Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 387 I, Wade, am known as a moral role model!

John has full confidence in his speed. After all, his ability is teleportation. Unless the target can also move instantaneously, it is impossible to escape from him.

"Concentrate, John, I don't want to taste failure." Agent Zero leaned against the tree trunk in an extremely professional posture and set up his sniper rifle.

"Failed? Since joining the Weapon X program, I have never failed in an operation."

The saber-tooth tiger Victor stretched out his hands, and his nails grew longer and sharper at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, compared with Wolverine's bone claws, the length of Victor's nails was only a few centimeters.

"The moment you hear the gunfire, John, rush in with Victor, the faster the better." The sniper rifle weighing nearly five kilograms, in the hands of Agent Zero, is as if it is placed on the flat ground. Not the slightest tremor.

He is like a hunting cheetah, always waiting for his prey to reveal its flaws and then deliver a fatal blow.

"Come out." After waiting for about two minutes, Agent Zero finally saw the motherland appearing in the window. Without any hesitation, he directly pulled the trigger. As the gun body sank suddenly, a bronze bullet pierced the air. ejaculate.

boom! Agent Zero, who has the ability to absorb kinetic energy, immediately fires the second and third shots after firing the first shot.

It stands to reason that a sniper rifle cannot fire continuously, because the recoil caused by each shot will affect the accuracy of the gun body. However, for Agent Zero, the so-called recoil has no effect on him, so he can guarantee that he will shoot. Every bullet can be kept in a straight line.

"The military is so efficient. They sent me the guinea pig so quickly." Xia Shang looked at Agent Zero on the tree.

At this time, the first bullet was already hovering in the center of his brow, and he could even see the trajectory of the bullet's rotation and the airflow it caused.

"The speed is good. It should be enough to deal with ordinary mutants."

Xia Shang saw that the first bullet was followed by the second and the third, almost connected end to end.

"Want to make a sneak attack?" In an instant, he turned his head and looked to his side, only to see two figures suddenly appeared on the originally empty ground. To be precise, it should be a skeleton, and a figure rushing towards him. Here comes the strong man.

Poof! When Xia Shang turned his head, the three bullets changed their trajectories instantly and shot directly into the saber-toothed tiger.


John in the room watched in disbelief as a flower of blood sprouted from the saber-toothed tiger's chest. He felt his scalp numb and subconsciously used his powers to leave the room.

"Already here." Xia Shang was sure to win John's teleportation. How could he let him go? He was frozen in place with just one look, motionless.

"How is that possible?" Agent Zero's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw this scene through the magnifying glass. Could it be that the other party had predicted the imminent danger? Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the target would use his ability to intercept and control the bullet. Shoot at Victor.

"That's a bullet shot at supersonic speed!" Although Agent Zero was unwilling to do so, he still dropped his sniper rifle and jumped down from the tree.

For a guy like this who can control bullets, his existence is simply invincible. The marksmanship he is proud of has no effect at all in front of the opponent.


Agent Zero pulled out the two pistols from his waist and rushed straight towards Xia Shang, constantly pulling the triggers as he moved.

But what happened next was exactly as he expected. All the bullets were suspended next to the target, as if they had entered a weightless space and had no effect at all.

At the same time, Victor, who was shot through the chest by a gun, did not die, but continued to rush towards Xia Shang with a ferocious face.

"Who has better recovery ability, you or Logan?" Xia Shang said calmly in the face of Victor who rushed towards him.

"I will tell you when you die."

The saber-toothed tiger picked up its sharp claw and slashed across Xia Shang's chest. With a squeaking sound, Xia Shang's scratched part was unscathed and his skin was not even broken.

Just kidding, if you want to break through his skin, it would be more like a Wolverine fused with Adamantium alloy.

Even if his hardened nails were broken, they would not threaten him.

"How could it be?" Sabertooth Tiger felt as if his claws had struck an indestructible piece of metal. He had never encountered this situation when he was killing those mutants.

"I don't believe I can't kill you."

The saber-toothed tiger swung out his right hand and aimed directly at Xia Shang's eyes. When the distance between the two was only one centimeter, Xia Shang raised his hand and slashed forward. His arm turned into a sharp blade in an instant, cutting smoothly. The abdomen and chest of the saber-toothed tiger were opened.

For a moment, the saber-toothed tiger felt the pain, his eyes turned red, and he attacked instead of retreating.

"Sorry, you really can't do anything to me." Xia Shang flicked his arm, and his right arm that had turned into a blade instantly changed back to its original shape. He grabbed the saber-toothed tiger by the neck at an unimaginable speed, and then went underground Smashed down with a bang.

With a loud noise, the wooden floor was suddenly smashed to pieces. Countless wood chips were seen flying around, and the entire wooden house was shaken at the same time.

"mission failed."

Outside the wooden house, Agent Zero saw the Sabre-Toothed Tiger being tortured. He braked suddenly, stopped his sprint, turned around decisively, and ran towards the location of the car.

Fortunately, John didn't have time to drive away, otherwise he wouldn't even have the tools to escape.

"Keep them all, my experiment is short of materials." Xia Shang raised his hand and squeezed Agent Zero who had just gotten into the car, and the invisible power of his mind instantly dented the vehicle.

"Your sister Wade!"

Agent Zero, who was trapped in the car, remembered what Wade had said not long ago, and his teeth were itching with anger. It seemed that this guy not only had a poisonous tongue, but also had a crow's mouth!

On the other side, Wade, who was squatting on the curb and reading Porn Q magazine with great interest, suddenly sneezed.

"Why do I seem to hear someone saying bad things about me? Such people are really immoral. They secretly talk about me behind my back." Wade pinched his nose with disdain. Although there was no runny nose, he still blew his nose. Put your fingers on Fred's clothes and wipe them repeatedly.

"Who is the immoral person?"

Fred moved aside in disgust, then looked down at the burger in his hand and took a bite.

"I, Wade, am known as a moral role model, and everyone in the United States knows it."

"Then you're still a mercenary." Fred complained while chewing a burger.

"What's wrong with being a mercenary? After all, in the face of money, morality can be temporarily put aside. Otherwise, if I don't have money to eat, I, a moral model, will starve to death."

Wade is not ashamed of his flexible moral bottom line, but is proud of it.

"The burgers in Washington are really good. I have to buy some." If Wade could turn into a hamburger, Fred would definitely stuff the chattering burger in front of him into his mouth as quickly as possible. (End of chapter)

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