

The motherland glanced at him and didn't care. Instead, he smiled at Xia Shang and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jervis."

Xia Shang, who was sitting behind his desk, glanced over the two of them and nodded with a smile: "Please sit down. I just prepared coffee for you two. It is ground by hand and some milk and sugar are added to it."

Unexpectedly, Hank felt incredible after hearing this.

"You knew we were coming here?"

In the office, there was a sofa specially used for entertaining guests. As soon as Hank sat on it, he noticed that there were two cups of hot coffee placed on the coffee table in front of him.

"It's just a guess. It's just my luck that I guessed it right."

In fact, with the Weiss newspaper office as the center and spreading to the surrounding five kilometers, they are all within the range of Xia Shang's radio wave induction. In this regard, there is no difference between mutants and superhumans, and they all have brain waves that are different from ordinary people.

Because of this, he discovered Hank hiding in the crowd early.

"Believe it or not, you're probably a mutant too." Hank complained in his heart.

"I wonder what you two are doing here?"

Xia Shang took the initiative to ask.

"Ahem." Hank coughed lightly and said, "This should be the first official meeting between the two of me. First, let me introduce myself. I am Henry Philip McCoy. You can call me Hank." .

I used to be a scientific researcher for the CIA. I later quit my job and joined the X-Men founded by Professor Charles. I currently live in New York, USA. The purpose of coming here this time is actually to talk to Mr. Homelander about mutants. thing. "

"Professor Charles?" The native speaker pretended to be confused, saying that he had never heard of this name.

"Well, I don't know if you have read the first issue of Mutant Weekly. In fact, besides Magneto, there was another person who stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis."

While talking, Hank glanced at Xia Shang with his peripheral vision. If the newspaper was written by the other party, then the newspaper owner in front of him was probably like him. He had worked for the U.S. government and had a high position. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know what happened back then. The truth of the matter.

"Could this person be the Professor Charles you are talking about?" the native said, pretending to be curious, as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, it's Professor Charles."

Hank then gave a rough account of what happened at that time.

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