Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 391 Wolverine! Weapon X activated!


A week later, Weiss Newspapers.

"After all, I still managed to frighten the snake." Xia Shang looked at the newspaper in his hand and said expressionlessly.

It is estimated that the government just wants to use Mystique as bait to lure Billy to appear, and then ask Stryker to send Victor and others to arrest them. Once the plan is successful, it will not only suppress the arrogance of mutants, but also Let the people understand that only the government can protect them and greatly enhance their prestige.

Unfortunately, before the plan even started, it was aborted due to the disappearance of Victor and others. Without full confidence, the government naturally did not dare to release Mystique. After all, Mystique is the key to the success of the Sentinel Project. location.

"You really don't take Billy's threat seriously. In that case, don't blame me for coming to ask for someone." Xia Shang knew very well that the U.S. government didn't care. The so-called indiscriminate killings in Billy's mouth meant ordinary deaths. The more people there are, the more panic it will arouse among the American people. In the end, public opinion will intensify. It can even be said that the U.S. government is eager for Billy to do this.

"Mystique's matter cannot be delayed any longer. She must be rescued as soon as possible."


At some point, a man wearing a black robe and without a smile appeared behind Xia Shang.

"Two days later, the White House will hold a press conference. It's just the right time for you to go. Reporters from all over the world are probably here." Xia Shang picked up another newspaper on the table. The front page news on it was [Judiciary Committee publicly stated , it has been confirmed that the Watergate scandal is related to someone].

"Help him attract a wave of firepower. He should thank me." The company will take mutants under its wing. When the time comes, it will be much easier for him to analyze mutants, without having to look for traces of mutants everywhere like Stryker did.

at the same time.

In a lumberyard in Canada, Logan was moving wood when he heard the sound of a car engine coming from behind. Holding a cigar in his mouth, he seemed to have a premonition of something, and his brows frowned more and more.

"They seem to be here for you," said a logger wearing an orange hard hat.

"Smells like someone from the government." Logan took off his cigar, picked up the ax beside him, turned and walked towards Stryker.

"I'm sorry to bother you so soon. In fact, I thought I would come back to you in a few years."

Stryker was wearing a black coat and holding a wooden box in his hand. He walked slowly to Logan, looked at it carefully and said: "You are still the same, you like to smoke cheap cigars, take this, this is mine The gift I specially prepared for you when I came here this time is a cigar from Cuba. It was given to me by a general during the Vietnam War. I have been reluctant to smoke it for all these years."

Looking at the cigar box handed over by the other party, Logan's expression remained unchanged and he refused: "No reward for no reward, not to mention that I am used to smoking cheap cigars, but I am not used to smoking expensive cigars."

"Well, I can only enjoy it by myself." Stryker was not angry at all, and casually handed the wooden box to Wade beside him, "I came here this time to give you a job."

"Not interested." Logan, who was tired of the war, now only wanted to live an ordinary life, so he decisively rejected the olive branch offered by Stryker.

"If you have nothing else, please come back. I still have to work."

Just when Logan turned around, Stryker stopped him: "Logan, I know we were not happy because of some things. I deeply apologize for this. In addition, I also have a I have news for you.”

Hearing this, Logan stopped, turned his head slightly, and said calmly: "What news."

"Victor is dead." Stryker's words were like thunder, exploding in Logan's ears.

The sudden bad news was simply difficult for Logan to accept.

"Impossible. His ability is no worse than mine. Who can kill him?"

Stryker glanced at Wade and said, "Tell him everything that happened. I am also responsible for Victor's death."

At this time, Wade took out the newspaper he had prepared in advance and handed it to Logan, "We were ordered by our superiors to go to Washington to investigate a mutant named Homelander. This guy pretended to be a hero and frequently fought against crimes, but behind his back he was... He was a mutant killer who killed many mutants."

"Among them, Magneto's men, the White Queen, the Red Devil, and Dragonfly were all killed by him." Speaking of this, Wade felt a little guilty, because the deaths of these guys were all related to Dr. Truss' plan. , he also participated in the hunt for the Red Devil, but he did not contribute.

"Exactly how did Victor die?" Logan looked at the people of the motherland who appeared in the newspaper, exuding terrifying murderous intent, like a wolf king ready to choose people to devour, with blood-devouring blood oozing from the center of his pupils. Guang, he and Victor were half-brothers. They had a very good relationship when they were young, and later they went through World War I and World War II together.

Although they later parted ways due to different ideas, Victor occupies a very important place in Logan's heart.

"When we arrived in Washington, we were divided into two groups. Fred and I were responsible for tracking a mutant named Billy, while Victor, John and Agent Zero were responsible for monitoring every move of the people of the motherland. Just a week ago , we received information that all three of Victor and the others had lost contact, and their lives and deaths were unknown. Then the captain used his connections to search for their whereabouts, but the final result was that Victor and the three of them should be dead."

As Wade spoke, he exchanged glances with Stryker.

Then, Stryker took a step forward and said in a serious tone: "People cannot be resurrected, so don't be too sad. We need you now, and the country needs you to stand up and eradicate this dangerous element."

Logan held the newspaper and said nothing. Instead, he walked to his car, opened the door without saying a word, and got in.


As soon as you step on the accelerator, the engine roars! At this moment, Stryker quickly came to the car window, bent down slightly, and said to Logan in the car: "I will come again tomorrow. If you are not willing to avenge him, I will not force you, but if If you are willing to avenge him, I have a way to make you stronger."

Logan still didn't speak, pursed his lips, and drove the car toward the wilderness.

Soon, it turned into a black dot and disappeared from Stryker's sight.

"Captain, his attitude doesn't look like he's going to agree." Wade looked at the leaving vehicles.

"He is concerned, but everything is under my control. Let's go."

Stryker's expression became indifferent. He turned to look at Wade and said in a cold voice: "The cancer cells in your body have begun to break out and you must receive treatment. Before you joined the mercenaries, I promised you to help you. Curing cancer can start now." (End of chapter)

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