Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 385 The target is very difficult, especially the people of the motherland!

After putting the money in his pocket, Michael looked up and saw the surveillance camera in the room. His mood suddenly sank and his face became extremely ugly.

"If you want to keep the newspaper, you'd better get more people involved, such as Washington Mayor Mavia and other high-level government officials."

Sometimes, a person changes so quickly, just as the saying goes, it is easy for a good person to become bad, but it is difficult for a bad person to become good.

Besides, Michael is not a truly good person. After all, a simple good person cannot climb to the position of police chief.

"I might as well tell you that before the police were dispatched, Mayor Mavia called me and asked me to close down your newspaper on suspicion of spreading illegal information." Michael said solemnly.

"Then if you go back empty-handed like this, wouldn't it mean that you have nothing to explain to your superiors?"

This is 1974, less than a year after Dr. Trask was killed. Today's public opinion environment is extremely bad for mutants. Even the topic of mutants has become a taboo. , so the issue of Weiss Newspaper publishing a mutant weekly is undoubtedly dancing in a minefield.

Xia Shang's words made Michael think for a moment, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Don't worry, I have my own excuse. At worst, the two mutants, Motherland and Billy, are behind your newspaper. The higher-ups will definitely have some scruples, so they won't dare to attack your newspaper easily."

As soon as Michael finished speaking, Xia Shang applauded.

"As expected of the chief of the Washington Police Department, there are many ways." Xia Shang said with a smile while applauding.

"You'd better think about how to drag them down. This is the long-term solution." Michael knew very well that the more complicated the people involved, the safer he would be.

Before leaving.

Michael added: "Also, I must remind you that Mutant Weekly can be published, but it must not speak for mutants. This is very important.

Since President Kennedy was killed, the new president's attitude towards mutants is well known. If he wants to attack your newspaper, no one can save your newspaper. "

When the office door was closed, Hank, who was hanging outside the window, rolled over hard and entered the room.

"I didn't expect you to have a relationship with the chief of the Washington Police Department. I have always heard that he is a decent man and never accepts bribes." Hank looked a little surprised.

"It turned out that the rumors were not credible."

Xia Shang immediately took Hank to Jervis Pharmaceutical Company.

In the aisle leading to the laboratory, many employees took the initiative to say hello after seeing Xia Shang.

"Good afternoon Mr. Jervis."

In response, Xia Shangdu smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Jervis, I didn't expect that you would own a newspaper and a pharmaceutical company at such a young age. What did you do before?" Hank looked at the company's layout while trying to dig out the details of Xia Shang. .

"Do you believe me when I say I was a security guard before?"

Xia Shang stopped, stood in front of the laboratory door, and began to enter the password.

"You really know how to joke." Hank said.

A large, generous and strong hand grasped the back of his neck.

"I'm not kidding. Next, you will put all your efforts into the research and development of the formula, and write to Charles to tell Charles that you have found a job here and everything is fine..." After that, Xia Shang Just let go of Hank's neck and lead him into the laboratory.

"From now on, he will be the leader of your R\u0026D team, codenamed V. You can ask him any work questions, and you must cooperate with him in all his work."

After explaining all the matters, Xia Shang turned around and left. After all, he had other things to deal with, such as visiting the mayor of Washington, Mr. Mavia.


The next day, the Billy incident was reported very quickly by major newspapers. Of course, the part about the people of the motherland was hidden.

In a military base thousands of miles away from Washington, Colonel Stryker received a notice from the Department of Defense, requiring him to immediately send mercenary troops to hunt down the motherland and Billy.

"Where did these two guys come from?"

Looking at the description of the motherland and Billy's abilities in the letter, Stryker couldn't help but feel a headache.

[A native of the motherland, currently known abilities are: flying, laser eyes, and suspected telekinesis (can make bullets hover in the air)]

[Billy, currently known abilities are: flying, metal manipulation, and releasing fireballs]

"Shet! They can actually fly." Stryker is more annoyed by these flying mutants, because these guys are usually very mobile, and it is not easy to catch them.

"How is the situation over there at Silver Fox?"

Stryker stuffed the letter into his pocket and asked the intelligence officers around him.

"According to Silver Fox herself, she has gained Logan's trust, and the current development of things is within our plan." the intelligence officer replied.

"Well, continue to monitor them both closely. Logan is an indispensable part of our Weapon X plan. Only with his physical fitness and recovery ability can he be able to withstand the injection of fine gold." With that, Stryker came. Go to the railing and look down.

Under the railing, there was an operating table similar to a swimming pool. Under the steel plate that made up the operating table, there was a blue liquid. At this time, a naked man was lying on the operating table, slowly sinking. , until the entire body was submerged in the blue liquid, several drill-like devices stretched out their mechanical arms, aimed at the location of the man's main bones, and then drilled in.

A buzzing sound accompanies the drill bit as it rotates.

The liquefied fine gold was slowly injected into the man's body.

"Gurgulu!!" The unimaginable pain caused the man to suddenly open his eyes wide and then twitch continuously.

"Remember to strap the breathing apparatus tighter next time."

Stryker watched impassively as oxygen leaked from the man's breathing apparatus.

"The vital signs of the test subject have disappeared." The researcher standing in front of the ECG monitor whispered.

"Extract the fine gold for me before it cools down completely." Stryker seemed to have become accustomed to the failure of the experiment. He glanced at the man lying in the pool, turned around and walked towards the room where Sabre-Tooth Tiger and others lived.

Soon, saber-toothed tiger Victor, Agent Zero David, Ghost John, as well as fellow mercenaries Wade and Meatball Fred, walked into the same conference room at Stryker's request.

"The target this time is very difficult, especially this guy called a native of the motherland."

Stryker took out the letter he had stuffed into his pocket and placed it on the conference table for Sabretooth and the others to browse.

"The patron saint of Washington? That's interesting." After reading the introduction to the people of his motherland in the letter, Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a cruel and ferocious smile. (End of chapter)

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