Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 386 Bastard Wade! The guinea pigs delivered to your door!

"Well, that's a really cool title. Give it to me sometime.

Wade chewed gum and shook his head.

Snapped! He suddenly snapped his fingers and said excitedly to everyone: "How about the Invincible God of War? It sounds much cooler than the Guardian God. It's better to add a prefix and call it the American Invincible God of War. After all, you can't be too proud, you have to be humble. .

Of course, if you want to replace the United States with the world, I have no problem with it, but that would make me appear immodest. "

"Oh Shet, I just discovered that my socks are on backwards. No wonder I always feel an inexplicable sense of shame today. By the way, you don't mind if I take off my shoes and adjust the direction of my socks."

As he spoke, Wade bent down suddenly, spit out his gum and stuck it under the conference table.

"Don't worry, I love cleanliness very much. I usually take a shower every day, so my socks won't have any smell." He pulled off his socks confidently and threw them on the conference table with his backhand.

"Wardfa! This is a miracle."

Wade looked at the socks standing on the table and shouted with an exaggerated expression.

"Sometimes I really want to kill you." The saber-toothed tiger's back molars crunched, wishing to tear Wade into pieces in front of him.

"Oh, what you said makes me so sad. What are we? We are family! Close comrades in arms, partners worthy of trusting each other's back. I didn't expect you to actually want to kill me." Wade pressed his hand. On his chest, he pretended to be distressed, and even blinked hard, trying to squeeze out a few tears.

"Captain! I can't bear it anymore!"

The saber-toothed tiger slapped the table and exploded! In an instant, the fingernails extended outward and became extremely sharp.

Stryker, who saw this scene, almost suffered from brain congestion due to Wade's anger. He swore that when the mission was over, he would definitely sew Wade's mouth shut and repeatedly brainwash him to train him into a completely innocent person. A self-aware killing machine.

"Compared with the toilets at the base, the smell of my socks is not only fragrant, but also fresh," Wade grinned, then turned the socks over and put them on his feet under the silent gaze of everyone.

"Back to business."

After putting on his shoes, Wade coughed twice. Just when everyone thought he was finally getting serious, Wade turned his collar over again. He looked down at the label on it and said, "Make sure this Is the thing on the front of the clothes? I seem to remember that it’s on the back. Could it be that I’m wearing the clothes inside out?”

"Shut up! If you dare to say another word, believe it or not, I will sew your mouth shut right now!" Stryker was so angry that he even wanted to shoot Wade's head off if he could. .

Facing his boss who was as angry as a lion, Wade raised his right hand with great experience, pinched his index finger and thumb together, and moved it across his mouth, as if closing a zipper.

Seeing this, Stryker took a deep breath to calm down.

"Okay, enough chatter, let's get to the point."

He faced everyone, knocked on the table, and then said in a deep voice: "This operation is divided into two groups. I decided to send all of you. The targets of the operation are the motherland and Billy. The former's residence is in the letter. It has already been written, so I shouldn’t need to repeat it a second time. No one knows the specific strength of the two of them before there is formal contact.

So don't underestimate the enemy, especially the guy called the motherland.

Next, let me tell you about your division of labor. On the side of the motherland, led by Zero, he is responsible for monitoring every move of the motherland and looking for the right time to strike. As for Victor and John, you are responsible for assisting Zero. Remember, It would be best if you can bring someone alive. If you can't, just kill him directly. The same goes for Billy. "

"Understood." Agent Zero nodded.

"Very good, the other team is led by Wade. You and Fred don't have to rush to do it yet. We don't know the whereabouts of Billy yet. We only know that he will definitely appear at the door of the Weiss newspaper office in a week. , because the CIA has decided to release Mystique there. At that time, people from the US Security Agency will send special forces to lurk near the newspaper office. You only need to be responsible for not letting Billy escape."

Stryker looked at Wade, who made an OK gesture with his hand.


That afternoon, a group of people took a special plane and arrived in Washington, USA.

"Wade, you've been staring at me all this time, what do you want to say?" Looking at Wade who was as if he was constipated, the saber-toothed tiger Victor finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"I have a hunch that you might die in this operation."

Wade said seriously.

"You said I'm going to die?" The saber-toothed tiger showed two small fangs, with a fierce light in its eyes.

"Pay attention to my words. I have always been very strict. What I said is possible. You may die." Wade didn't know how unappreciative his expression was at this moment. Not only the saber-toothed tiger, but even those on the side thought they were used to it. Wade's poisonous Agent Zero couldn't help but clenched his fists ready to move.

"Don't answer him. This guy is mentally ill for more than a day or two. Talking to him is just a waste of time." Agent Zero took out the key and walked towards a car with an X logo.

Half an hour later.

Agent Zero drove Victor and John to a house far away from the city.

From the outside, the house looks very ordinary. It is the kind of wooden house that was most common in the American suburbs in the 20th century. A family of five usually lives in a wooden house like this. It can barely be called a manor because there are large areas of abandoned farms around it.

"John, please drive away later. The car parked here is a bit conspicuous, and it is easy to alert others."

Agent Zero put on his equipment and climbed up a big tree neatly.

Then he took out his binoculars, looked at the wooden house in the distance and said: "The furniture inside is very old, it doesn't look like someone has lived in it."

"Are you sure we're not in the wrong place?" Sabretooth Tiger frowned.

"Wait a minute, I saw a figure flashing past the window. That should be the target of our operation, the people of the motherland." Agent Zero immediately put away the telescope and whispered to John on the ground: "Put the Give me the sniper rifle case."

John, carrying the box, appeared next to Agent Zero in an instant, but his appearance changed into a skeleton. When he handed the box to Agent Zero, he teleported back to where he was just now.

"Don't get close yet, wait until I take a sniper shot." Agent Zero skillfully assembled the sniper rifle, then used the magnifying glass to aim at the window of the wooden house.

"This target has the ability to fly. John, always pay attention to the direction in which he is escaping. Don't let him fly away after being injured."

"Don't worry, no matter how fast he flies, he can't fly as fast as me." (End of Chapter)

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