Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 383 Happy cooperation! Eliminate side effects!

"Although we successfully prevented the Cuban missile crisis, in the process, Eric's ideas were influenced by Shaw and believed that mutants could not coexist with humans. Therefore, on the beach of the Gulf, he incorporated Shaw's former subordinates, and pulled Mystique into his camp. This incident dealt a huge blow to the professor.

When this matter was brought up, Hank couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The two people with the closest relationship ended up becoming enemies because of their different ideas.

"Later, the fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union turned their guns and fired countless missiles at us, but Eric raised his hand to stop them all, and used his own ability to throw the missiles back. In order to To stop him, a female agent shot at him. Unexpectedly, a deflected bullet accidentally shot into Professor Charles' spine, causing his lower body to be completely paralyzed."

After talking for nearly ten minutes, Hank felt thirsty, picked up the coffee on the table, and drank half the cup in one breath.

"After the professor was injured, Eric left. We returned to New York, USA, where we created a private school specifically to accept mutants. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. In less than a semester, the Vietnam War broke out, and a large number of faculty, staff and students Being transferred to the battlefield, some died, some disappeared." Hank sighed, reaching out to hold his black-rimmed glasses that had slipped down.

"At this point, the professor was unable to recover. During this period, I used his blood to develop a drug that can treat his spine, but that drug will affect his DNA, which means that he can only change between walking and ability. Choose one, over the years, he has always chosen the former, but I can understand it, after all, he barely had a good night's sleep after he injured his spine."

At this time, Hank turned to look at the people of the motherland: "Actually, the main purpose of my coming here this time is to talk to you. Your appearance gave us a big surprise. Before this, I never thought , in this environment, mutants will come to help humans.

Nowadays, public opinion has completely gone out of control. Under the malicious guidance of some people, mutants have become the target of everyone's shouting and beating. The professor and I have been trying to solve this problem, but we have never been able to find a solution to the problem until you The emergence of the mutant hero made me understand that perhaps we need to introduce a mutant hero to gradually change mankind's view of mutants, so as to improve the living environment of mutants in human society. "

"I didn't help humanity just to become a hero." When Xia Shang manipulated the people of his motherland to say this, his expression and tone were almost 100% imitation of Superman.

"Understood, I completely understand."

Hank nodded quickly to express his understanding.

"You don't need to make any changes. Leave everything to us. We will tailor a plan for you so that your name can spread as quickly as possible."

"So? What are you going to do?" Xia Shang took over.


Hank was dumbfounded. His first thought was to win over the people from his motherland. As for the rest, he hadn't thought that much yet.

"Mr. Jervis, I need the newspaper in your hand, and I hope you can join us. If I guess correctly, you should also be one of the mutants.

In this case, you should be very clear about the current situation of mutants. Of course, from the fact that you published the Mutant Weekly, it can be seen that you and ours have the same philosophy, and we are all thinking about the future of mutants. In this way, then We can definitely unite and use the communication power of newspapers to spread the heroic image of our motherland to the entire United States and even the world. "

Hank's mind was racing, and he quickly came up with a perfect idea.

It's a pity that Xia Shang doesn't accept this trick. If he wants to kidnap him morally, it depends on whether he has morals.

Obviously, Xia Shang did not have it.

He smiled softly and said: "First of all, it is impossible for me to join you. Secondly, what can you come up with to cooperate with me. To put it bluntly, you have nothing now."

Hank was immediately speechless because he knew that Xia Shang was right.

"Unless you're willing to do me a small favor."

"What's the deal?" Hank asked quickly like a drowning man grasping at straws.

Xia Shang crossed his fingers and placed them on his desk, the smile on his face getting stronger.

The fish is hooked.

"Actually, in addition to being the owner of this newspaper, I am also the person in charge of a pharmaceutical company. I happen to have a drug on hand that has encountered a bottleneck in its research and development. If you are willing to help, then I can consider cooperating with you." Xia What Shang values ​​​​is not Hank's ability, but his brain.

This guy is definitely the most brilliant scientist in the mutant world.

According to Xia Shang's understanding of the original plot, Hank not only developed drugs to treat spinal paralysis, but also invented a serum that enhances the abilities of mutants. It is not difficult to see from this that Hank has deep knowledge in this area.

If he could join in the development of Provisional No. 5 Compound, he might be able to eliminate the side effects of Provisional No. 5 Compound.

In this way, the temporary compound No. 5, which has no side effects, can be used by him to mass-produce 'mutants'.

Anyway, ordinary people can't tell the difference between mutants and superhumans. After most people become "mutants", he doesn't believe that anyone dares to go against the general public opinion and go against the surging public opinion to develop research and development. Sentry robot.

As for whether the formula will be leaked by Hank, Xia Shang is not worried about this. Although Professor Replace with medicine used to treat colds.

Unless Professor

It's like folding a corner of a book in the study and stuffing it back on the shelf. Even if someone discovers it, there is a high probability that this detail will be ignored.

"Isn't it related to Grade D?" Hank frowned and hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's just a medicine that is purely used to treat colds. To be honest, this thing is more profitable than the D product. How about it? Have you considered it?"

To be on the safe side, Xia Shang Gui repeatedly revised Hank's memory until it was foolproof. After all, Charles is far less powerful now than he was when he was bald. Even if clues are found, it will be difficult to obtain the complete temporary compound No. 5 formula from Hank's memory. .

"As long as it has nothing to do with product D, I will definitely do my best to help you develop the drug."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Xia Shang stood up, walked from behind the desk to Hank, smiled and extended his right hand.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Hank held Xia Shang's hand firmly and nodded. (End of chapter)

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