Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 388 Laboratory! Start analyzing!

Wade's life is peaceful, but Victor and others are in dire straits.


Bang! Victor was smashed into the floor without saying a word. A large amount of blood flowed out from under his body. Then, he endured the severe pain, picked up his left paw and stabbed Xia Shang's arm, trying to tear off a piece of flesh from it.

But it turned out that his sharp claws were not enough to tear Xia Shang's skin apart. The sharp claw tips grabbed Xia Shang's arm, making a sound similar to metal friction.

"Doesn't this guy have any shortcomings?!"

Seeing this, Victor was shocked in his heart. There were not a few mutants he came into contact with. Most of them had certain flaws, either due to weak physical defense or lack of speed. In short, this was the first time he had seen a guy like Xia Shang, who was equipped with both defense and speed, and was powerful in both long-range attacks and melee combat.

It’s simply a hexagonal warrior!

Seeing Victor lowering his arms, Xia Shang raised a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth, "What? Giving up so quickly?"

"Kill me if you dare." The saber-toothed tiger raised his head and said unruly.

"Strange, where do you get your confidence? Do you think I dare not kill you, or do you think I can't kill you because of your good self-healing ability?" Xia Shang suddenly exerted force with his five fingers and pinched the saber-toothed tiger's neck fiercely. Picked it up.

It can be seen that the bloody wounds on the saber-toothed tiger are healing at an astonishing speed. In just a few breaths, the originally bloody and bone-deep injury turned into a shallow scar.

"Do you know who sent me?" The saber-toothed tiger, whose face turned red due to lack of oxygen, stared into Xia Shang's eyes, and his breathing became heavier at this moment.

"I don't care. I don't care who sent you."

Xia Shang's eyes fell on Sabertooth Tiger's chest. Judging from his performance just now, this guy's self-healing ability is no worse than his. He is indeed Wolverine's half-brother, with such similar abilities.

He vaguely remembered that at its peak, Wolverine's regenerative ability could withstand even Phoenix's molecular tearing.

The saber-toothed tiger's regeneration ability, even if it is not as good as that of Wolverine, is not much worse, and it is fully worthy of analysis and fusion.

"General Stryker can make you stronger." Seeing that the opponent was unable to get enough fuel and salt, Sabertooth Tiger could only throw out Stryker. He did not believe that Xia Shang was really a saint and could resist the temptation to become stronger.

"You mean Adamantium?"

Xia Shang smiled.

Although Adamantium alloy can improve his strength in a short period of time, it is defeated by Magneto. If he fuses Adamantium alloy, it will be equivalent to adding a weakness to himself. It is even conceivable that Magneto will If one day he gets into a fight with Magneto, before he can take action, the skeleton made of Adamantium alloy inside his body will be pulled out by Magneto and exposed to the air.

"How do you know about fine gold?" The saber-toothed tiger was choked and breathless. His eyes were startled and he looked at Xia Shang in disbelief.

"A guinea pig doesn't need to know too much."

Xia Shang used memory storm and cognitive invasion, and then said: "You just need to have a good sleep now, no matter what happens, nothing can wake you up."

"You can actually attack psychically!"

What Xia Shang didn't expect was that the saber-toothed tiger did not fall asleep immediately. Instead, he opened his eyes wide and tried to use his willpower to resist Xia Shang's attack. His expression gradually became ferocious, and terrifying veins popped up on his lower jaw. , as if the next second, the restless blood will burst the blood vessels and spray out.

"The ability from the two-star world is really not very strong." Xia Shang used his super power to the extreme, so that his eyes gradually became bloodshot. Soon, with his eyes red, he let go of his right hand and let himself fall into coma. saber-toothed tiger fell to the floor.

"God, what just happened?"

At this time, John, who had the ability to teleport, happened to break away from his memories. When he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but marvel.

"You are the most troublesome one." Xia Shang suddenly appeared behind him, his tone low.


With this idea popping into his mind, John instinctively urged his superpower and prepared to leave.

"I advise you to stay still, otherwise I will crush your heart."

Just when John was about to leave, Xia Shang suddenly reached out his right hand, pierced his skin and broke his ribs! Then he held the soft and beating heart.

The sudden severe pain caused John's brain to shut down.

"Start parsing."

Xia Shang called up the panel and began to analyze the John in front of him.


After a few seconds, John's expression became extremely painful, and a large amount of sweat instantly covered his entire forehead.

"Don't worry, you won't die for the time being. I've avoided your vital points, so even if I hold your heart, you can survive for a while. How about it? Isn't the human body very wonderful?"

Xia Shang smiled and used his flesh and blood tentacles to connect John's broken blood vessels to prevent John from dying due to massive bleeding.

"Fake..." John's head hung down before he could finish his words.

Later, Xia Shang took a few people to the underground laboratory of Jervis Pharmaceutical Company. Since the laboratory had just been built not long ago, there were still some exposed steel bars. Its overall shape was a bit like an air-raid shelter during World War II. , the top is curved, and some of the walls on both sides are covered with steel plates several centimeters thick. Xia Shang spent nearly 6 million U.S. dollars just on the purchase of reinforced concrete and steel plates.

Fortunately, the effect is good. Whether it is sturdiness or tightness, it is not inferior to a bank's vault.

"Jervis, what you asked me to develop was not a cold medicine at all! You lied to me!" Hank, wearing a white coat, holding a bottle of light green medicine, walked up to Xia Shang and asked him to accuse him.

Since Hank's cognition had been modified by Xia Shang before this, even when he discovered during the research that he was not developing a cold medicine, but a drug that could give people special abilities, he did not stop. Instead, the temporary compound No. 5 was developed.

It wasn't until it was successfully developed that he realized something was wrong.

"Did you control my thinking through some means? Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to help you develop this thing."

Hank was a little emotional.

"Don't worry, I am also thinking about the future of mutants." Xia Shang calmly took the compound from Hank's hand, "Think about it, what is the root cause of the current situation of mutants?"

After hearing this, Hank could only suppress his anger and said in a deep voice: "Magneto and Mystique have intensified the conflict between humans and mutants."

"Wrong, Magneto and Mystique at best acted as catalysts." (End of Chapter)

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