Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 392 Deadpool is about to be born! Get ready for Washington!

"Understood." Wade followed Stryker into the car, but he didn't see Stryker sitting in the driver's seat, his eyes suddenly became particularly cold.

On the other side, Logan, who was holding the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator. The car was like an arrow flying through the wilderness. The trees on both sides of the car window were reversing crazily. He seemed to want to use this method to save the car. The anger in my heart was vented.

But as memories of Victor continued to resurface, Logan's expression became increasingly sad. In 1845, the frail and sickly man escaped from the manor with his brother Victor. At that time, he was only six or seven years old. If it weren't for Victor, Kurt took care of him all the way, and I'm afraid he would have starved to death.

After that, the two went through countless battles together such as the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. It can be said that the time he spent with Victor lasted for a hundred years. Although in the end, because he did not want to be a ruthless killing machine, he He chose to leave the mercenary team, but Victor always occupied an important position in his heart.

"Motherland!" Logan's eyes turned red and he began to roar in a low voice. In an instant, six bone claws suddenly emerged from his fingers, three of which pierced the newspaper!

"Just wait for me, I will definitely kill you!"

Unknowingly, he drove to the entrance of a primary school and looked through the car window at Kayla who was playing with the children. Looking at the smiling woman, his eyes flashed with a hint of softness.

At this time, Kayla also noticed Logan in the car. She tucked the scattered hair behind her ears and walked to Logan's car window with a smile.

"Why do you look unhappy?"

"Is it obvious?" Logan raised his lips and forced a smile.

"What happened to you?"

Keira was concerned.

"Do you have time now? I'll take you for a ride."

"Wait a minute." Kayla turned and walked towards the school, then found a female teacher and whispered something to her.

Then, she made an OK gesture to Logan.

After she got into the passenger seat, Logan turned the key and took her on the road in the Rocky Mountains.

"Just now, Stryker found me and told me something."

Logan's hands were firmly holding the steering wheel. Kayla, who was sitting in the passenger seat, could see that Logan's mood was not as calm as it seemed.

"He wants you to rejoin the team?" Kayla noticed a pierced newspaper next to her. She picked up the newspaper and unfolded it and said.

"You are still so smart...I did not refuse or agree."

"Why?" Keira asked.

"Victor is dead. He was killed by a mutant named Homelander. He is now in Washington, USA." Logan's voice was a little hoarse.

"So you want to avenge him."

Kate seemed to know something. She looked at the newspaper in her hand, and felt ripples of reluctance in her heart.

But at the same time, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't have to pretend to be killed and deceive Logan's feelings.

"He is very strong. I don't know if he can come back this time."

Logan and Kayla fell into silence together, and just like that, a black car kept hovering on the road in the Rocky Mountains until the sun set, and the bright moonlight shined through the car window on their faces.

"Sometimes, regret is inevitable." Keira leaned against the car window and looked at the moon in the sky.

"Do you know why the moon is so lonely?"

"It must be a sad story."

Logan slowly closed his eyes as if he had a premonition of something.

"Legend has it that she once had a boyfriend named Cricklaz. They lived in the world of gods and wandered and walked in the sky together every night. However, this aroused the jealousy of another god. He wanted to take Cricklaz from him. He snatched the Moon Goddess from his hands, so he deceived Cricklaz, saying that the Moon Goddess wanted flowers, and encouraged Cricklaz to come to our world to pick wild roses."

Kayla stood up and sat on Logan's lap, saying slowly.

Logan, who noticed Keira's movements, still did not open his eyes, but asked: "Why wild rose."

"Because roses represent love and mean 'loyal love till death', Crickraz, who wanted to express his feelings to the goddess, believed what the gods said and came to our world privately to look for wild roses, but he didn't know Unfortunately, once he descends to earth, he can never return to the world of gods, so he looks up at the stars every day in an attempt to return to the world of gods. However, the door to the world of gods has never been opened to him. All he sees is only one star. The lonely moon, hanging in the starry sky, cried his name with tears.

By the way, Kricklaz also has a name..."

Keira gently touched Logan's face and whispered, "Wolverine."

Logan only felt that his lips touched a warm and soft object. At this time, he suddenly opened his eyes and kissed Kayla closely.

"Let's break up." Kate raised her head and held Logan's face. She understood that Stryker no longer needed her to deceive Logan. Perhaps this ending was the best for Logan.

"I don't understand, and I don't understand what you mean."

Logan didn't want to give up on Kayla, so he forcefully kissed Kayla's lips again.


"How could it be such a coincidence!" The next day, on the helicopter to the military base, Logan's expression was a little gloomy. Just this morning, Kate received a notice asking her to work as a teacher in a middle school in Washington. Foreshadowing, Kate boarded a plane to Washington early in the morning.

It's as if someone is controlling everything behind the scenes.

"Kate was sent to Washington just after Stryker showed up. Is it a coincidence... or someone did it on purpose."

The helicopter flew into the hole in the rock wall and slowly landed on the apron. Logan jumped off the plane, still thinking about this problem.

He was greeted by Fred. As soon as the two met, Logan frowned and asked, "Why not Wade? Also, are you the only ones left in the team?"

"Victor and the others are dead. Not long after you left, Brady also applied to leave the team. I originally planned to work for another year and then leave the team, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen." Brady in Fred's mouth , is a mutant who can freely control electricity. He was once a team member of Logan. He also chose to leave the mercenary team because he was dissatisfied with the life of killing.

"Brady made a wise choice."

Later, Fred took Logan to see Stryker in the conference room.

"Are you ready? Next, you will endure unimaginable pain. At the same time, I assure you that the power you gain is enough to avenge you."

"If you dare lie to me, I will rip your head off right away and throw it in the trash."

"I promise you my son's life." Stryker turned his head and asked the doctor on the side to take Logan away: "Take him for a checkup to make sure that the experiments later will be flawless."


After the doctor took Logan away, Stricker opened the chair and sat on it.

"How are Wade's preparations going?"

"The time is too short to brainwash him according to the previous plan. We can only inject Logan's serum into his body to give him super self-healing ability." A female doctor said.

Stryker shook his head, "He is a candidate for Weapon X. Logan's self-healing alone is far from enough. Give him teleportation as well."

At this time, Cyclops' ability has not yet awakened, so he is still an ordinary student, so Stryker did not notice him. Otherwise, in the original plot, the transformed Deadpool would have Wolverine's self-healing capabilities, and a certain mutant would Teleportation and radiating eye lasers. (End of chapter)

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