"Don't worry, I know how to deal with them. Xia Shang mobilized his telepathy, lifted up the unconscious Agent Zero, and walked deeper into the base.

If he remembered correctly, this guy's ability seems to be to absorb kinetic energy. Although it sounds very bluffing, as if he is immune to physical attacks, but judging from the performance in actual combat, it is extremely weak, and it is nothing compared to the energy absorption of the Black Emperor. There's no comparison.

It's a pity that the Black Emperor died too early, otherwise Xia Shang would have to absorb the energy anyway.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. Unless I can travel to the past, this ability is basically out of my reach." Xia Shang did not feel regretful. After all, there are many powerful abilities in the mutant world, such as Professor X and Wan Magneto, in addition to them, there are also Cyclops, Phantom Cat and others. What's more, if you can't get it now, it doesn't mean you won't get it in the future.

"Professor , Cyclops is probably still a student, and his abilities may not have been awakened yet. I guess Phantom Cat is similar to Cyclops, but she should have awakened her abilities.”

Xia Shang silently calculated in his mind, but found that the timeline he was in was a bit awkward, like Qin, who had the power of the Phoenix, and was not even born yet.

But Quicksilver can be the next target.

In addition, he had to send people to search for the ruins of Apocalypse and try to awaken Apocalypse in advance.

"People of the motherland, if you have anything to say, please tell me. Maybe we can cooperate." At this time, Agent Zero woke up from a coma. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself suspended in mid-air.

"Shut up." Xia Shang immediately sealed Agent Zero's mouth with his telekinesis, preventing him from making any sound.

Then he uses parsing again.

Although he satisfied the fusion conditions after absorbing John's blood, he did not choose to fuse, so he could still use the panel's analysis ability.

About half an hour later, Agent Zero's ability introduction appeared in front of Xia Shang.

[Talent Skill: Kinetic Energy Absorption]

[Fusion condition: Kill the owner of this ability]

[After fusion, the player can absorb kinetic energy within a certain range centered on himself without causing harm to the player. At the same time, the player can convert the absorbed kinetic energy into a special acidic enzyme and extract it from the finger. Secreted from the tip, this acidic enzyme can inhibit the opponent's regeneration ability...]

After reading the ability introduction, Xia Shang frowned slightly. This guy's ability is actually pretty good, but it doesn't have the ability to grow. In other words, even if he integrates this ability, the kinetic energy he can absorb is the same as Agent Zero, which is extremely limited. At most, he can jump from a height of several meters without being hurt, but he can still be unscathed even if he doesn't have this ability.

"Tired." Xia Shang commented.

Although the acidic enzyme converted from kinetic energy can inhibit the regeneration ability, the effect is also mediocre and is dispensable.

"There is no need for fusion."

Xia Shang manipulated the Temporary No. 5 Compound floating beside him and shot at Agent Zero's right arm. To be honest, he was more looking forward to what changes would happen to the mutants after being injected with the Temporary No. 5 Compound. new capabilities.

However, the experimental results disappointed him.

Although Agent Zero's reaction was intense, no new abilities appeared on the panel.

"It seems that the temporary No. 5 compound cannot affect mutants." Xia Shang, who was a little disappointed, stretched out his right hand to Agent Zero, then shook it suddenly, and with a bang, Agent Zero was like an exploding balloon. It exploded with a bang and turned into a pile of minced meat.

"Someone has to clean this place up later."

With that said, Xia Shang walked out of the laboratory and prepared to go to the Weiss newspaper office.


"You still can't contact Victor and the others?" The rock wall next to the waterfall is where Stryker is hiding, the military's research base for mutants.

"We can't contact them. They seemed to have disappeared from the world and cut off all contact with the base. I suspect that something unexpected happened to them." The liaison officer on the side shook his head while holding a landline phone.

"Shet! Tell Wade and Fred to come back and tell them that the plan has changed."

Stryker said angrily that he had probably guessed what happened. The disappearance of Victor and others must have something to do with the people of the motherland. Obviously, Victor and others were either killed by the people of the motherland or were killed by the people of the motherland. He was arrested. In short, he suffered heavy losses this time.

"Could it be that the strength of the people of the motherland is far greater than that of Victor and the others, but even so, with John here, they will not be completely wiped out." Stryker, who looked surprised and uncertain, still couldn't understand that he had the ability to teleport. Why did John lose contact? It stands to reason that even if they can't defeat the people of the motherland, escaping shouldn't be a problem.

After thinking for a moment, Stryker still had no clue. He turned his head and said to the liaison officer beside him: "Send someone to investigate. First, we must determine whether Victor and the others are still alive."

"Yes, Captain."

On the other side, in a cheap restaurant in Washington, Fred was devouring steak.

"God, please make me rich. If that doesn't work, you can cure my cancer." At this time, Wade looked at the lottery tickets on the table piously, ignoring the strange looks of others, and prayed loudly.

"Stop trying, it's impossible to succeed." Fred looked at Wade, who had rushed into the lottery shop to buy lottery tickets as soon as he heard that Victor and others were in trouble, and was speechless.

"It's hard to say. I feel like my mouth has been blessed by God and is very effective. Also, if you continue to eat like this, sooner or later you will turn into a 300 to 400 kilogram meat ball." Wade said as he carefully put the lottery ticket. Into pocket.

"Impossible. I exercise every day, okay? Look at my thick arms."

Fred, who was chewing his steak and slurring his words, rolled up his sleeves and arched his biceps.

"By the way, Stryker asked us to go back quickly. Have you bought your ticket?" Seeing that Wade was not paying attention to him, Fred lowered his arm boredly.

"No money."

Wade lay on the glass and whistled at the passing beauties.

"No money?" Fred was dumbfounded. He remembered that before coming, Stryker had allocated a large amount of funds for activities, at least ten or twenty thousand.

"There's no way he was eaten by me."

"How much money can you spend on the junk food you eat? I spent all the money on lottery tickets." Wade said confidently, with no trace of apology or guilt visible on his face.


The sudden sound echoed throughout the restaurant! (End of chapter)

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